StarLight28 Posted February 10, 2022 Posted February 10, 2022 On 2/8/2022 at 6:51 AM, Ridgerunner said: In my opinion the American athletes who renounced their American citizenship in order to compete for China in the Winter Olympics should not be allowed to return to the U.S. Since they love China so much then they should live there. Du bist ein Trottel. Alle "Amerikaner" sind irgendwie Mischlinge aus aller Welt. "Amerikaner" als arische Menschen gibt es nicht. Und wenn Amerikaner mit chinesischem Blut in den Adern sich entscheiden für China bei Olympia anzutreten dann ist das legal - und kehren als "Amerikaner" zurück. Was für ein Bastard bist DU ??? Wohin sollen wir DICH schicken ?? 1
SPYING 1 Posted February 10, 2022 Author Posted February 10, 2022 Republicans urge Biden to take cognitive test, say his 'mental decline' has 'become more apparent' WWW.FOXNEWS.COM Nearly 40 Republican lawmakers are calling on President Biden to take a cognitive test like his...
Ridgerunner Posted February 10, 2022 Posted February 10, 2022 1 minute ago, StarLight28 said: Nonsense from Spy So says the German fool who speaks nothing but nonsense.
Ridgerunner Posted February 10, 2022 Posted February 10, 2022 Why has Kamala Harris claimed for over a year that she was at the Capitol Building during the Jan.6 riot when she in fact was at the Washington, D.C. DNC Headquarters when the Jan.6 riot took place?
StarLight28 Posted February 10, 2022 Posted February 10, 2022 2 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said: So says the German fool who speaks nothing but nonsense. Du suchst immer und immer noch den dreckigen Arsch von Trump ?? Du bist ein Versager. Spy ist doch ein Universal-Arschloch mit seinen Bildern und Links. Wann erkennst DU das?? Ich dachte - Du bist eine Spur von intelligent.
Ridgerunner Posted February 10, 2022 Posted February 10, 2022 58 minutes ago, StarLight28 said: You're an idiot. All "Americans" are somehow half-breeds from all over the world. "Americans" as Aryan people do not exist. And if Americans with Chinese blood choose to represent China at the Olympics, that's legal - and they'll return as "Americans." What kind of bastard are YOU??? Where should we send YOU?? A fucking fascist Nazi like you will send me no where. Thank God there are no pure blood Aryans in the U.S. Heaven forbid we would have citizens as dumb and evil as you.
StarLight28 Posted February 10, 2022 Posted February 10, 2022 Vor 22 Minuten sagte Ridgerunner: Warum hat Kamala Harris über ein Jahr lang behauptet, sie sei während der Unruhen am 6. Januar im Capitol Building gewesen, obwohl sie tatsächlich im DNC-Hauptquartier in Washington DC war, als die Unruhen am 6. Januar stattfanden? Das waren keine "Unruhen" am 6.Januar 2021, sondern der von Trump geplante Versuch von Umsturz der Demokratie der USA. Kleine Idioten kommen nun vor Gericht. Das Arschloch von Anführer von Trump gehört vor Gericht. Todesstrafe ist zu wenig !!! Das sage ich als sozialer Mensch - Trump ist ein widerliches Schwein-kein Mensch !! 1
StarLight28 Posted February 10, 2022 Posted February 10, 2022 9 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said: Ein verdammter faschistischer Nazi wie du wird mich nirgendwohin schicken. Gott sei Dank gibt es keine reinblütigen Arier in den USA. Der Himmel bewahre, wir hätten Bürger, die so dumm und böse sind wie Sie. DU bist ein Idiot, US-Nazi-braun im Hirn von der Scheisse aus dem Arsch von Trump. Eigene Gedanken gleich null weil Dein braunes Gehirn stinkt. Nach was wohl .... ? 1
Ridgerunner Posted February 10, 2022 Posted February 10, 2022 4 hours ago, StarLight28 said: These were not "riots" on January 6, 2021, but Trump's planned attempt to overthrow US democracy. Little idiots are now on trial. Trump leader's asshole belongs in court. Death penalty is not enough!!! I say this as a social person - Trump is a disgusting pig-not a human!! You are such a fool and so brainwashed by the news media. You understand nothing about what is really happening in the U.S. It is the elitist progressive socialist/Marxists of the Democratic Party who are trying to overthrow democracy in the U.S.
StarLight28 Posted February 10, 2022 Posted February 10, 2022 3 hours ago, Ridgerunner said: You are such a fool and so brainwashed by the news media. You understand nothing about what is really happening in the U.S. It is the elitist progressive socialist/Marxists of the Democratic Party who are trying to overthrow democracy in the U.S. Du bist politisch blind und hast immer noch die gelbe Trump-Brille auf. Ich habe einen Bericht im TV gesehen, auch mit Videos von deutschen Reportern. Ich habe gesehen wie dieser dreckige Mob, von Trump angestachelt, mit brutaler Gewalt Polizisten mit Gas und Elektroschocker gezielt verletzen wollte um in das Capitol zu kommen. Der Mob wollte Politiker töten - allen voran Nancy Pelosi. Das hat mit Demokraten in Politik und Medien nichts zu tun. Die Täter waren Verbrecher, die den Republikanern nahe stehen - rechte US-Nazi-Schweine. Und Trump ist das größte davon. Warum ist die US-Justiz so schwach, diesen Lumpen und Anstifter zu Mord und Gewalt nicht vor Gericht zu zerren ??? Die Welt will diesen Kerl in orange mit Ketten sehen. Kein Baum ist hoch genug für den Verbrecher. 1
Ridgerunner Posted February 10, 2022 Posted February 10, 2022 7 hours ago, StarLight28 said: You're politically blind and you're still wearing yellow Trump glasses. I saw a report on TV, also with videos from German reporters. I've seen this filthy mob, instigated by Trump, use brutal force to target police officers with gas and stun guns to get into the Capitol. The mob wanted to kill politicians - especially Nancy Pelosi. This has nothing to do with democrats in politics and the media. The perpetrators were criminals close to the Republicans - right-wing US Nazi pigs. And Trump is the greatest of them. Why is the US judiciary so weak not to bring this scoundrel and instigator of murder and violence to justice??? The world wants to see this guy in orange with chains. No tree is high enough for the criminal. Instigator of murder and violence? You are insane. The only person killed on Jan.6 was an unarmed woman protester who was shot by a Capitol police officer. If German reporters say stun guns and gas were used by protesters then the German reporters are liars. Even the American news media which hates Trump has not made that accusation. Like I said before you have absolutely no idea what is really happening in the U.S. You are nothing more than a puppet of the lying deceptive news media. There is also growing evidence that undercover FBI officers were the ones who incited protesters to storm the Capitol Building. Also, two days before the Jan.6 Trump rally President Trump offered 10,000-20,000 National Guard troops to Nancy Pelosi and the Washington, D.C. mayor to protect the Capitol Building. Both Nancy Pelosi and the D.C. mayor refused the offer. Has the German news media told you any of that?
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