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Diana & Efim Pictures

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\if he was more interested in her she would get bored and lose interest...its psychology 101

This is something that has been proven time and time again for many years, although I'd say it has more to do with biology then psychology. Women generally are not attracted to nice guys.

I agree with what you said Cho about men and women being equal or at least especially in the 21st century where women are capable of earning just as much, if not more money than men. However, being equal has fuck all to do with the laws of attraction. The issue isn't about equality it's about gender roles and stereotypes. If it weren't, more women would be more inclined to date men that didn't have jobs or had little paying jobs the way men are, or would be more willing to pay for dates or be more sexually aggressive. Regardless of "the emancipation through the work" women are still seen a certain a way and men are still seen a certain way and women still want a certain type of man that fits into what they constitute as being a "man" and it's even perpetuated by half the guys on this board. This won't change until gender roles have been totally broken down. Equality or autonomy has nothing to do with that, nor is it about trying to keep women under control. Women don't want a dependent man and they don't want a pussy.

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It is always said that the most attractive thing on a man is his wallet!!! I tend to agree that women like 'bad boys' more than 'sweet' boys. Maybe all rich guys are 'bad boys' or is that just a coincidence!

It's also said women like funny men. Making them laugh is supposed to be a guaranteed way of getting into their pants. Again this may be true but I bet not many women will marry a funny man with no money or no prospects!

I am far too cynical for sure!!! I must be wrong too. How do we explain why Leora is with Paul!!! Bad boy Ruslan managed to pull the best looking girl in RLC!!!

Lets face it women are just weird. If they weren't why the fuck would they fancy hairy assed men!!!

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Van, You left out one important element.  A lot of girls like to be treated like shit.  That would at least explain Ruslan. 

And Leora?  Well, She doesn't really love or respect Paul.  She merely plays with him like a cat with a ball of yarn.  If you notice, She calls all the shots there, as to the when and where, if at all, they should have sex.  That's not love, nor respect.  I think she's just biding her time with him.

The charm of his lucky horse shoe dick is starting to wear off.

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Physical attraction is important indeed. It's related to our reptilian brain that makes women choose the most physically strong man image best player that will perpetuate the species. Today this concept is obviously obsolete. On Leora or Katya, I am convinced that their studies stopped quickly and the only model they reproduce is that of their mothers. They do not even address the question of the choice of the man with whom they live. Their representation of the couple is archaic. If they were more educated, I am also convinced that they would not even look Ruslan or Paul, or else simply for one night ...

Diana is a modern young educated woman... and very nice. She deserves a man has her physical and intellectual image. Efim is on the right way, still a little young but he will change. It is not easy to be at her side. The challenge is hard but he will succeed. Let's time take is course.

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