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Rand Paul: We Created 'Jihadist Wonderland' In Iraq


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I've been away for a few days. Did some people completely lose their minds while I was gone? Are some people [with a straight face] actually suggesting that 911 was a conspiracy? And their proof is because they saw it on the internet? Along with Big Foot, Obama not being born in the USA, the Loch Ness monster, Joseph Smith finding golden tablets, Roswell alien landings and the Knicks hanging on to Carmelo Anthony? I also can find a site that says that Pamela Anderson's breasts are real. I'm not buying any of it. And there's lots more, but I've offended enough people for one day. I have to go now and read more about Oswald being in cahoots with LBJ.

Personally, I don't know if 911 was a conspiracy, but there is a lot of circumstantial evidence surrounding it.  And, let's not forget that our judicial system has put people on death row for circumstantial evidence before...remember Scott Peterson?

First of all, in all the worlds history, there has never been one skyscraper that has fallen because of being hit by an airplane, but there have been skyscrapers hit by airplanes.  There have been smaller skyscrapers that have never fallen and burned twice as long as either of the towers.  Next, it seems a bit curious how the twin towers fell.  There was sounds of explosions and they came down just like any other building that was being demolished.  If you have ever seen a demolition take place in real life, then you know what I'm saying.  Third, does anyone know of one person's name (besides the alleged terrorists) who was on either of the planes that crashed into the towers?  During the 911 anniversaries, we hear all the names read that were in the towers, but I haven't heard one person's name read that was on either of the planes.  And, let's not forget that drone technology exists.

Now, let's look at what happened in Washington D.C. at the Pentagon: Supposedly, a plane hit the Pentagon. It's interesting that camera footage was quickly taken and only potions of any camera footage has been released to the public.  Because the footage is not complete, you cannot tell whether or not a plane even hit the Pentagon.  And, the debris on the Pentagon lawn: doesn't look like a plane hit the Pentagon.  If you look at the hole in the wall at the Pentagon, it resembles similar holes in buildings that were hit by a cruise missile.  And, where the hell was our air force to allow such easy passage into air space near our nation's capital?  Why were the nearest planes conveniently parked so far away?

And, if the government wanted to get away with something like this, could they not? Do they not have the means to pull off something like this?  After all, who would believe it?  The government attacking its own country to put fear in the people to win support to go to war with oil producing countries just sounds outrageous. Right?  And, as long as it does, the government could have gotten away with it...easily.  And, maybe they did.  Or,  maybe it's just crazy thinking.

But, ask yourselves this: Who was in power and was making the decisions and who had something to gain from it?

Or, go on believing that it was a man in a cave calling the shots and was successful in his planned attack on the U.S.  It's so much easier for people to have a face for the enemy rather than an open mind to other possibilities.

But, if your mind is really open, just watch Loose Change. You can find it in streaming on Netflix.

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I've been away for a few days. Did some people completely lose their minds while I was gone? Are some people [with a straight face] actually suggesting that 911 was a conspiracy? And their proof is because they saw it on the internet? Along with Big Foot, Obama not being born in the USA, the Loch Ness monster, Joseph Smith finding golden tablets, Roswell alien landings and the Knicks hanging on to Carmelo Anthony? I also can find a site that says that Pamela Anderson's breasts are real. I'm not buying any of it. And there's lots more, but I've offended enough people for one day. I have to go now and read more about Oswald being in cahoots with LBJ.

Personally, I don't know if 911 was a conspiracy, but there is a lot of circumstantial evidence surrounding it.  And, let's not forget that our judicial system has put people on death row for circumstantial evidence before...remember Scott Peterson?

First of all, in all the worlds history, there has never been one skyscraper that has fallen because of being hit by an airplane, but there have been skyscrapers hit by airplanes.  There have been smaller skyscrapers that have never fallen and burned twice as long as either of the towers.  Next, it seems a bit curious how the twin towers fell.  There was sounds of explosions and they came down just like any other building that was being demolished.  If you have ever seen a demolition take place in real life, then you know what I'm saying.  Third, does anyone know of one person's name (besides the alleged terrorists) who was on either of the planes that crashed into the towers?  During the 911 anniversaries, we hear all the names read that were in the towers, but I haven't heard one person's name read that was on either of the planes.  And, let's not forget that drone technology exists.

Now, let's look at what happened in Washington D.C. at the Pentagon: Supposedly, a plane hit the Pentagon. It's interesting that camera footage was quickly taken and only potions of any camera footage has been released to the public.  Because the footage is not complete, you cannot tell whether or not a plane even hit the Pentagon.  And, the debris on the Pentagon lawn: doesn't look like a plane hit the Pentagon.  If you look at the hole in the wall at the Pentagon, it resembles similar holes in buildings that were hit by a cruise missile.  And, where the hell was our air force to allow such easy passage into air space near our nation's capital?  Why were the nearest planes conveniently parked so far away?

And, if the government wanted to get away with something like this, could they not? Do they not have the means to pull off something like this?  After all, who would believe it?  The government attacking its own country to put fear in the people to win support to go to war with oil producing countries just sounds outrageous. Right?  And, as long as it does, the government could have gotten away with it...easily.  And, maybe they did.  Or,  maybe it's just crazy thinking.

But, ask yourselves this: Who was in power and was making the decisions and who had something to gain from it?

Or, go on believing that it was a man in a cave calling the shots and was successful in his planned attack on the U.S.  It's so much easier for people to have a face for the enemy rather than an open mind to other possibilities.

But, if your mind is really open, just watch Loose Change. You can find it in streaming on Netflix.

you are very good , man you write so good and you Right , I watch Loose Change there is lots of truth in it thet's what i believe

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1) The war was fought to get oil. Bullshit, the US hasn't seen one drop of Iraqi oil.

2) The war was fought because Saddam tried to kill G-Dubs daddy. Bullshit.

3) The war was fought because Saddam refused to abide by the conditions of the armistice from the 1st Gulf War, continually fired at UN aircraft, bribed UN officials to "look the other way," and had not only 1000 centrifuges but tons of yellow cake, and WMD factories. No bullshit here. Even American media has reported these findings. Amazing. Usually Americans are forced to rely on the foreign press for accurate news: this was all reported by the Associated Press in America.

4) OSB was a danger way back during the Clinton administration. Yep, this was reported in a 60 Minutes TV episode decades ago.  He should have been taken out back then, thus saving innocent lives. Instead, Obama took credit for killing Osama, and bragged about it immediately, when he should have shut his fucking mouth and let NSA's signals intelligence pick up the chat from Osama's lieutenants. That was a huge intelligence debacle. Big time screw up, here.

5) Now that Obama is President, North Africa and the Middle East are peaceful and wonderful, and pose no harm to human civilization, because they won and we don't fight anymore and the world is now full of happy campers. Yes, the world is safer now that the US is fully emasculated. The mullet-haired Marxist Euros should be happy that they got what they wanted.

6) The Bush administration withheld the true nature of the 9/11 attacks. You fucking kidding me? That administration was so full of Clinton and leftist supporters that everything got revealed to the NTY and WP within minutes. Even secrets that killed our people.

Squirrel's rant is now over. For now.

Have a nice fucking day. And remember, June 25, 1950. A lot of people died that day.

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I don't rant or even talk much here but some of you on here really pissed me off.  You 9/11 conspiracy theorist need to pull your heads out of, well you don't have a brain so it wouldn't help.  I was called to war because a sick bastard had WMD's (where do you think Syria got chemical weapons from?) Saddam killed thousands of people mainly kurds just because of the deference between a Methodist and Catholic for example.  We have been repeatedly attacked by jihadist for a while.  we should have taken Osama out after the U.S.S. Cole was hit. Some of you may not see it, but we have an obligation to protect Israel.  We gave the land that is Israel back to the Jews and made it a country after WWII because a lot of countries didn't want the influx of Jews (sad but true)  what do you think would happen to them if we didn't have our military complex.  Peace through strength.

Now on to 9/11 I remember watching the events of 9/11 on T.V. I was 17 I enlisted the very same day.  if for one second you think the president, who has had the most support for the troops had anything to do with killing American Citizens on U.S. soil, you my friends are either dumb or idiots.  There is no other option.  Islam calls for all those who don't conform to islam to DIE.  Do you know why Mussies hate us so much? I'll tell you One is explained above (Israel), two we are a nation built upon Christian values. that is it. no other reason is needed for them.  This will never change.  Now tell me would you rather have them here fighting there or us over there threating their homeland keeping them there.  My self I would rather be there and have been four separate times.  I would go back in a heart beat too. I have been shot at and blown up and would do it all again to keep them fighting for their land instead of killing you dumb sons a bitches who think that the world is all ferries and lollipops.  I have sworn to protect the citizens of the U.S. and her constitution.  I will give my life even for idiots.  if that makes me a dumbass than so be it.  At least I have faith in my fellow citizens, which obviously you don't. 

I will end my rant and let Squirrel pick apart my grammar.  Amd, before you go off on me look deep within yourselves and tell me how much are you willing to give to someone you have never met.  how much are you willing to sacrifice for a Country and her people.  If you have not signed the blank check you have no right to question and tear apart a good man.  (maybe not the best pres but a good man) 

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I don't rant or even talk much here but some of you on here really pissed me off.  You 9/11 conspiracy theorist need to pull your heads out of, well you don't have a brain so it wouldn't help.  I was called to war because a sick bastard had WMD's (where do you think Syria got chemical weapons from?) Saddam killed thousands of people mainly kurds just because of the deference between a Methodist and Catholic for example.  We have been repeatedly attacked by jihadist for a while.  we should have taken Osama out after the U.S.S. Cole was hit. Some of you may not see it, but we have an obligation to protect Israel.  We gave the land that is Israel back to the Jews and made it a country after WWII because a lot of countries didn't want the influx of Jews (sad but true)  what do you think would happen to them if we didn't have our military complex.  Peace through strength.

Now on to 9/11 I remember watching the events of 9/11 on T.V. I was 17 I enlisted the very same day.  if for one second you think the president, who has had the most support for the troops had anything to do with killing American Citizens on U.S. soil, you my friends are either dumb or idiots.  There is no other option.  Islam calls for all those who don't conform to islam to DIE.  Do you know why Mussies hate us so much? I'll tell you One is explained above (Israel), two we are a nation built upon Christian values. that is it. no other reason is needed for them.  This will never change.  Now tell me would you rather have them here fighting there or us over there threating their homeland keeping them there.  My self I would rather be there and have been four separate times.  I would go back in a heart beat too. I have been shot at and blown up and would do it all again to keep them fighting for their land instead of killing you dumb sons a bitches who think that the world is all ferries and lollipops.  I have sworn to protect the citizens of the U.S. and her constitution.  I will give my life even for idiots.  if that makes me a dumbass than so be it.  At least I have faith in my fellow citizens, which obviously you don't. 

I will end my rant and let Squirrel pick apart my grammar.  Amd, before you go off on me look deep within yourselves and tell me how much are you willing to give to someone you have never met.  how much are you willing to sacrifice for a Country and her people.  If you have not signed the blank check you have no right to question and tear apart a good man.  (maybe not the best pres but a good man)

who gave to Iraq the WMD , look back we gave him WMD , we went to Afghanistan to fight terrorism , to Day Syria Fighting Terrorism and we give weapons to terorist


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Hi Linked

Your post is very interesting and congratulations for enlisting and being patriotic enough to go and fight for your country. Entering a war zone would terrify me into complete inertia!

I do not believe we entered into war with Iraq because they had weapons of mass destruction. These were never found. It was a story made up by the British government as a justification for going to war because over 1 million people (yes 1 million people) marched in the streets to beg the government not to go to war. In the UK we have had a report conducted into the war and this report - The Chillcot Report has taken many years to come to a conclusion and despite millions of pounds being spent on the report, no details have been issued yet. It is claimed discussions between Blair and Bush cannot be released because the US have demanded they be blocked! Strange for a democracy that prides itself on openness and free speech!

Blair supported Bush and committed the UK to war regardless of what the UN said and despite the UK people did not support the war. WMD was invented to justify the war and for no other reason. Chemical weapons in themselves are not WMD if there is no way of delivering them. Iraq could never use long range missiles they never had!!!

If the war is about fighting Jihad and about fighting it 'over there' rather than in our own homelands this is a poor excuse. By declaring the 'War on Terror' the West led by the US have committed itself to a never ending war. Islam is determined to spread itself across the world. It is not content to stop at any particular borderline. As the Muslims say - The West have the watches but we have the time'. They are prepared to fight FOREVER. The 'Hundred Years War' will cease to be the longest recorded war. In the Middle East only Israel is prepared to fight forever. They have no choice because they live surrounded by the enemy. They fight or they die. Zero choice.

The rest of the West have a choice where they fight. They can go to the desert and fight and maybe collect the oil or at least buy access to it or they can fight in their own countries and protect their western values that are usually driven by Christianity even if they no longer consider themselves Christian countries.

The military that go over to the desert and fight and very often get killed or blown up do a wonderful job in containing the Jihadists whilst the rest of the population who pretend not to be Jihadists get on with living their lives spending the aid money that floods into their countries as the West tries to spend and pretend to be building democracies. Democracies have never existed in the Middle East and never will. Arabs and Islam do not tolerate democracy. After all who would ever vote for a government who never provides wealth, security, health or education to their own peoples.

The best way to 'fight' in the middle east is to never buy their oil. The US is no longer dependent upon the Arabs for oil. The same goes for the UK who is built upon an island of coal and oil and gas surrounded by oceans of hydroelectric power and wind. We then never sell them food. None of those countries can feed themselves. The weather conditions do not allow enough food to be grown to feed their overgrown populations. Not allowing our enemies money or food (and let's throw in technology) they could never be a threat to the West.

Brave men like you need never risk your lives to protect your nation. You can go home and help search for active Jihadists in your country and destroy them. You guys are great at 'seek and destroy'. Christianity or its social structure can thrive and defeat Islam in its own country. It can never defeat Islam in their countries.

So the result if we follow such a war is no soldiers killed, no spending of huge defence budgets, no feeding your enemies and no pretence to your people that your brave soldiers keep dying for a just cause.

Linked I love you for being a patriot and love that you are prepared to die for your fellow man but fighting a war on the terms your enemies welcome is doomed to failure. As I have said you will have to be prepared to fight FOREVER. They will kill more of your army day by day, one by one. You can send drones by the hundreds and kill specific people but you will not stop the next generation from growing up to hate you and what you represent and take over killing you.

As an example do you really think the ISIS fighters will ever give up? Do you think they will enter into negotiation and settle for what they have? Do you think they will settle for anything other than TOTAL victory? I think you know the answer to each question is NO. They will not.

Stay in your homeland and protect it with all your might. Identify your enemy and offer no compromise. Stay rich, stay well armed, stay the leaders of technology (particularly in weapons that can be used from a distance). Stay the leaders of food production. Stay the leaders of developing energy and finding new ways of extracting it. Develop friendships with all countries who seek to defend themselves against Jihad. And continue to rule the world.

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van & linked: Your statements are thoughtful, well written, and important.

Historically, it is perfectly fine to do precise surgery to fix a problem. Reagan knew this after getting burned once. Grenada, etc. Thatcher did that against an Argentine dictator. Short, and conclusive.

That's rare with a long-term problem like the Middle East. This case is like Nazi Germany and the Japanese Imperial government.

War, in such a situation, can only lead to peace through something other than diplomacy and politics. War is all about extreme violence. It takes dedication, brilliant generals, and hard miserable work by little people like us. Japan & Germany are prime examples of how wars should be properly executed. They were leveled by the Allies. They were rebuilt from scratch. They transformed themselves into the leading economies in the world.

This is how to properly to fight a war, and it should be accepted as a truth: If you must go to war, you must conquer.

Or you will be conquered.

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Foamy. You are right by saying 'Go to war and conquer' but even though Germany and Japan were driven by ideology or devotion to a leader they were not fighting against a foe who they have hated for thousands of years and no matter which leader come and goes, the cause is all they bother about. Chopping off the head of the snake will not stop the body slithering to somewhere it can find another head!

Muhammad died in 632AD.  He died as a result of being poisoned following his attack upon and conquest of the Jewish settlement of Khaibar.  About 2 month before his attack on Khaibar Muhammad failed in an attempt to go to Mecca.  This failure resulted in the Treaty of Hudaybiyya with the Meccans.  He returned humiliated in the eyes of the Meccans and in the minds of his people.  To lift their defeated spirit, Muhammad told his followers that the events at Hudaybiyya were really a victory.  In fact, another convenient "revelation" was given to Muhammad as proof that it really was a victory (Sura 48:1).  However, Allah was not able to deliver the Meccan's goods as booty, so Muhammad told his followers that they were going to attack and plunder the weaker Jewish settlement of Khaibar.

About 6 weeks later Muhammad led his army and attacked the Jews while they were on their way to work on their date palms.  Khaibar was a settlement defended by a number of forts spread apart from each other.  One by one Muhammad's army took the forts.  Finally, the last few surrendered to him.  Muhammad had several of the leaders of the Jewish settlement beheaded, one leader (Kinana) was tortured to reveal where buried treasure was hidden.  Then when Kinana was near death, Muhammad commanded that he be beheaded.  Many of the women and children were enslaved.  Muhammad even took the most beautiful woman for himself and married her (Safiyah).

Some of Khaibar's residents made a deal with Muhammad.  Instead of enslaving them,  which would leave the rich orchards of Khaibar to go untended and unproductive, the Jews  would give Muhammad and the Muslims 1/2 of all of what they produced.  Muhammad accepted the deal, with the stipulation that they could be expelled at his slightest whim.  Years later, Umar expelled the last remaining Jews from Khaibar.

Immediately following the conquest of Khaibar, a Jewish woman prepared a dinner for Muhammad and some of his men.  Unknown to the Muslims was that she had put a poison into the lamb (some say goat) that was served at dinner.  Muhammad ate some of the poisoned lamb and died as a result three years later.

This war has been going on since before 632AD!!!!!! It will never end. In the modern world filled with liberals and weak minded compromisers, the West will never seek total victory. The West will never do what we did to Germany and Japan and wipe out their entire ability to ever wage war again. Our pathetic leaders will try to have talks with the likes of ISIS or the Taliban in Afganistan and believe they will agree to stop fighting for their cause and live side by side Christians and Jews and live lives where women are treated as equals and children are loved and never killed simply for family honour!

We cannot persuade them to change. They will NEVER do as we wish. This Jihad and war is FOREVER. If we are to fight it then it must be TOTAL WAR. No compromise. Otherwise my children and Linked 's children and grand children and great grand children and ...... so on, will never see peace.

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I don't rant or even talk much here but some of you on here really pissed me off.  You 9/11 conspiracy theorist need to pull your heads out of, well you don't have a brain so it wouldn't help.  I was called to war because a sick bastard had WMD's (where do you think Syria got chemical weapons from?) Saddam killed thousands of people mainly kurds just because of the deference between a Methodist and Catholic for example.  We have been repeatedly attacked by jihadist for a while.  we should have taken Osama out after the U.S.S. Cole was hit. Some of you may not see it, but we have an obligation to protect Israel.  We gave the land that is Israel back to the Jews and made it a country after WWII because a lot of countries didn't want the influx of Jews (sad but true)  what do you think would happen to them if we didn't have our military complex.  Peace through strength.

Now on to 9/11 I remember watching the events of 9/11 on T.V. I was 17 I enlisted the very same day.  if for one second you think the president, who has had the most support for the troops had anything to do with killing American Citizens on U.S. soil, you my friends are either dumb or idiots.  There is no other option.  Islam calls for all those who don't conform to islam to DIE.  Do you know why Mussies hate us so much? I'll tell you One is explained above (Israel), two we are a nation built upon Christian values. that is it. no other reason is needed for them.  This will never change.  Now tell me would you rather have them here fighting there or us over there threating their homeland keeping them there.  My self I would rather be there and have been four separate times.  I would go back in a heart beat too. I have been shot at and blown up and would do it all again to keep them fighting for their land instead of killing you dumb sons a bitches who think that the world is all ferries and lollipops.  I have sworn to protect the citizens of the U.S. and her constitution.  I will give my life even for idiots.  if that makes me a dumbass than so be it.  At least I have faith in my fellow citizens, which obviously you don't. 

I will end my rant and let Squirrel pick apart my grammar.  Amd, before you go off on me look deep within yourselves and tell me how much are you willing to give to someone you have never met.  how much are you willing to sacrifice for a Country and her people.  If you have not signed the blank check you have no right to question and tear apart a good man.  (maybe not the best pres but a good man)

you were called to war , you volunteered no body ask you to go war  I was called to go war Vietnam I was drafted when I was 18 years old and they brain wash you to who to kill Communism, now there is no Communism we have to find some other place  to fight.  by the way Israel in my opinion Kill every day Palestinians, I wish you go live in Palestine then  you tell me dose guys are terrorist or freedom fitters, how you like to live under military rule, let them go back 1967 borders you will see peace then, Israel doesn't want peace , they want war and blame others , just AIPAC  controls our Congress AIPAC want us go war with Iran  they don't like diplomacy, just Like Natinyahu Every day I read that's all I hear war war war terrorist terrorist ,pleas USA go war with Iran they building the bomb, and I believe we US fighting Israel's war Israel has 200 nuke and they cry poor Israel Every one going to kill theme and if some one disagree with Israel they are Antisemitism   

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Guest ww_watcher

A few points to consider:

1) Yes, we gave Iraq the materials they needed to make weapons to fight Iran; a war we and the UK precipitated because the Ayatollah wanted to nationalize the Anglo-Iranian Oil companies (now called BP) and that couldn't be tolerated. We supplied arms to both sides though. If you remember the Iran-Contra scandals, that is what it was all about; we had to do that covertly, obviously. We also gave Iraq THE bomb tech and that pissed off Israel. However, Iraq knew we would come after them next because they were using old Russian SCUDS to deliver some of the gas we gave them. Some they used on the Kurds and the rest was moved to Syria. We made such a hullabaloo about the WMDs that Iraq had more than enough time to get rid of it. Funny thing is, because weapons-grade fissionable material is so hot it can be tracked from space; we knew exactly where it was and where it was going.

2) Israel attacked the USS Liberty during the six day war with Egypt because we were following them and sending back real time intel. First they bombed it then they strafed the sailors while they were in the water. A lot of US sailors were killed that day by deliberate attack, not an accident of identification. Don't RELY Israel as an ally we can count on; they have their own agenda.

3) Everywhere we have meddled in the world has left a vacuum filled with all the wrong sort. Most of South America has been screwed by our choices. The middle East has had many US supplanted psychopaths.

Here is something interesting to read. http://www.zompist.com/latam.html . Keep in mind that this a brief. You should find out more about each item before forming an opinion. I do know that we were supporting the contras with laundered money that came from drugs brought from Laos and Cambodia. Let's not forget CIA trained Manuel Noriega of Panama who wasn't mentioned in this list but was an active participant in the problems.

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