madwolf33 Posted June 29, 2014 Posted June 29, 2014 Ideas what happened? Was on earlier this 24 hours. For those of us who have been on RLC for a long time this has happened before - complete loss of reference - and then spontaneously returned again. Maybe... cas goes on "tanya identified," I think I'm guilty this use to happen to Angela & Valera cam it would be up for a few days then go off a few days. i hope this is the same and comes back
tripod2 Posted June 29, 2014 Posted June 29, 2014 I disagree. They knew there was a very good chance that their identities would become known, as it's happened several times before. If it was a concern of their's or RLC's, the personal accounts should have been deleted prior to them going live.
snaky Posted June 29, 2014 Posted June 29, 2014 You fucking turds!! You had the best couple on here and you had to go and screw it all up. For observer: It's obvious that all the couples have some kind of social page somewhere, but if you don't go searching for it on purpouse they will be fine. And if you happened to find their page accidentally-then keep it to yourself. No need to post it on here. For corboblanc and others who posted their pics: You need to write to RLC, and beg forgiveness, and beg to bring them back
Aubrey Posted June 29, 2014 Posted June 29, 2014 did you all not her what was happening yesterday? he has killed himself in front of her so they took the cameras down as a mark of respect.
Guest ermis Posted June 29, 2014 Posted June 29, 2014 [email protected] Lets do it
beancounter Posted June 29, 2014 Posted June 29, 2014 OK Mr. Obvious, we all know that the internet is open to people who can find information about all of us. The issue is he knew based on past experiences what would happen. So who is the real loser here, we are, now we have to life with some boring couples. Who for the most part are actors playing to the cameras. The only other couple who has a life is Maya and Stephan, I really believe they are in love and a couple who like being with each other.
Guest observer1 Posted June 29, 2014 Posted June 29, 2014 For those of you that are saying that the private pictures aren't private because they're on VK/Facebook, stop being so clueless. There is a reason why these people DON'T USE THEIR REAL NAMES. Or why for the most part, they never show their computer screen to the camera. It's to stop people from prying into their lives outside of the apartments and to prevent harassment from stalkers and creeps, who for example, want to go out of their way to find out their personal information and post it on sites like this one. And also, those pictures are for their friends and families to see. WE ARE NOT THEIR FRIENDS. WE ARE NOT THEIR FAMILY. It's true that posting the personal pictures of them may not have had anything to do with them taking the apartment offline. Or, it could have had everything to do with it. The bottom line is this, if you can't understand that digging into their personal lives, like finding out their real names and posting it or sharing those kinds of pictures is over stepping your boundaries, then you're a creep. You are only here to watch them in the apartments. Anything other than that is stalking. Nij, don't normally disagree with you but what you say is being naive, to say the least. RLC and the couples know that the internet is what it is. Facebook and Twitter users share almost every aspect of their lives and then wonder why it sometimes it comes back to bite them. Some of the personal things they write and share the older generation, of which I am a member, wouldn't dream of talking about in public. They were bound to be sought out and they know it full well as does RLC. Every couple has been and their true identites would have been revealed by someone, somewhere, whether in this group or somewhere else - they all have. Leora/Paul and Nora/Kiko were "outed" and their real names revealed on this group more times than I care to mention. A few years ago I was persuaded to open a Facebook account by some friends as an easy way to communicate with one another. Within minutes every man and his dog wanted to be my friend - 99% of them I had never heard of. My Facebook account was closed two days later and I was a sadder but wiser person as a result. I believe (and I've said this before) that its the "15 minutes of fame" thing. They are not the first couple this has happened to and they won't be the last. If you think all of the videos of couples from RLC that are on porn sites right across the internet are not going to encourage some sad people to seek them out and identify them then you are being very naive. I think this is the thin end of the wedge, or the beginning of the end for sites like RLC - anyone who does what the RLC teanants do leave the door wide open to the sad people of the internet. Most will say that 15 minutes of fame is not worth the risk.
Guest observer1 Posted June 29, 2014 Posted June 29, 2014 OK Mr. Obvious, we all know that the internet is open to people who can find information about all of us. The issue is he knew based on past experiences what would happen. So who is the real loser here, we are, now we have to life with some boring couples. Who for the most part are actors playing to the cameras. The only other couple who has a life is Maya and Stephan, I really believe they are in love and a couple who like being with each other. I'm very sure that Diane and Efim were actors playing to the camera too. If you act your life out in front of a camera you can never be relaxed or behave naturally.
Lirik Posted June 29, 2014 Posted June 29, 2014 That was very quick departure. Rlc needs to pay more so the couples stick around longer.
jormufle Posted June 29, 2014 Posted June 29, 2014 On ne connait pas encore la raison exacte, car cet aprem Diana/Tanya été dans la cuisine ( environ 15h chez eux ) et elle ne semblé pas nerveuse ni rien ... We don't know the true about this story. Because this afternoon ( 3pm diana&efim hours ) i can see Tanya in the kitchen and she'snt look like nerveous or something like that ... strange story
Foamy T. Squirrel Posted June 29, 2014 Posted June 29, 2014 did you all not her what was happening yesterday? he has killed himself in front of her so they took the cameras down as a mark of respect. WTF?!! ??? You've been here to long to be a simple drive-by troll. Please explain. At this point in time, I have severe problems believing anything and everything related to RLC.
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