StarLight28 Posted February 26, 2022 Posted February 26, 2022 13 hours ago, Ridgerunner said: more propaganda and excuses from a stupid German. You and the German people are the true puppets of Putin. Putin has you by the balls because he controls your energy supply. Putin did not invade Ukraine when Trump was president because he feared Trump. Du und Dein Derivat von Spying sind Lachnummern! Putin hat Trump gefürchtet ?? So ein Schwachsinn. Trump war die Marionette von Putin - weil beide dunkle Geschäfte miteinander gemacht haben. Beide sind Verbrecher. Ich möchte Little-Bush und Trump und Putin gemeinsam am Galgen hängen sehen. Dann würde ich ruhig schlafen können. Wie an anderer Stelle bereits geschrieben, bist Du mit Deinen diversen Accounts hier ein unehrlicher Mensch mit diversen erzählten Biografien. Vermutlich bist Du nur eine 15-jährige Ratte, die hier im Forum Krawall machen will und als "Kapitalist" so arm ist das sie sich noch nicht einmal $ 20 im Jahr für eine Voll-Mitgliedschaft leisten kann. Die Manager des Forums sollten hier endlich einmal genau prüfen und aufräumen - damit wieder sachlich diskutiert werden kann.
Ridgerunner Posted February 26, 2022 Author Posted February 26, 2022 40 minutes ago, StarLight28 said: You and your derivative of spying are laughable! Putin feared Trump ?? Such bullshit. Trump was Putin's puppet - because both did dark deals with each other. Both are criminals. I want to see Little Bush and Trump and Putin hanging from the gallows together . Then I would be able to sleep peacefully. As already written elsewhere, you are a dishonest person with your various accounts here with various told biographies. You're probably just a 15-year-old rat who wants to make a ruckus here in the forum and is so poor as a "capitalist" that you can't even afford $20 a year for a full membership. The managers of the forum should finally check and tidy up here - so that it can be discussed objectively again. Spoken like the true authoritarian asshole that you are. I have one account on here, period. But your preoccupation with "shit" does make me wonder if maybe you aren't really Golfer in disguise.
StarLight28 Posted February 26, 2022 Posted February 26, 2022 13 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said: Spoken like the true authoritarian asshole that you are. I have one account on here, period. But your preoccupation with "shit" does make me wonder if maybe aren't really Golfer in disguise. Wie immer, Dummheiten verbreiten, aber nie zum Thema kommen. Typisch für einen Krawallmacher - 15 oder 150, Du bist ein unreifes Kind, egal wie alt Du bist und wie viele Arschlöcher für Dich arbeiten. Mit Kopf im Trump-Arsch kannst Du das Leben nicht mehr erkennen. Ich habe mit Golfer nichts zu tun, ich freue mich, wenn er zurück kommt. Er wird Euch US-Nazi-Ratten ersäufen, so wie ihr das verdient.
Ridgerunner Posted February 26, 2022 Author Posted February 26, 2022 5 minutes ago, StarLight28 said: As always, spreading stupid things but never getting to the point. Typical rioter - 15 or 150, you're an immature kid no matter how old you are and no matter how many assholes work for you. You can't see life with your head in Trump's ass. I have nothing to do with Golfer, I'm happy when he comes back. He will drown you US Nazi rats as you deserve. Golfer left because he is a loser just like you. And you are a phony. A few weeks ago before Putin invaded Ukraine you supported Putin against Ukraine. Typical two faced politician is what you are.
StarLight28 Posted February 26, 2022 Posted February 26, 2022 4 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said: Golfer left because he is a loser just like you. And you are a phony. A few weeks ago before Putin invaded Ukraine you supported Putin against Ukraine. Typical two faced politician is what you are. Wieder Unsinn. Es gibt Russland - und es gibt Putin. Ich mag Russische Menschen und ich mag Russland als befreundete Nation. Aber ich hasse dieses Arschloch von autoritären Putin - schon immer. Du hast eine Kugel mitten in Putins Gehirn gelobt - dann mache es doch , Feigling - da bin ich an Deiner Seite. Der Krieg gegen die Ukraine ist kein Krieg der Russen gegen die Ukraine, sondern ein Krieg von dem perversen Voll-Idioten Putin gegen die Ukraine. Der kleine hinkende, schwindsüchtige Putin als großer Führer ??? Ich habe normal nichts für Militär-Putsch übrig - hier ist das dringend nötig um die Ratte von Putin endlich zu liquidieren. Putin ist eine Schande für das russische Volk !! 1
Ridgerunner Posted February 26, 2022 Author Posted February 26, 2022 Just now, StarLight28 said: Again nonsense. There is Russia - and there is Putin. I like Russian people and I like Russia as a friendly nation. But I hate this asshole authoritarian Putin - always have. You promised a bullet in the middle of Putin's brain - then do it, coward - I'm by your side. The war against Ukraine is not a war by the Russians against Ukraine, but a war by the perverted idiot Putin against Ukraine. The little limping, consumptive Putin as a great leader ??? Normally I have nothing left for a military coup - here it is urgently needed to finally liquidate Putin's rat. Putin is a disgrace to the Russian people !! The Russian people tolerate Putin and allow him to carry out his wars, so they are just as guilty as he is until they get rid of the dictator. So as long as Russian soldiers are killing Ukrainians I have no love and sympathy for the Russian people. If Russians don't want their soldiers killed then they need to get them out of Ukraine.
StarLight28 Posted February 26, 2022 Posted February 26, 2022 2 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said: The Russian people tolerate Putin and allow him to carry out his wars, so they are just as guilty as he is until they get rid of the dictator. So as long as Russian soldiers are killing Ukrainians I have no love and sympathy for the Russian people. If Russians don't want their soldiers killed then they need to get them out of Ukraine. Die Typische Aussage von einem Hirn-Blinden. Putin hat ein feines Netz gesponnen, ohne Opposition, ohne freie Presse, Präsident auf Lebenszeit .... Polizei, Militär, alle sind gleich geschaltet plus Putin-Medien. Die Mehrheit des russischen Volkes hat keine Chance mehr gegen des Despoten. Das gleiche wäre übrigens in den USA bei einer 2. Wahl von Arschloch Trump in den USA passiert. Das US-Wahl-System ist und bleibt undemokratisch und minderwertig. Das sollte DEIN Thema sein - und tschüß !!
Ridgerunner Posted February 26, 2022 Author Posted February 26, 2022 2 minutes ago, StarLight28 said: The typical statement from a brain-blind person. Putin has spun a fine web, with no opposition, no free press, president for life... Police, military, all are on the same page plus Putin's media. The majority of the Russian people no longer stand a chance against the despot. Incidentally, the same would have happened in the USA if asshole Trump had been elected for the second time in the USA. The US electoral system is undemocratic and inferior. That should be YOUR topic - and goodbye !! The Ukrainian people have enough courage to oppose Putin, so why are the Russian people so cowardly?
Ridgerunner Posted February 26, 2022 Author Posted February 26, 2022 With the way the world has reacted to Putin's invasion of Ukraine maybe the Communist Chinese will have second thoughts about invading Taiwan.
Ridgerunner Posted February 26, 2022 Author Posted February 26, 2022 8 minutes ago, StarLight28 said: The typical statement from a brain-blind person. Putin has spun a fine web, with no opposition, no free press, president for life... Police, military, all are on the same page plus Putin's media. The majority of the Russian people no longer stand a chance against the despot. Incidentally, the same would have happened in the USA if asshole Trump had been elected for the second time in the USA. The US electoral system is undemocratic and inferior. That should be YOUR topic - and goodbye !! Wrong. The U.S. electoral system has checks and balances that help to protect the American people from a dictatorial government. The way the civilians of Ukraine are now fighting the Russian army is one of the best arguments in support of the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution that I have ever seen.
StarLight28 Posted February 26, 2022 Posted February 26, 2022 24 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said: Falsch. Das US-Wahlsystem verfügt über Checks and Balances, die dazu beitragen, das amerikanische Volk vor einer diktatorischen Regierung zu schützen. Die Art und Weise, wie die Zivilisten der Ukraine jetzt gegen die russische Armee kämpfen, ist eines der besten Argumente zur Unterstützung des zweiten Zusatzartikels der US-Verfassung, die ich je gesehen habe. Ha Ha Ha - Dumm ohne Ende.
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