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How to handle language issues vote


How should we handle issues with diffrent languages?  

9 members have voted

  1. 1. How should we handle issues with diffrent languages?

    • Create a separate board for Spanish and Turkish
    • Create a separate thread in each board for each language
    • Create a whole new forum for each langauge such as SP.CamCaps.net

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There are a few here that post in French? I think it is. Google or any translator that I've tried just butchers the translation so bad, it makes no sense at all.

Still trying to figure out what 'Kisses to the cubs' is all about.  :-\

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Signori, se a tutti sta' bene che ognuno parli la propria lingua non vedo perche' fare tanti sforzi a scrivere in Inglese. Vuol dire che parlero' in Italiano e vediamo se qualcun altro si aggiunge e magari formeremo un gruppo tutto Italico.  8)

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And here is what Google did to that.

Gentlemen, if at all is 'well that every man might speak in his own language do not see why' to work so hard to write in English. Does that mean I'll talk 'in Italian and see if anyone else is added and maybe we will form a group around Italico.  8)

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By tweaking a bit my own language, more google-italian I could even make more sense:

Signori, se siamo tutti d'accordo di parlare la nostra lingua nativa io non vedo perche dovrei fare tanti sforzi a scrivere in Inglese. Cio vuol dire che parlero in Italiano e se qualcun altro vuole aggiungersi magari formeremo un gruppo completamente Italiano.

Gentlemen, if we all agree to speak our native language I do not see why I should make so much effort to write in English. This means that I will talk in Italian and if anyone else wants to join maybe we will form a group completely Italian.

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Guest ww_watcher

It is far easier to express yourself in your native language. Being from Texas I can understand more Spanish than I can speak...at least I don't let on how much I actually do speak. My only real difficulty is that they speak Castillano which isn't quite the same as Spanish spoken in Mexico and has colloquialisms to which I'm not privy. I read enough that I can also rudimentally translate written German. Just be glad you don't have a grandmother, as I did, who would switch to Commanche when she wanted to be private with her mom....they would smile and watch us squirm when they spoke because they knew we knew they were talking about us. I say let the Spanish folks speak Spanish and we enrichen our own language skills through them.

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