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US General Domestic Politics (2022) #2 Begins 02/01/22.

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52 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

Instigator of murder and violence? You are insane. The only person killed on Jan.6 was an unarmed woman protester who was shot by a Capitol police officer. If German reporters say stun guns and gas were used by protesters then the German reporters are liars. Even the American news media which hates Trump has not made that accusation.  Like I said before you have absolutely no idea what is really happening in the U.S. You are nothing more than a puppet of the lying deceptive news media. There is also growing evidence that undercover FBI officers were the ones who incited protesters to storm the Capitol Building. Also, two days before the Jan.6 Trump rally President Trump offered 10,000-20,000 National Guard troops to Nancy Pelosi and the Washington, D.C. mayor to protect the Capitol Building. Both Nancy Pelosi and the D.C. mayor refused the offer. Has the German news media told you any of that?


DU sollst lernen zu lesen. Ich rede von einem Bericht im TV, in dem US-Videos gezeigt werden, plus Polizisten, die persönlich durch Elektroschocker vor dem Tode standen mit Video-Beweisen plus Videos von deutschen Kamers, bevor Kameras der deutschen Reporter im Wert von $ 40.000 von diesem rabiaten Stück Scheiße von "Trump-Linern" zerstört wurden.

Ich habe die Sendung aufgezeichnet. Ich kann Dir Teile des Videos, den Namen des schwer verletzten Polizisten geben, ich muß im Archiv suchen. DU bist ein Lügner - und der Rest von Deinem Hirn nach der US-Blamage in Vietnam steckt immer noch tief im Arsch von dem Verbrecher Trump. Wann bekommt die US-Justiz endlich den fetten Arsch hoch um diesen widerlichen Hund von Trump zu richten ????

Ohne gerichtliche Maßnahme macht dieses widerliche Schwein weiter so und vergiftet so braune Gehirne von Idioten wie Dich. "Kill the Trump", das ist es, was die USA braucht. Und nicht Waffen in die Ukraine zu liefern um die vollen Waffenlager der USA zu leeren um der US-Waffenindustrie neue Aufträge zur Produktion noch effektiverer Waffen zu erteilen.

Bist DU so ein Arschloch, das Du die Zusammenhänge nicht verstehst ????

Deinen dummen Quatsch hier braucht niemand. Gehe in Deine Höhle, Stinktier !


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1 hour ago, Ridgerunner said:

Die Tatsache, dass die Demokraten hart darauf drängen, verurteilten Schwerverbrechern das Wahlrecht zu geben, scheint mir e am hin Eingeständnis zu sein, dass die meisten verurteilten Schwerverbrecher Demokraten sind. :breites Grinsen:


Dummkopf ohne jede Substanz. Du wirst neben Trump am hohen Baum hängen !!! Halleluja !


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53 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

The Jan.6 Committee is nothing more than a propaganda mill continually supplying the corrupt U.S. news media with anti-Trump and anti-Republican news stories. 


Du redest nur dummes Zeug ohne jeden Beweis. Das Schwein von Trump muss von der US-Justiz wegen "Hochverrat" und Anstiftung zum Mord angeklagt und rechtsstaatlich verurteilt werden.Keine 

Wenn das nicht erfolgt, dann ist klar, die USA ist eine minderwertige "Bananen-Republik".

Keine Motivation mit solchen Vollidioten ein Verteidigungsbündnis wie die idiotische NATO zu betreiben. AMI go home.

Nobody need you !!!


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1 hour ago, StarLight28 said:


You just talk nonsense without any proof. Trump's pig must be charged by the US judiciary with "high treason" and incitement to murder and convicted under the rule of law.None 

If that doesn't happen, then it's clear that the US is an inferior "banana republic".

No motivation to run a defense alliance like the idiotic NATO with such idiots. AMI go home.

Nobody need you !!!


And we in the U.S. for damn sure don't need a lecture from some German fool like you. You speak just like an authoritarian fascist.  Typical German mindset. 

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1 hour ago, StarLight28 said:


YOU should learn to read. I'm talking about a report on TV showing US videos plus cops personally facing death from stun guns with video evidence plus videos from German cameras before German reporters' cameras worth $40,000 from this rabid one pieces of shit were destroyed by "Trump liners".

I recorded the show. I can give you parts of the video, the name of the badly injured policeman, I have to look in the archive. YOU are a liar - and the rest of your brain after the US embarrassment in Vietnam is still deep in the ass of the criminal Trump. When will the US judiciary finally get its fat ass up to judge this disgusting dog of Trump????

Without legal action, this disgusting pig keeps on poisoning the brown brains of idiots like you. "Kill the Trump" is what the US needs. And not to deliver weapons to Ukraine in order to empty the full US arms stocks in order to give the US arms industry new orders to produce even more effective weapons.

Are YOU such an asshole that you don't understand the connections????

Nobody needs your stupid nonsense here. Go to your den, skunk!


"Facing death from stun guns"?  Since when are stun guns used to kill people?  Your mind has been rotted by your love for communism and communist dictators.

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18 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

And we in the U.S. for damn sure don't need a lecture from some German fool like you. You speak just like an authoritarian fascist.  Typical German mindset. 

Das ist die Sprache von IDIOTEN: "Amerka first". Fuck yourself you asshole.  DU bist dumm und braun aus dem widerlichen Trump-Arschloch. Du bist nur primitiv !! Go home Ami-Ass !!!


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On 2/10/2022 at 8:50 PM, Ridgerunner said:

"Facing death from stun guns"?  Since when are stun guns used to kill people?  Your mind has been rotted by your love for communism and com😁munist dictators.


Du hast die Doku-Videos nicht gesehen und redest nur SCHEISSE, DU bist ein ignoranter Idiot. Elektroschocker können tödlich sein - wer diese einsetzt erhält nach deutschem Recht anklage wegen "Körperverletzung und versuchten Todschlag". Im Scheiss-Staat USA ist das vielleicht nur Bagatelle ? Scheiss-USA - Verbrecher-Staat mit Waffen-Legalisieung. Mit so Idioten ist ein Sicherheitsbündnis nicht möglich.

Nordstream 2 bleibt bestehen, US-Fracking-Gas fill in US-Ass and Wumm !! 😁😁

Ami go home and fuck yourself. Ob Demokraten oder Republikaner - Amis sind Lügner und denken immer nur an ihren eigenen Vorteil! "Und bist Du nicht willig so brauch ich Gewalt" (Goethe, "Der Erlkönig")


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2 hours ago, StarLight28 said:

That's the language of IDIOTS: "America first". Fuck yourself you asshole. YOU are dumb and brown from that disgusting Trump asshole. You're just primitive!! Go home Ami-Ass !!!


I am home, dumb fuck. It is you who is sticking his nose into American domestic politics which you totally have no understanding of.

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2 hours ago, StarLight28 said:

Good - US people are ok. But the poor people are ruled by IDIOTS - poor USA.


I agree Americans have been ruled by elitist career politician idiots. That's why Trump was elected president in 2016 and received 10 million more votes in 2020 than in 2016. The American people are fed up with elitist globalist politicians who don't give a damn about the American people.

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