StarLight28 Posted March 27, 2022 Posted March 27, 2022 5 hours ago, Ridgerunner said: Democrat politicians continue to amaze me with their lack of knowledge of basic economic principles. The governor of California has proposed giving a $400 gas gift card to California residents to help cover the cost of increased gasoline prices. The reason we have higher gasoline prices is because demand for gasoline is greater than the supply of gasoline. Those $400 gas cards will just drive prices higher because the free money will increase demand for gasoline and do nothing to increase the supply of gasoline. Such simple minded fools. Als Anmerkung. Es ist Unsinn das die Nachfrage von Benzin plötzlich gestiegen wäre oder das Angebot gesunken wäre. Der Grund für überhöhte Kraftstoff-Preise ist Spekulation durch die Mineralölkonzerne am Markt vorbei. Diese "Monopolisten" stecken sich gerade ihre Taschen voll und spielen mit der Angst der Menschen wegen BLUTINs Ukraine-Überfall.
SPYING 1 Posted March 27, 2022 Author Posted March 27, 2022 Weekend reads: the slowing housing market and inverted yield curve signal a coming recession - MarketWatch WWW.MARKETWATCH.COM Also, the case for buying Tesla's stock and how to plan for retirement.
StarLight28 Posted March 27, 2022 Posted March 27, 2022 Biden ist ein guter und mutiger US-Präsident, einer der den US-Staat wieder zu Ansehen in der Welt gebracht hat. Eine Wohltat nach dem Abziehbild von Trump, der den Staat zuvor in das internationale Abseits geführt hatte. Und wenn Biden diesen Narren von Putin einen "Schlächter" nennt, dann spricht er angesichts des verbrecherischen Überfall auf die ukrainische Zivilbevölkerung nur Wahrheit !!! Danke Joe !
Ridgerunner Posted March 27, 2022 Posted March 27, 2022 4 hours ago, StarLight28 said: YOU really have no idea and don't see any connections. I didn't claim that you still have slavery today. The black population is 99% descendants of slaves and this black population is still fighting for " equality ". It's not uncommon for blacks to be chased like rabbits by white cops - and then shot from behind. Or beaten to death or suffocated to death. Otherwise, why permanent demonstrations by blacks? And many white sympathizers. Many blacks were not given the right to vote in the last election either , otherwise Trump's defeat would have been even more obvious. In practical terms, one can speak of a 2-class society. In individual cases, blacks get into leadership positions, no question, but in general blacks and even more remaining Indians remain in the lowest poor stratum of the population - generation after generation. open your eyes and think. Your supposed knowledge of what is happening in the U.S. is laughable. Apparently you watch and read too much mainstream news media. Police shootings of innocent Blacks is very rare in the U.S., and the deceitful news media in this country sensationalizes those cases and makes it appear that those are everyday happenings. What is an everyday happening though is Black people killing Black people in record numbers in our large cities. And the corrupt news media totally ignores that story because it doesn't fit their "woke" agenda.
Ridgerunner Posted March 27, 2022 Posted March 27, 2022 4 hours ago, StarLight28 said: YOU really have no idea and don't see any connections. I didn't claim that you still have slavery today. The black population is 99% descendants of slaves and this black population is still fighting for " equality ". It's not uncommon for blacks to be chased like rabbits by white cops - and then shot from behind. Or beaten to death or suffocated to death. Otherwise, why permanent demonstrations by blacks? And many white sympathizers. Many blacks were not given the right to vote in the last election either , otherwise Trump's defeat would have been even more obvious. In practical terms, one can speak of a 2-class society. In individual cases, blacks get into leadership positions, no question, but in general blacks and even more remaining Indians remain in the lowest poor stratum of the population - generation after generation. open your eyes and think. The statement that, "many Blacks were not given the right to vote in the last election" is a total myth. What kept them from voting? It is just as easy for a Black person to vote in the U.S. as it is for any other citizen. When people make that claim why do they never give the name of one Black person who claims they were not allowed to vote?
Ridgerunner Posted March 27, 2022 Posted March 27, 2022 2 hours ago, StarLight28 said: Biden is a good and courageous US President, one who has brought the US state back to the world. A boon after Trump's decal, who had previously led the state into the international offside . And when Biden calls this fool of Putin a " butcher ", then he is only speaking the truth in view of the criminal attack on the Ukrainian civilian population !!! Thank you Joe! What a joke your comment is. The world leaders like Joe Biden because he is once again making the U.S. the piggy bank for the rest of the world at the expense of the American people. Biden and his whole family are totally corrupt. If you want to know who Joe Biden and his family really are read the books "Laptop From Hell" by Miranda Devine and "Red Handed" by Peter Schweizer. If we had a fair and unbiased justice system in the U.S. Joe Biden, Hunter Biden and much of his family would be in prison right now for their corrupt foreign business dealings.
Ridgerunner Posted March 27, 2022 Posted March 27, 2022 5 hours ago, StarLight28 said: As a note. It is nonsense that the demand for gasoline suddenly increased or the supply decreased. The reason for excessive fuel prices is speculation by the mineral oil companies on the market. These "monopolists" are stuffing their pockets and playing on people's fears about BLUTIN's Ukraine raid. Sounds like your favorite book is "The Communist Manifesto". Save your Marxist propaganda for someone who is stupid enough to believe it.
Ridgerunner Posted March 27, 2022 Posted March 27, 2022 Joe Biden more and more appears to be a bitter, angry senile old man. Wonder if it's the result of taking amphetamines to counter act his dementia?
happyone Posted March 27, 2022 Posted March 27, 2022 Here’s why Biden’s approval rating has fallen to record lows WWW.MSN.COM Biden risks losing his base as the center abandons him As far as legislation getting passed or not, it is the same old story that the politicians cannot seem to let legislation stand on it's own merits without packing it so full of pork barrel spending that it becomes near impossible for bi-partisan support. The USA for the most part is moderate and the constituents do not want far left socialist agenda being passed and reckless spending, as was railroaded thankfully by Manchin and Sinema and the rest of the GOP party.
happyone Posted March 27, 2022 Posted March 27, 2022 U.S. Officials Rush to Clarify Biden's Comment on Russia's Putin WWW.MSN.COM Speaking in the Polish capital of Warsaw on Saturday, President Biden appeared to issue his strongest condemnation of Vladimir Putin to date. The world may be shocked by what our senile, old President let slip---but that statement only represented what the rest of civil society is thinking about Putin and his criminal acts.
Ridgerunner Posted March 27, 2022 Posted March 27, 2022 3 minutes ago, happyone said: Here’s why Biden’s approval rating has fallen to record lows WWW.MSN.COM Biden risks losing his base as the center abandons him As far as legislation getting passed or not, it is the same old story that the politicians cannot seem to let legislation stand on it's own merits without packing it so full of pork barrel spending that it becomes near impossible for bi-partisan support. The USA for the most part is moderate and the constituents do not want far left socialist agenda being passed and reckless spending, as was railroaded thankfully by Manchin and Sinema and the rest of the GOP party. That's what happens when you campaign as a moderate and then rule as a far left radical. No one trusts you anymore.
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