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Barcelona Apt. #2 - General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos (Sept. 2016) #1


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18 minutes ago, dana3 said:

In my opinion, he must be 'someone' with power or money because these girls, as beautiful as they are, could not have set their standards this low?! They could do SOOOOOO much better.  I don't get it?  Oh well....guess we just have to laugh!

I'm with you except for the last sentence. I'm still way too angry to laugh. :angry:

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Just now, euromike69 said:

I wanna kick him in his left testicle,,,,,but then again,,he seems like the type of guy that would enjoy that shit!!

Hahaha fair enough. I still think there is a half decent chance he's gay. It looked like he went for the reach there at the end but we can't be certain. Could be he was just high and touchy feely like the rest of them and just wanted to cuddle LOL. I can't relate but it would certainly explain there complete level of comfort around the guy. Touching them, watching them give massages. He never really made a move all night until the end, maybe, but he sure gave up easy if he did. 

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1 minute ago, mikeusa said:

when i was at a party with a group of friends you would have to found same place to sleep like the floor the guest room or the sofa not crawl in bed with three women

If you guys were watching him,,,he kept on staring at Stella and Anna in the Bedroom,,,and he kept on walking in and out,,and then decided to take his clothes off ad jump in the bed,,,he could have slept on the couch,,,but for some reason these women didn't kick him out.

RLC,,,I'm gonna talk shit about this apt until he leaves,,,I will never advertise shit for this apt until he gets the fuck out,,,I'm gonna be like Some people and say don't subscribe until he's gone.

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i would guess maybe lola met this hairy beast online or at a club bar and maybe he has money buy her drinks and maybe they just keepoing him around for free stuff cuz it's pretty obvious nobody is attracted him wants him guy was such a cock block if he wasn't there maybe the girls get it on

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