Aubrey Posted May 29, 2014 Posted May 29, 2014 Hooray! She may be hot but by shite they are two boring people.
jean1640 Posted May 29, 2014 Posted May 29, 2014 oui cette fois ci j'ai bien l'impression que c'est fini,terminé pour moi les autres couple n'ont aucun interet
Buster Posted May 29, 2014 Posted May 29, 2014 My only concern is if they leave, will they have someone to replace them. They still haven't found anyone to replace Lora/Max. I too am glad they're leaving, but having a boring couple is better than having no couple at all.
Aubrey Posted May 29, 2014 Posted May 29, 2014 My only concern is if they leave, will they have someone to replace them. They still haven't found anyone to replace Lora/Max. I too am glad they're leaving, but having a boring couple is better than having no couple at all. True dat.
darkman Posted May 29, 2014 Posted May 29, 2014 podria ser cambio de apartamento ? recordemos como ha mejorado alina /anton despues del cambio , mejores camaras en duchas y dormitorios y vistas de frente , QUIZAs al de alma y stefan
Skoobz Posted May 29, 2014 Posted May 29, 2014 Bittersweet... I will miss them, but its time for them to have their privacy back. And with any chance, Nora reads this; you should start a youtube channel. Make some vlogs on whatever and have Kiko be your camera man. goodbye ole friends
bolts91 Posted May 29, 2014 Posted May 29, 2014 I don't think they're leaving. Today is May 29th, which means they'd have two days left to move out. Most people would have nearly everything gone or at least packed in boxes except the necessities if they were leaving. Look at the living room. All of those movies/CDs on top of the TV stand are still there, all of the dishes in the kitchen are still out, the decorations on the fridge and so on. I mean, I guess it's not unheard of for people to pack everything in 1 day and leave, but I think it's pretty rare... at least where I'm from.
darkman Posted May 29, 2014 Posted May 29, 2014 por que tienen que irse a fin de mes , no encuentro la razon , se pueden ir el dia 4 por ejem , yo tengo domiciliados mis pagos bancarios en funcion del dia que cobro , no tiene por que ser el dia 1 , esto no es administracion publica .....
Skoobz Posted May 29, 2014 Posted May 29, 2014 Could be they are just decluttering? I always got the idea too that when the stuff on the TV shelf started to get packed then thats the final straw... but with how much they have been away from the cameras as of the last months, and being even more recluse at home, just feels like something is different. They could have been working more to prepare for the move and being at work around others, being more stable they just said what most on here have been saying, that its time. Makes you wonder how nervous RLC is about it. If they tried to sweeten their deal, were they caught off guard. idk, but for a long time they were the main draw. They offered a reason to stick around for cams that you dont find with the others.
Foamy T. Squirrel Posted May 29, 2014 Posted May 29, 2014 They are either Spring cleaning, or they are being relocated to The Villiage to visit #6, Snowden, and Agent Dog. We'll know next week.
StnCld316 Posted May 30, 2014 Posted May 30, 2014 (The Images associated with this comment are no longer accessible and have been removed). Looks like they are packing to me.
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