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US General Domestic Politics (2022) #5 Begins 03/20/22.

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3 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


Just to state that, in addition to natural sciences, I also studied business administration and economics and completed my studies with honors. And you ?? Round table slogans and hot air. You are an economic policy zero. It's warm in Trump's ass - start thinking for yourself as a little poo!

Fact - I don't "hate" the US, and I certainly don't hate US people. I don't like US hubris though. A state that believes it is particularly important or valuable in the world. The opposite is the case, as history impressively proves. Well, Putin must be accused and sentenced as a war criminal - but so must the lying rat of Republican George W. Bush!


So if you are so highly educated why are you still so dumb?

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55 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:


My God Bubi, it is known that you have read some foreign words like "propagandist", "indoctrinaire", "Marxist", "socialist", "communist" somewhere - but YOU have no idea what that is by definition. You're just a dumbass who wants to make a ruckus here, like other little sycophants and busybodies. Go to your mommy and cry. You are simply unqualified here - learn, then maybe you can have a say here one day. Go to bed, but don't piss your pants. Trump poop stinks enough already.


       🖕 This isn't the European General Politics thread and obviously the only education you have had was being an indoctrinated little shit for brains propagandist kraut. 

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1 hour ago, StnCld316 said:

The bond market is flashing a warning sign that has correctly predicted almost every recession over the past 60 years: a potential inversion of...


High inflation rates almost always lead to recession. As prices increase consumers reduce the number of products and services they buy which eventually slows down economic growth.  Then businesses produce fewer products and layoff unneeded employees which means more people have less money to spend. Thus, the downward spiral into recession is accelerated. Also, the Fed raises interest rates to slow the rate of inflation which makes it more difficult for consumers, businesses and investors to borrow money. 

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2 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

Public tv means it is controlled by the government which means that its content is controlled by the government. You still never gave me the name of one Black person who was not allowed to vote in the 2020 U.S. election. If Black voters were prevented from voting on a large scale, as you claim, there should be thousands or millions of names. Voting surveys show that voter turnout for Blacks in the 2020 election exceeded turnout for Blacks in the 2016 election.


Du hast keine Ahnung vom Deutschen Fernsehen. Das ist weder Staats- noch Regierungs-TV. "Öffentlich-rechtlich" heißt, es gibt einen "Rundfunkrat" mit Vertretern aller wichtigen Strömungen der Gesellschaft, Parteien, diverse Kirchen, Gewerkschaften, Arbeitgeber-Verbände, Verbraucherschützer  und andere welche das gesamte Programm kritisch begleiten. Redakteure und Reporter arbeiten frei ohne jede Zensur - und der Rundfunkrat achtet auf Neutralität und Ausgewogenheit in der Berichterstattung. Und dieses System funktioniert seit 70 Jahren hervorragend. Daneben gibt es auch Privatsender die frei in der Berichterstattung sind, sich aber auch aus Eigenverantwortung möglichst neutral verhalten. Die Berichterstattung in Deutschland ist top. Jeder Kann durch Sender im Ausland wie Schweiz, Österreich, NL, F und andere die Infos vergleichen, etwa arte, 3sat und mehr. "Tendenziell Regierungseigene" Sender wie in den USA sind hier Fremdwort.

Deine Erwartung, das ich einen Namen von Schwarzen benenne, die keine Zulassung zur Wahl erhielten ist naiv. WEr nur mal eine Packung Zigaretten gestohlen hat ist Straftäter und erhält keine Zulassung zur Wahl. Das kommt beri den super-armen Schwarzen eben häufiger vor als bei super-reichen Weißen, die den Staat um Millionen betrügen und nicht angeklagt werden - und wählen dürfen. Ist das gerecht ??


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24 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

So if you are so highly educated why are you still so dumb?


Du hast völlig Recht. Warum bin ich so dumm und antworte auf Deinen Schwachsinn ohne Substanz ??? Vielleicht weil ich nur Menschenfreund bin - und hoffe das Menschen fähig sind täglich etwas zu lernen - und erkennen was Wahrheit ist. Neben Scheiss-Trump-TV und Ableger.


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28 minutes ago, Nicholas said:

       🖕 This isn't the European General Politics thread and obviously the only education you have had was being indoctrinated little shit for brains propagandist kraut.


Wie immer, ist dieser Beitrag wieder nur dumm und primitiv. Lernen, studieren, lesen und verstehen - und dann posten. Fertig !


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3 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


Finally stop with the nonsense. Trump's little monkey was voted out and now President Joe Biden is governing very successfully. Good man! The best US President in 30 years.



Joe Biden the best U.S. president in 30 years? That is one of the dumbest comments that has ever been posted on this thread.  Too bad the American people don't share your opinion. 

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1 minute ago, Ridgerunner said:

Joe Biden the best U.S. president in 30 years? That is one of the dumbest comments that has ever been posted on this thread.  Too bad the American people don't share your opinion. 


Sorry, ich bin für die "Intelligenz des US-Volkes" nicht verantwortlich. 😁 Ich sage meine Meinung, ich bin von dummen US-TV-Stationen nicht beeinflusst und frei.


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14 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:


You are absolutely right. Why am I so stupid and answer your nonsense without substance ??? Maybe because I'm just a philanthropist - and I hope that people are able to learn something every day - and recognize what truth is. In addition to shit Trump TV and offshoots.


Your truth is lies that you believe.:sad:

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2 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:


Sorry, I am not responsible for the "intelligence of the US people". 😁  I speak my mind, I am uninfluenced and free from stupid US TV stations.


Yeah, you are informed by biased censored German public television.

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24 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:


You have no idea about German television. This is neither state nor government TV. "Public law" means there is a "broadcasting council" with representatives of all important trends in society, parties, various churches, trade unions, employers' associations, consumer protection groups and others who critically monitor the entire program. Editors and reporters work freely without any censorship - and the Broadcasting Council pays attention to neutrality and balance in reporting. And this system has worked extremely well for 70 years. There are also private broadcasters that are free to report, but also behave as neutrally as possible out of personal responsibility. Reporting in Germany is great. Everyone can through broadcasters abroad such as Switzerland, Austria, NL, F and others who compare information, such as arte, 3sat and more. "Tensarily government-owned" stations like in the USA are a foreign word here.

Your expectation that I would name a black man who was not allowed to vote is naïve. Anyone who has stolen a pack of cigarettes is a criminal and will not be allowed to vote. This happens more often with super-poor black people than with super-rich white people, who cheat the state out of millions and are not charged - and are allowed to vote. Is that fair ??


But they are not stealing packs of cigarettes . Now they are stealing Luis Vuitton and Gucci products.:biggrin:

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