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B4 - General Topic 2022 #35 (April)

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8 minutes ago, ddhm said:

Come posso esprimere pensieri come questo in 2-3 righe di paragrafo? Forse dovrei iniziare a scrivere in greco 😂 🤣 😛 😝 😜


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41 minutes ago, ddhm said:

Prefiero a la salvaje Holly, la impredecible Holly, la chica que para ella Barcelona era una oportunidad de vivir su vida, descubrirse a sí misma, lo que desea, lo que le gusta, lo que quiere. La versión actual de Holly ha pasado de ese estilo de vida, más madura, con metas y objetivos de vida claros, solo está usando RLC para QUEDARSE en Barcelona porque un apartamento sola le costará y no VIVIR en Barcelona con las reglas de RLC... Puede renunciar, encontrar un trabajo, pagar sus propias facturas, ver la diferencia (de hecho lo hizo porque estaba claro que nunca salió de Barcelona cuando la destituyeron en 2021) de tener su propia vida en Barcelona y permitir el lugar de la fiesta, el apartamento de los dramas, las incidencias de la residencia, las complicaciones y el no acabar”. scripts “casa para personas que quieren VIVIR la experiencia de ser GOV, trabajando para RLC como su trabajo principal.Este es Tweety, estos son los 4 amigos, incluso Radislava es una empleada de RLC. No veo ninguna pasión por la oportunidad de trabajo de RLC por parte de Holly y Lorraine, eso es todo.

I think Ulyana has done the same as Holly....🤷‍♂️

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51 minutes ago, ddhm said:

Vamos, Nana siendo una recién llegada a la villa, ¿haciendo de diva para qué? ¿Llevar a un chico a su cama, invitarlo a la villa ya su cama, permitiéndole estar desnudo y de la forma en que lo veo, para ganar los primeros lugares de la cámara? Por favor... Evitando besarlo cuando repetidamente era el chico que le gustaba 

I think it's the same thing Fiora did in B6 the night Harley kicked her last guy out...🤔

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1 hour ago, ddhm said:

There’s a big difference here that few seem to understand … we are talking about liking a girl and liking a tenant , these are two completely different things

This is a good rubric to use to classify these girls.  It makes sense to me.  I love Holly but she is not a great tenant of late.  And while Masha is an amazing tenant, I'm not sure sure I could hook up with her, she scares me a bit.  Of course I think Martina, Fiora, Eva, are three for me that score high in terms of liking a girl and also scores high as a tenant.

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1 hour ago, poncherello said:

I think that Holly has improved in this stay: she has understood what we want and gives it to us: Beauty, availability, nudity and youth with Tweety with whom she is sincerely in love, wrongly. The example of what I am saying is from this morning. Holly had to sleep (completely naked as usual about her and as we want) despite the presence of Kylie and Rus. I thought that this morning she would have run away to the bathroom to wrap herself in a bathrobe and then go to the closet to get some clothes and take refuge in the bathroom again to get dressed. But no, she asked Rus to turn around and went completely naked to the closet (because that's what we want) to dress with the usual very calm. This is what we want and after three stays Holly is giving it to us.

Sorry Ponch but sleeping nude with Kylie & Rus is nice to see, but to me this doesn't score marks for her as a tenant, especially given what we have seen in her past.  Not trying to provoke an argument.  I was not here in Holly's heyday but I have  seen some videos and it's amazing I wonder if it is the same girl.

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1 hour ago, ddhm said:

I prefer the wild Holly, the unpredictable Holly, the girl that for her Barcelona was an opportunity to live her life, discover herself, what she wishes, what she likes, what she wants. more mature, with clear life goals and aims, she's just using RLC to STAY in Barcelona because an apartment by herself will cost her and not LIVE in Barcelona with RLC rules .. the difference (she actually did it as it was clear that she never left Barcelona when she was removed in 2021) of having her own life in Barcelona and allow the party place, the dramas apartment, the incidents residence, the complications and non ending " scripts “house for people who want to LIVE the experience of being GOV, working for RLC as their main job.This is Tweety, this is the 4 friends, even Radislava is an RLC employee .. I can't see any passion for the RLC job opportunity by either Holly and Lorraine, that's all.

Holly did go back to Ukraine. She was in Kyiv before coming back to Barcelona for this stay 🙂

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2 minutes ago, JenniferMom said:

Scusa Ponch ma dormire nuda con Kylie e Rus è bello da vedere, ma per me questo non segna per lei come inquilina, soprattutto considerando quello che abbiamo visto in passato. Non cercare di provocare una discussione. Non ero qui ai tempi d'oro di Holly, ma ho visto alcuni video ed è incredibile, mi chiedo se sia la stessa ragazza.

Of course, she is the same girl 4 years older, so she is more mature and different. All the girls change after two stays. I don't want to provoke discussions, I express my idea and I apologize if I don't think like the others. It's wrong?

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1 hour ago, ddhm said:

She current version of Holly has gone from this lifestyle , more mature , with clear life goals and aims ,

What are her clear life goals and aims?  I love Holly, don't get me wrong, but I see  no evidence of trying to achieve  some goals like we see Martina doing with her school  work.    Having said this, I have seen Holly sitting a lot at the desk in the  suite. Not sure what she is doing but maybe she is doing something serious.

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1 hour ago, ddhm said:

Come on , Nana being as a newcomer in the villa , playing it diva fro what ? Bringing a guy on her bed , inviting him in the villa and on her bed , allowing him to be naked and the way I see it , to gain the top camera spots ? Please ..Avoding to kiss him when he was repeatedly the guy she liked because  of what ? Being shy on cameras? Perfect , bring him there , let him just sleep  in your bed  , put limits or if you want him , sleep at his place ..And not allowing others to bring guys ? Come on , who she is ? I understand that the possibility of the leaked video of Tesla might affected her , so , quit , this job being shy or acting as a diva isn’t maybe for her .. Nana of the first month with her slow unfolding was great and then , boom , stop .. 

Once again , a big repeat by myself … I would like a Girl On Vacation to LIVE  in an apartment and not STAY  in an apartment .I think whoever can understand this big difference , can maybe see what RLC might mean both as a business that “ requires “ from the people who work for this company to be , behave and act in front of cameras . Maybe whoever can think who LIVES in an RLC apartment and who STAYS in an apartment of the current cast across all RLC cities and apartments , can maybe also understand the meaning of my thoughts .

I agree 100%

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32 minutes ago, poncherello said:

Of course, she is the same girl 4 years older, so she is more mature and different. All the girls change after two stays. I don't want to provoke discussions, I express my idea and I apologize if I don't think like the others. It's wrong?

You are perfect Ponch.  Yes don't want to provoke each other.  But it's fun sharing opinions.

Another way to think of Holly this morning with Kylie & Rus is to look at this through the lens of being authentic.  If she is shy around K&R, then it's ok to me to grab the robe and be modest.  I would prefer her to be herself rather than tell Rus to turn around so she can show her body to the audience and boost her clicks/ratings.  Does this make sense?   I really think the key to success for these girls is to BE TRUE TO YOURSELF and BE AUTHENTIC.   This cuts both ways of course.  Seraphima was very very authentic.   But she was a horrible tenant.  That's simply who she is.

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