gazza1174 Posted July 24, 2014 Posted July 24, 2014 hi all rlc members i would like to become a member but need to know how it shows on my card statement pls pls pls help someone anyone
Cho Posted July 24, 2014 Posted July 24, 2014 Décidemment, il aime bien se faire servir le petit mec... J'ai l'impression que ça commence à la gonfler... Decidedly, he likes to be served the little guy ... I feel it starting to displease her. (The Image associated with this comment is no longer accessible and has been removed).
tripa2005 Posted July 24, 2014 Posted July 24, 2014 They are russians... woman are always in the kitchen.. look at Leora and Paul.. Leora cooks for him the whole time..
snaky Posted July 24, 2014 Posted July 24, 2014 hi all rlc members i would like to become a member but need to know how it shows on my card statement pls pls pls help someone anyone Why, you afraid mommy is gonna find out you are using her credit card on porn sites?
Buster Posted July 24, 2014 Posted July 24, 2014 To his credit, he could be referring to his wife. Regardless, that was a funny response.
van the man Posted July 24, 2014 Posted July 24, 2014 Same problem for many of us I guess! I usually open the mail before she does plus I pay the fucking bills!!! Do they accept PayPal or other prepaid credit cards?
me2hk Posted July 24, 2014 Posted July 24, 2014 (The Image associated with this comment is no longer accessible and has been removed).
woodworker Posted July 24, 2014 Posted July 24, 2014 hi all rlc members i would like to become a member but need to know how it shows on my card statement pls pls pls help someone anyone It will usually show up as: "Perverted Pleasures inc."
Guest BurakYilmaz Posted July 24, 2014 Posted July 24, 2014 Décidemment, il aime bien se faire servir le petit mec... J'ai l'impression que ça commence à la gonfler... Decidedly, he likes to be served the little guy ... I feel it starting to displease her. (The Image associated with this comment is no longer accessible and has been removed). I bet the opposite. I bet if he didn't liked to be served, then she would slowly lose interest. Women want to be dominated physically and psychologically. This is just another form of that domination. It's also the old fashion norm in Eastern Europe. Within this context, if the man doesn't act like this he would ultimately lose some part of his masculinity.
jonker Posted July 25, 2014 Posted July 25, 2014 hi all rlc members i would like to become a member but need to know how it shows on my card statement pls pls pls help someone anyone It will say "SEGPAYEU.COM/REALLIFE"
Cho Posted July 25, 2014 Posted July 25, 2014 Décidemment, il aime bien se faire servir le petit mec... J'ai l'impression que ça commence à la gonfler... Decidedly, he likes to be served the little guy ... I feel it starting to displease her. (The Image associated with this comment is no longer accessible and has been removed). I bet the opposite. I bet if he didn't liked to be served, then she would slowly lose interest. Women want to be dominated physically and psychologically. This is just another form of that domination. It's also the old fashion norm in Eastern Europe. Within this context, if the man doesn't act like this he would ultimately lose some part of his masculinity. Permets moi de ne pas du tout partager ce point de vue qui date d'un autre âge. Tu n'as sans doute pas remarqué comment elle a claqué le pot de Ketchup sur la table et tu n'as sans doute pas vu son regard lorsqu'elle lui a tendu la fourchette sinon tu ne tiendrais sans doute pas ce discours. Cela dit, mon grand père et ma grand-mère, nés en 1901 et 1903 étaient déjà beaucoup plus modernes que ton "modèle" relatif à la relation Homme Femme. J'ai toujours connu l'égalité entre eux tant sur le plan professionnel que comportemental à la maison. Il n'y avait pas de tâches dévolues à l'Homme et d'autres pour la Femme et la masculinité de mon grand-père n'était pas remise en cause... Nous sommes au 21 ème siècle, il serait temps d'évoluer... I don't at all share this view that dates past. You have probably not noticed how she slammed Ketchup on the table you did'nt look her face and eyes and she seemed upset when she gave him the fork, otherwise you would have probably not this speech. That said, my grandfather and my grandmother, born in 1901 and 1903 were already much more modern than your "model" on the Female/Male relationship. I've always known equality between them both professionally and behavioral home. There were no tasks assigned to man and other for woman and the masculinity of my grandfather was not questioning. We are in the 21st century, it is time to evolve...
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