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Barcelona Apt. #2 - General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos (Oct. 2016) #1


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Just now, seb38240 said:

becca is waiting for lola lol i am really curious to see what will happen tonight if beccy try to kiss lola on the morning 

Me too Zeb -- It will be very intteresting.

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My take on Caro's sexuality is that she may well have performed with other girls - not going to mention potential contexts but let's assume at least in topless photoshoots (I believe a lot more, personally) - which maybe she's done with Anna and Jasmin. She may have lesbian tendencies but I think she is at most bi leaning towards hetero. 

I suspect Belle is the same but Rebecca is probably hetero who sometimes has to appear bi for her job.

Lola I would say bi but leaning towards women.

So I do not believe what we have seen from this on 3some night was entirely new for any of them. Maybe Megan but you should have seen the smile on her face as she talked about it afterwards. The only regrets are due to nwhat society tells others to think and without that Megan would be here and eager to participate ... Rebecca I am not so sure about at all, the BF thing maybe an excuse.

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5 minutes ago, cacjc said:

Did you not see Jasmin play with Carolina tits. Carolina lifted her shirt and Jasmin was filling them good & did you not see Carolina put her hand on top of Jasmin pussy & keep it there for 30 min 

I didn't see that part but i still find it hard to believe

If they are more than friends they will show their true colour's sooner or later so we will find out

Well hear some thing else Carolina was letting Jasmiin full her tits but after Jasmin left later on that night also Lola was trying to fill Carolina tits and Carolina  got up  and started doing thing around the apt. You are right time will till there true colors

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Every thing i hear from you guy's is guessing and speculation

Everyone said Rebecca left because of the shame and her boyfriend,if that's the case why did her b/f let her come back

Unless i hear it from Kitek or Yuri i don't believe it

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If, indeed, as you say, Come to think about it, I have witnessed Lola pills taken by mouth and vaginally (do not know exactly what medication),

Caroline, looks like a pharmacy (in funny plan), taking medication and even you he gave Lola a (told catches of those and said amount (lifted as 9 or 7, which cut the blister),

Rebeca, a minute ago, she has seen her take one with a little water. the medication has it over the table below the chamber 7 does not see it.

And I think I've also seen Belle, but right now I'm not sure.

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3 minutes ago, cacjc said:

Every thing i hear from you guy's is guessing and speculation

Everyone said Rebecca left because of the shame and her boyfriend,if that's the case why did her b/f let her come back

Unless i hear it from Kitek or Yuri i don't believe it

Kitek did say this about Rebecca

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2 minutes ago, cacjc said:

Every thing i hear from you guy's is guessing and speculation

Everyone said Rebecca left because of the shame and her boyfriend,if that's the case why did her b/f let her come back

Unless i hear it from Kitek or Yuri i don't believe it

Simple, she promised not to perform lesbian acts again or she agreed limits with him. RLC pays well - he couldn't have too much difficulty in the first place but yes of course its speculation. It be pretty dull world if we just spouted facts ane everyone nodded their heads. It's all a game.

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