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Barcelona Apt. #2 - General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos (Nov. 2016) #2

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2 minutes ago, vlkvlk111 said:

Ellos están en el balcón, que tiene una orgía de tres vías con Dima (que ha sido encadenado a la terraza con su equipo de la criada desde la gran noche)

.... O tal vez de fumar, no estoy seguro de que es más probable.

Broma aparte, una camara en el balcón (es) será fresco, aunque preferiría una cobertura adicional de cámara de la sala existente (necesitamos un ángulo diferente en el dormitorio principal, y más ángulos en dormitorios ambos B1 y B2 en mi humilde opinión).



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1 minute ago, vlkvlk111 said:

They are on the balcony, having a three way orgy with Dima (who has been chained to the balcony with his maid outfit since the big night)

.... or smoking maybe, not sure which is more likely.

Joke aside, a camara on the balcony(ies) will be cool, though I would prefer additional camera coverage of the existing room (we need a different angle on the master bedroom, and more angles in both B1 and B2 bedrooms imho).


LOL The old days of the hyperbole - but after Caro and Lola I do wonder just how much did go on on that balcony in the Party days.

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