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B4 - General Topic 2022 #37 (April)

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12 hours ago, poncherello said:

Last night I dreamed of Holly with a boy but I had my eyes open so it was not a dream. I'm not happy for me, I'd rather see her with Tweety or Valeria or Megan but I'm happy first of all for her and then also for all those who continue to criticize her. The show was not the best, he didn't seem like a great lover on the contrary he seemed to me one with the alarm set that had to sound after 30 minutes from entering the house. 16 minutes of fucking and Holly did not reach an orgasm, so it seems to me. I don't like Bruno, he is violent, he surrounds himself with people like him, but I must admit that he knows how to do it in bed, he has no peace and gives pleasure. This is my thought anyway and I hope he stays very far from RLC now and in the future

I think that Holly looked happy with this guy .

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10 hours ago, thinga69 said:

That was a great surprise Holly. You were very submissive.  hope that you bring more and more Tinder hookups like this guy. 🎉

I don’t think it was an one time deal but we will see .

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7 hours ago, Brokk! said:

When they kick Radi out of rlc it will never be too late. This farce with Cecilia (who is not even an official participant) is really tiring. Radi has also stopped masturbating, so she's even more useless than before. A waste.

First , I agree with you about Cecilia and Radislava and whatever we see being tiring ..But guess also about the girl who lives in Prague how similar behavior she has except the masturbations usually 3 times per week ..or isn’t that so ? I say this to you because I know you post there and maybe you can see now deeper concerning Leora’s  presence as a tenant if you bring both girls on the frame and how they are as tenants with the life they run and the things they do .

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4 minutes ago, ddhm said:

I don’t think it was an one time deal but we will see .

I'm not sure but it looked like it. When he was leaving he called a friend to catch him there and take him to the air port, before the sex he said that he could only be there for an hour, and told her that in a few days he would be back. To this friend he spoke in a different language, sound like Arabic,  and he never spoke in Spanish. But I don't think that it was their first time together but they barely know each other. 

My theory is that Holly hookup with guys on Tinder or night clubs first and if she think that the guy will be ok on cameras she brings him over. Remember her talk with Dani that by her body language looked like she was complaining about how the guy fucked her?  This made think that she tries the guy off cam first.

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11 minutes ago, thinga69 said:

I'm not sure but it looked like it. When he was leaving he called a friend to catch him there and take him to the air port, before the sex he said that he could only be there for an hour, and told her that in a few days he would be back. To this friend he spoke in a different language, sound like Arabic,  and he never spoke in Spanish. But I don't think that it was their first time together but they barely know each other. 

My theory is that Holly hookup with guys on Tinder or night clubs first and if she think that the guy will be ok on cameras she brings him over. Remember her talk with Dani that by her body language looked like she was complaining about how the guy fucked her?  This made think that she tries the guy off cam first.

Hmm , very interesting opinion with things that I actually never thought of to be honest . To me , I always believed that since her return for this stay , Holly entered with a break up in progress or a not “ clear”  personal issue which took time till she accepts and affected her . I think she had a very quiet time after her return from holidays but it is one month nearly now and especially the Thursdays that she has been going out , I believe she had dates but were all unsuccessful , if I remember correctly , she was off cameras overnighting all this period  only twice , maybe three times which supports my theory of failures with her dates .


This  guy wasn’t an one night stand as they seemed to know one another longer time and having met again , maybe one of the overnights was with him ? Who can tell .. But I saw her happy and enjoying and this is what matters . I forgot to mention that one of the biggest assets of Holly is thst apart from that guy who stayed with her on the 4th January 2021 and was Russian speaking , Holly has always hooked up with English speaking guys , maybe locals or of another nationality and this is really great for me , escaping the Russian / Ukrainian community , I think it secures a much more pleasant time in Barcelona , but that’s how I see it maybe because when I go on holidays I try to avoid anything Greek if it exists at the place visiting 😁

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32 minutes ago, ddhm said:

Hmm, non era quel ragazzo con uno zaino e un laptop che è rimasto per quasi 48 ore e sembrava che Holly stesse aspettando che apparisse ed è per questo (secondo me come sempre) si è pentita di quello che ha fatto con Daniel come lei potrebbe aver sentito che lo ha tradito facendo qualsiasi cosa con Daniel? 

You know I have no memory of the boy with the backpack and laptop, can you explain something to me?

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45 minutes ago, poncherello said:

You know I have no memory of the boy with the backpack and laptop, can you explain something to me?

Holly slept with Daniel on New Year’s Day 2021 ..One of the reasons that she was hesitant might have been that she knew that a guy was coming to stay with her . As ed2 said , the last time Holly had sex before yesterday night was 4th January 2021 . Now , if calculations are correct and because I don’t want to search the archives , Holly woke up very  early hours ( between 05:00-06:00 ) of 3rd of January and she welcomed a guy ( Russian speaking ) with a backpack , he seemed like a normal friend of hers in the beginning , they laid down on her bed and they started watching a movie .. after 4-5 hours I think , maybe less ? they start having sex . This happened again , 4th January , the next day then , was the last time . 

I think I had said at that time that this might have been a school friend visiting Barcelona or something like that or perhaps a distanced relationship boyfriend that visited Holly as they seemed to know each other already and maybe Holly’s disappointment with Daniel might have been ( amongst other reasons also ) that she knew a guy / boyfriend ? was coming and she had sex with  Daniel .


Since it isn’t so difficult dates to remember , if you search the B4 archives with dates  showing 1st January 2021 , it will be easy to find out about this guy and the theories and speculations made here . I remember being awaken as I saw Holly welcoming him and  I think Holly was also preparing with perfume and so on , underwear careful selection but I couldn’t see him having sex with her which happened after cuddling a lot at bed if I am correct . 

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Seems Harley has found someone as her out of villa times at nights increase and most probably being new as she hasn’t brought yet on cameras . Let’s see how it goes ( it might have also to do thst she can’t have privacy ) .

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3 minutes ago, ddhm said:

Holly è andata a letto con Daniel il giorno di Capodanno 2021 ..Uno dei motivi per cui era titubante potrebbe essere stato che sapeva che un ragazzo sarebbe venuto a stare con lei. Come ha detto ed2, l'ultima volta che Holly ha fatto sesso prima di ieri sera è stata il 4 gennaio 2021. Ora, se i calcoli sono corretti e poiché non voglio cercare negli archivi, Holly si è svegliata molto presto (tra le 05:00 e le 06:00) del 3 gennaio e ha accolto un ragazzo (di lingua russa) con uno zaino , all'inizio sembrava un suo normale amico , si sono sdraiati sul suo letto e hanno iniziato a guardare un film .. dopo 4-5 ore credo , forse meno ? iniziano a fare sesso. Questo accadde di nuovo, il 4 gennaio, il giorno dopo, quindi, fu l'ultima volta. 

Penso di aver detto in quel momento che questo potrebbe essere stato un compagno di scuola in visita a Barcellona o qualcosa del genere o forse un fidanzato di relazione a distanza che ha fatto visita a Holly poiché sembravano conoscersi già e forse la delusione di Holly con Daniel potrebbe essere stata (tra anche per altri motivi) che conosceva un ragazzo/fidanzato? stava arrivando e ha fatto sesso con Daniel.


Dal momento che non sono date così difficili da ricordare, se cerchi negli archivi B4 con date che mostrano il 1 gennaio 2021, sarà facile scoprire questo ragazzo e le teorie e le speculazioni qui fatte. Ricordo di essermi svegliato quando ho visto Holly dargli il benvenuto e penso che anche Holly si stesse preparando con il profumo e così via, un'accurata selezione della biancheria intima, ma non riuscivo a vederlo fare sesso con lei, cosa che è successo dopo essersi coccolato molto a letto se ho ragione. 

Thank you, I don't remember anything about this boy

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