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Diana & Efim Pictures

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You are fast going to become Foamy's best friend with that fine sippin Scotch.

I'll probably need something to smooth the waters, I inadvertently made a derogatory remark about Maya, so expecting his wrath to descend very soon. I'll pour one for you too, you obviously appreciate a good Scotch (not much left now though).

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This is like the fucking devices at grocery and department and quicky mart stores. They ALL have a fucking different user interface. So the clerk always has to say "Now hit the green button," or "press enter" or some such useless nonsense. Plus, the fucking touch-screen never works and I never have my reading glasses on and I have to swipe my card three times before the cock-sucking machine can read it.

I'm ready to barter with metals and ammo instead.

I'm old school.

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