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This couple can almost rival Nora/Kiko for the most boring couple they've ever had. All day on the couch today and yesterday and not so much as a single ounce of affection towards one another...

Perhaps I have misread your statement.  (I try to inhibit my squirrelly wrath, especially to my CC friends).

Let me just explain the horrible fate of us Nora lovers.

1) Katya is cute, but none of the new Russian couples hold interest for me.

2) Neither Katya or Sofia can change from STUNNING at work, to GIRL NEXT DOOR when they come home.

3) N&K worked for a living: they had discernible talents and career paths which they were pursuing, they were educated, as were their friends. They drank wine. They danced with Agent Dog when they were taking care of him and they worked on projects.

4) They watched decent movies on TV. Kinda sorta. I mean, what's not to love about 007 movies and GOThrones?

5) They had books displayed. That's 10 points right there.

I'm not going to rag on the new couples. Not yet. But NO -- N&K were an asset, not as boring as the new bunch. Most of the couples now days are just boring cut-out cardboard people with whom I probably would not invite to dinner for a conversation. And if I did invite N&K to dinner, I'd feed them a one-inch think Porterhouse steak or Ribeye and decent California wine.

So far, the new Russians are failing at exuding empathy through the medium of the Internet. Even Meerkat did better.

(I'll give you a -1 for your post if you'll do the same for me!  ;) )

Sorry but they were boring, had boring interactions, ate boring food, had boring sex, wore boring clothes listened to boring music and generally acted like they were a 40 year old married couple.  I hope they are doing well, I certainly don't wish them any ill but I'm glad their gone.

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Based on my observation Sofa can go years without having sex and it wouldn't bother her. No sex drive to speak of not to mention any affection. Roman probably wants it all the time and like I mentioned prevously

wouldn't be surprised if he is getting some on the side in betweeen his masturbation sessions. They don't seem to like each other much less be in love. Makes you wonder why they are together especially since there are no kids involved. Of course you can say that pretty much about every new couple they bring.

The only ones that are more or less into each other are Alina and Anton and Maya and Stepan. I bet you it's the Russian people running RLC website and whoever is in charge really knows how to find real winners!

NOT! Got to be the most boring group of people ever. It's the highway robbery to make this joke a paysite.

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Io ho notato che c'è una grande differenza di comportamento tra i primi giorni ed adesso. Immediatamente dopo il loro arrivo, la coppia sembrava molto più affiatata ed interessante. Dopo la lite tutto apparentemente sembra essere cambiato.

Non so cosa sia successo e quale siano i precedenti tra i due. Sono solo due settimane che Roman e Sofia vivono in un appartamento in RLC, quindi è troppo poco per giudicarli, però già si può dare un primo giudizio: l'inizio è stato favorevole, poi si sono persi.

Durante le poche ore che stanno assieme Roman sembra molto distaccato o col telefonino o dai suoi pensieri, come la maggior parte degli uomini in RLC.

Spero che nel corso delle prossime settimane tornino a comportarsi come nei primi giorni. Al momento Roman e Sofia sembrano molto distanti e freddi tra loro. Gli unici momenti di avvicinamento avvengono in camera da letto quando Sofia accarezza dolcemente Roman prima di addormentarsi.

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the reason is, has sofia roman the second fuck laughed

and be the nothing works was a good fuck with no ceiling

La seconda volta che hanno fatto sesso non erano coperti: vuoi dire che lei si è vergognata e si è arrabbiata con Roman?

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just maybe they are friends and they are together because both wanted a place to live for free and heard or read about RLC and how they were looking for a couple to move into this apartment.

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just maybe they are friends and they are together because both wanted a place to live for free and heard or read about RLC and how they were looking for a couple to move into this apartment.

Welp, neither them or Katya and Ruslan come off as young people who love each other. I agree with you on this. With N&K, and L&M gone, we're down to Maya and Stepan and perhaps Alina & Anton, as the only couples with a working relationship. Isabel & Marcello seem to enjoy athletic sex, but that's about it.
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