james deen Posted February 1, 2022 Posted February 1, 2022 il y a 36 minutes, ddhm a dit : As long as you see both Leora and Radislava on cameras and with indications that “ they go nowhere “ , RLC will be able to easily survive 😆 . Empty beds for sure hurt the image but they also can save for a month or so 15-20,000€ of payments . Let’s hope that their plan(s) for 2022 is for the long run ( spring /summer arrivals ) and that’s why it takes time for arrangements . the gov concept with just one person wont survive and i think personally it should end because too many girls are not into it anymore and they just do shows to keep their spot while having real sex and parties off camera but you are right they will survive with leora, masha and the couples but they will lose a lot of subscribers
ddhm Posted February 1, 2022 Posted February 1, 2022 1 minute ago, misterme said: Yes it must be more of a plus to offer girls a working holiday in Villa etc in spring/summer I would guess, I believe Nana stayed on at first because she liked being outside so much in the pool etc. Villa, in particular, seems like a different place out of season so probably more suitable for somebody like Holly who has plenty of activities and is used to the routine there, or girls happy to laze around doing not very much at all.🤪 Arriving for first stay at the villa in winter I would think might feel a bit odd especially if you don't know anybody there? Holly stayed during autumn/ winter in the past , she’s now a veteran in all of Barcelona activities . I am in a position to know that RLC was quite generous to a recent payment to one of the tenants , I think then that the problem might be currently administrative reasons but let’s see how it evolves .. one month or so with empty beds can make RLC not hurting this much but if it remains also in February like this , it is REALLY bad news for the business . 1
james deen Posted February 1, 2022 Posted February 1, 2022 il y a 4 minutes, misterme a dit : Yes it must be more of a plus to offer girls a working holiday in Villa etc in spring/summer I would guess, I believe Nana stayed on at first because she liked being outside so much in the pool etc. Villa, in particular, seems like a different place out of season so probably more suitable for somebody like Holly who has plenty of activities and is used to the routine there, or girls happy to laze around doing not very much at all.🤪 Arriving for first stay at the villa in winter I would think might feel a bit odd especially if you don't know anybody there? i remember in the summer there was a lot of frustration that tesla/ellian/nana were spending way too much time off camera at the beach and barely using the pool and were named the offcam crew. 1
ddhm Posted February 1, 2022 Posted February 1, 2022 21 minutes ago, james deen said: the gov concept with just one person wont survive and i think personally it should end because too many girls are not into it anymore and they just do shows to keep their spot while having real sex and parties off camera but you are right they will survive with leora, masha and the couples but they will lose a lot of subscribers The shows are amazingly reduced , what we see nowadays aren’t even 1/5 of what used to happen and even more , they are far of not comparable of what was happening till let’s say Precovid - era .. my assumption about Leora and Radislava come easily with the people who now watch RLC , for 24 hours nearly , two girls on a couch and with a blanket watching TV and discussing are top replays .. to make fun then , even if anything was happening ( show or reality ) , people would just tune in to watch two girls that maybe something happens .. the facts speak and not me , even a closer look of the posts of Leora’s topic the last 24 hours , can be a strong indication of what people are getting excited with 😉
ddhm Posted February 1, 2022 Posted February 1, 2022 15 minutes ago, james deen said: i remember in the summer there was a lot of frustration that tesla/ellian/nana were spending way too much time off camera at the beach and barely using the pool and were named the offcam crew. Tesla and Elian could have made the villa an incredible place to watch last summer , as soon as they started showing their “ talents “ 😂😉😁😋 , the limitations occurred .. for whatever reason ( Bogdan and Nelly , neighbors , RLC policy , whatever other we can’t know ) it affected them , Elian stopped fast to do things , Tesla fucked a Brazilian guy and then she was just teasing and Nana , well , from an ongoing and slow showing of more and more , very slow but nicely , she also put a “‘Halt “‘😂 We have now Daniela and Ulyana and Holly that have repeatedly shown that they won’t hesitate at anything but there’s a strange - in my humble opinion - atmosphere that prevents from things to happen . The sisters don’t like to be tenants in the villa , Loraine faces personal issues , Radislava enjoys her permanent contract with RLC and I think she has found peace there , Holly has long term plans for her life and I believe she’s using her current stay to achieve a lot ( at the same time I enjoy her stay despite being very quiet , she’s always lovely Holly 🤩 ) and unless we have all beds filled in all of the apartments , we can’t make safe bets of what’s going to be . Experience watching shows that when people underestimate RLC , they always come up with a secret ace in their sleeve .. let’s be patient and see what’s going to be . 1 1
misterme Posted February 1, 2022 Posted February 1, 2022 19 minutes ago, james deen said: i remember in the summer there was a lot of frustration that tesla/ellian/nana were spending way too much time off camera at the beach and barely using the pool and were named the offcam crew. How true, ironic that most girls probably like staying there more in season but then go out more thus leaving us voyeurs commenting on cat movement or duck movement in the pool, as I recall, as villa resembled some sort of landlocked empty ocean liner at times ... having said that there was a good deal to watch at other times from my point of view. I enjoyed having Viv there, for example, she was usually to be found at B4 or B1, she was also good company for Nana.
poncherello Posted February 1, 2022 Posted February 1, 2022 19 minutes ago, ddhm said: Holly ha soggiornato in autunno/inverno in passato, ora è una veterana in tutte le attività di Barcellona. Sono in grado di sapere che RLC è stato abbastanza generoso per un recente pagamento a uno degli inquilini, penso quindi che il problema potrebbe essere attualmente motivi amministrativi ma vediamo come si evolve.. un mese o giù di lì con letti vuoti può fare RLC non fa così male ma se rimane anche a febbraio in questo modo, è DAVVERO una brutta notizia per il business. What is the generous to one of the tenants? 1
ddhm Posted February 1, 2022 Posted February 1, 2022 16 minutes ago, misterme said: How true, ironic that most girls probably like staying there more in season but then go out more thus leaving us voyeurs commenting on cat movement or duck movement in the pool, as I recall, as villa resembled an empty holiday liner at times ... having said that there was a good deal to watch at other times from my point of view. I enjoyed having Viv there, for example, she was usually to be found at B4 or B1, she was also good company for Nana. If Vivian wasn’t getting pregnant , which when she joined i believe she had no idea , I think she could become a fantastic tenant . The pregnancy affected her for obvious reasons , since then , the MAJOR move of presenting Ulyana , Olivia , Fiora and incredible Harley was the “ checkmate “ move of RLC and sky rocketed a faded interest since B2 was with girls doing nothing and B4 was trying to find a mixture again . Time can only tell if total new girls will bring a fading once again interest ( despite having a nice cast , the beds allocation isn’t helping , look how much they torture Fiora and Harley in this ridiculous for GOV apartment ) or a mixture of repeaters and new girls that will be , let’s say Cecilia or Tweety approach and excite the viewers . 1 1
james deen Posted February 1, 2022 Posted February 1, 2022 il y a 21 minutes, ddhm a dit : The shows are amazingly reduced , what we see nowadays aren’t even 1/5 of what used to happen and even more , they are far of not comparable of what was happening till let’s say Precovid - era .. my assumption about Leora and Radislava come easily with the people who now watch RLC , for 24 hours nearly , two girls on a couch and with a blanket watching TV and discussing are top replays .. to make fun then , even if anything was happening ( show or reality ) , people would just tune in to watch two girls that maybe something happens .. the facts speak and not me , even a closer look of the posts of Leora’s topic the last 24 hours , can be a strong indication of what people are getting excited with 😉 it shows the state of rlc that 2 girls watching tv fully clothed has completely taken over all the top cams for the past 48 hrs because nothing is happening elsewhere and even radi and her friend has turned into a show
ddhm Posted February 1, 2022 Posted February 1, 2022 8 minutes ago, poncherello said: What is the generous to one of the tenants? I can’t reveal this information , I apologize .. but it was shared on cameras and that’s why it is known 😇 No problem if you have your doubts , I might be like you if I was in your position . But i can for sure tell that for at least one person , money was more than satisfied ( she deserved to be honest 😇 ) 1
ddhm Posted February 1, 2022 Posted February 1, 2022 1 minute ago, james deen said: it shows the state of rlc that 2 girls watching tv fully clothed has completely taken over all the top cams for the past 48 hrs because nothing is happening elsewhere and even radi and her friend has turned into a show You are absolutely right . But if Radislava and Cecilia were in a show or let’s say Kristy and Alana who are “ returnees “ , i believe people would prefer watching the shows . But I have also again and again said why shows have been reduced and generally the activities across the Barcelona apartments .
poncherello Posted February 1, 2022 Posted February 1, 2022 4 minutes ago, ddhm said: Non posso rivelare questa informazione , mi scuso .. ma è stata condivisa dalle telecamere ed è per questo che si sa 😇 Nessun problema se hai i tuoi dubbi , potrei essere come te se fossi nella tua posizione . Ma posso dire con certezza che per almeno una persona, il denaro è stato più che soddisfatto (meritava di essere onesta 😇 ) I don't understand, when Spaniards and Italians speak I always share information (I'm Italian and I speak French and Spanish) but I don't understand Russian so if the information is shared by the cameras it cannot only belong to one but it must be from all . However do as you want
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