Ridgerunner Posted March 27, 2022 Posted March 27, 2022 3 minutes ago, happyone said: U.S. Officials Rush to Clarify Biden's Comment on Russia's Putin WWW.MSN.COM Speaking in the Polish capital of Warsaw on Saturday, President Biden appeared to issue his strongest condemnation of Vladimir Putin to date. The world may be shocked by what our senile, old President let slip---but that statement only represented what the rest of civil society is thinking about Putin and his criminal acts. But when the President of the United States says that publicly what if the Russian people interpret that to mean the U.S. plans to overthrow the Russian government. I thought Biden was so concerned about not provoking Putin into starting WW III. I can just see Russian news media showing that clip of the Biden speech and using it to rally the Russian people against the U.S.
happyone Posted March 27, 2022 Posted March 27, 2022 Here’s What Russia in Ukraine Did While You Were All Squabbling Over Biden’s ‘Attack’ on Putin (msn.com)
SPYING 1 Posted March 27, 2022 Author Posted March 27, 2022 Experts say Biden's comment that Putin must go could give the Russian president the freedom to show no restraint WWW.BUSINESSINSIDER.COM "It discourages Putin from any compromise essentially — if you've got everything to lose, it...
SPYING 1 Posted March 27, 2022 Author Posted March 27, 2022 Foreclosure: Housing market turbulent in 2022 as mortgages default - Fingerlakes1.com WWW.FINGERLAKES1.COM Foreclosures are on the rise. New data revealed a seven-fold increase between Dec. 2021...
StarLight28 Posted March 27, 2022 Posted March 27, 2022 7 hours ago, Ridgerunner said: The statement that, "many Blacks were not given the right to vote in the last election" is a total myth. What kept them from voting? It is just as easy for a Black person to vote in the U.S. as it is for any other citizen. When people make that claim why do they never give the name of one Black person who claims they were not allowed to vote? Nach einer ausführlichen Dokumentation in Deutschen öffentlich rechtlichen TV-Anstalten - vor der US-Wahl. Ich sehe keinen Grund das nicht ernst zu nehmen.
SPYING 1 Posted March 27, 2022 Author Posted March 27, 2022 3 minutes ago, StarLight28 said: Nach einer ausführlichen Dokumentation in Deutschen öffentlich rechtlichen TV-Anstalten - vor der US-Wahl. Ich sehe keinen Grund das nicht ernst zu nehmen. You don't know shit, only knowledge you have is inbreeding & spreading your communists nazi 3rd Reich views
StarLight28 Posted March 27, 2022 Posted March 27, 2022 7 hours ago, Ridgerunner said: What a joke your comment is. The world leaders like Joe Biden because he is once again making the U.S. the piggy bank for the rest of the world at the expense of the American people. Biden and his whole family are totally corrupt. If you want to know who Joe Biden and his family really are read the books "Laptop From Hell" by Miranda Devine and "Red Handed" by Peter Schweizer. If we had a fair and unbiased justice system in the U.S. Joe Biden, Hunter Biden and much of his family would be in prison right now for their corrupt foreign business dealings. Ins Gefängnis ? Genau dahin gehört der Schwachkopf von Trump !! Der Vaterlandsverräter der Menschen verleitet das Kapitol mit Gewalt zu erstürmen. Ein feiger Hund. Das die US-Justiz offensichtlich unfähig ist, da gebe ich Dir Recht.
StarLight28 Posted March 27, 2022 Posted March 27, 2022 7 hours ago, Ridgerunner said: Sounds like your favorite book is "The Communist Manifesto". Save your Marxist propaganda for someone who is stupid enough to believe it. Du hast von Wirtschaft null Ahnung. Nur dumme Sprüche. Typisches Stammtisch-Wissen von Dummen. Verschone uns mit dem Blödsinn.
happyone Posted March 27, 2022 Posted March 27, 2022 Biden has canceled $17 billion in student loan debt, without scoring a political win WWW.MSN.COM Joe Biden has canceled more student loan debt than any other President, delivering relief to 700,000-plus borrowers. But some voters feel misled by Biden, who had supported canceling $10,000 for each... Rather than cancelling all this student debt and turning student loans into freebies, why not go after the fraudulent educational institutions charging these outlandish tuitions. Many of these colleges have huge endowments--so they can afford to lower tuition costs.
StarLight28 Posted March 27, 2022 Posted March 27, 2022 16 minutes ago, SPYING 1 said: You don't know shit, only knowledge you have is inbreeding & spreading your communists nazi 3rd Reich views Du bist ein wirklich selten dummes intrigantes Arschloch. Nicht ich, sondern DU bist ganz offensichtlich ein armes Inzucht-Produkt, sonst würdest Du nicht immer so einen Müll posten. "Kommunistische NAZI im 3.Reich" Diesen groben Unfug schreibst DU Pfeife hier zum x-ten mal. Entweder - oder, beides zusammen hat es nie gegeben. Die NAZI haben Kommunisten systematisch verfolgt und in Gefängnisse oder ins KZ gesteckt - oder gleich erschossen. Halte Dich von Themen fern von denen Du null Ahnung hast, wie Dein Ziehvater Ridge. Nur Stammtisch-Parolen ohne Sinn und Verstand.
happyone Posted March 27, 2022 Posted March 27, 2022 I am so glad we are all back to intelligent, no name calling interactions🤢 1
Ridgerunner Posted March 28, 2022 Posted March 28, 2022 5 hours ago, StarLight28 said: After a detailed documentation in German public TV stations - before the US election. I see no reason not to take this seriously. Fuck German public TV . Those dishonest liberal progressive fools are just as uninformed about the U.S. as you are. "Detailed documentation?" Give me the name of one Black person who was not allowed to vote in the 2020 election. Probably news reporters who are just as dishonest as the "Der Spiegel" reporter Claas Relotius who totally fabricated a negative news story about Trump voters in Fergus Falls, Minnesota.
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