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Leora - Home Activities (2022) #47


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Only a guess of course, but i won't be surprised if this is right. I saw her in bed staring into space for ages last night, like she was doing a lot of thinking, and i reckon it's down to a combination of emotions - She will be both excited and scared. Excited for obvious reasons, but also scared because, like anyone would, she'll be on pins thinking "Don't let anything go wrong, not now". She can see the finish line ahead finally, we are talking days now, when you think about it. So it's only natural for her to be having those worries, i know i would be in her situation. But she's certainly getting more thrilled at it all by the day, she called Paul 'My sweetie' this morning, not for the first time either. And i bet she was leaning on that koala to get some practice in! 😄

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7 minutes ago, Brokk! said:

Leora must have come home once or more. A few hours ago there was her dark leather jacket on the sofa and now it's gone.

She's been back twice, went out 2nd time without the coat then came back again to get it. She was talking about the temps outside today.

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