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Diana & Efim Pictures

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J'ai manqué le retour hier soir mais j'ai l'impression qu'Efim devait être chargé, à voir sa tête ce matin. Y'a des lendemains qui chantent...


I missed when they come back home last night but I think Efim should be alcoholic, judging by his attitude and head this morning. He is very tired...  ;)

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Très joli cul alors que quelques uns ici disent qu'elle ressemble à un mec, sous prétexte qu'elle a des jambes musclées et de petits seins.

Heureusement, elle ne ressemble pas à Léora avec ses cannes de serin et sa cervelle d'oiseau.

Et si elle est un mec, je veux bien être son pote...

Very nice ass indeed while some guys here say she looks like a boy pretexting she has small tits and muscular thighs !

Fortunatly, she doesn't look like Leora with her legs and brain as a bird.

If she's a guy, I want to be his buddy...  :-*

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Très joli cul alors que quelques uns ici disent qu'elle ressemble à un mec, sous prétexte qu'elle a des jambes musclées et de petits seins.

Heureusement, elle ne ressemble pas à Léora avec ses cannes de serin et sa cervelle d'oiseau.

Et si elle est un mec, je veux bien être son pote...

Very nice ass indeed while some guys here say she looks like a boy pretexting she has small tits and muscular thighs !

Fortunatly, she doesn't look like Leora with her legs and brain as a bird.

If she's a guy, I want to be his buddy...  :-*

Plus she has a face only a mother could love.

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Very nice ass indeed while some guys here say she looks like a boy pretexting she has small tits and muscular thighs !

Fortunatly, she doesn't look like Leora with her legs and brain as a bird.

If she's a guy, I want to be his buddy...  :-*

Plus she has a face only a mother could love.

You are speaking about Diana I suppose and I'm sure she'll appreciate your compliment coming from a compatriot. Reading your words, I'm not surprised that your prettiest women leave the Russia.  :)

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