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Everything posted by jormufle

  1. (The Image Content is no longer accessible and has been removed).
  2. petite branlette dessous son jeans ... apres avoir refusé ses avances dans la cuisine a cause de la fille endormie sur le canapé , il la baise dans la salle de bain little handjob under his jean's ... and now sex in bathroom , because Efim gf is afraid to do it next the asleep girl (The Image Content is no longer accessible and has been Removed)
  3. Oui tu as problablement raison. Elles sont lesbiennes toutes les deux mais seulement colloc et amies
  4. (The Image Content is no longer accessible and has been removed). sexy gift !!
  5. (The Image Content is no longer accessible and has been removed).
  6. (The Image Content is no longer accessible and has been removed). for the fetish lol ;)
  7. (The Image Content is no longer accessible and has been removed).
  8. Peut etre a t'elle un travail ou une activité exterieur ( club de sport etc ... ) qui lui permet de se douché autre part. Car elle ne ressemble pas a une crasseuse Maybe she have a work or sport activity ( gym club ... ) where she can take showers. Because she isn't look like a dirty girl
  9. Grave !! mais bon elle a amené un sac avec pleins d'affaires , esperons qu'elle reste plusieurs jours et si elle se douche au moins une fois on aura de la chance ^^ I approve !! but she have a bag with some stuff inside, hope she stay some days and maybe and if we can see minimum one shower we'll be lucky ^^
  10. (The Image Content is no longer accessible and has been removed).
  11. thank you, yes i can see her now, but when i watch é hours ago she isn't here ... maybe bathroom or esle
  12. Où est Dasha maintenant ? Elle dors avec Nelly ? Where's is Dasha now ? Did she sleeping with Nelly ?
  13. stp bébé ne me regarde pas dans les yeux comme ca :) please baby don't look me in eyes like that ;) (The Image Content is no longer accessible and has been removed).
  14. sorry i made a mistake !! it's impossible to delete a post here ?
  15. nous sommes ici pour parler et partager nos infos, sans que cela mette en danger les participantes dans leurs vraies vie!!!!! qu'elles soient adultes ou pas n'a aucun rapport!!!!les photos que tu as postées ne représentent pas de risque, je n'ai donc aucun problème avec cela, mais dire que les filles sont adultes et que tu fais ce que tu veux sur cc me fait peur!!! une telle "logique" est préoccupante!!!! :( :( :o we are here to talk and share our information, without this endangering participating in their real life !!!!! be they adults or not has nothing !!!! photos that you posted do not represent a risk, so I have no problem with that, but to say that girls are adults and you do this you want to cc scares me !!! such "logic" is worrying !!!! :( :(: O Ok c'est dangereux pour les filles, mais je trouve cela mal placé de dire cela quand on sait que la plupart des membres CC traquent les filles sur les réseaux sociaux ... pour moi là est le vrai danger !! Ok it's dangerous for girls, but I find it misplaced to say that when you know that most CC members chase girls on social networking ... for me there is the real danger !!
  16. What makes that scene all the more adorable is that Kamila was the one that asked Kristy to come over to the couch with her when Kristy was laying on the floor in front of the TV. Kristy smiled and got up and as she was walking over to the couch, Kamila smilingly patted a spot on the couch next to her with her hand to show Kristy that she wanted her closer than sitting all the way at the other end of the couch. For those of you who think that Kristy is always the "aggressor", here's some evidence that that is not true. Also, for those who are not able to see upstairs, there was a very touching scene where Kamila went over into Kristy's room and showed her how much she really likes her (sorry to disappoint, but no, they didn't have sex or touch her genitals or anything like that). Actually, If I hadn't had a woman do that very thing to me once in the past, I probably would not have realized what it was. But, it was a very intimate and loving act. I just love seeing these two girls interact and I am very happy that Kristy continues to accept Kamila's boundaries on how far to go. To me, they have a very special friendship. i can't see upstairs, but i'm okay with you with what i can see downstairs !! for playing to the game they need to be two !! they have a special friendship with little else more
  17. (The Image associated with this comment is no longer accessible and has been removed). Kristy a commencé à essayé de touché son string, mais Kam a bloqué sa main direct !! elles jouent a un jeu difficile a comprendre ... Kristy tried to touch her panties but Kam has blocked her hand !! they play a weird game difficult to understand
  18. Oui on dirait ... c'est surement pour ca que Kristy et Kami ont devoilé leurs relation car elle vont surement faire chambre commune du coup ( enfin c'est juste une supposition car je ne sais pas ce qu'il se pas en haut ) Yes ... it looks like it's probably for AC Kristy and Kami unveiled their relationship because it will surely make common room at once (well that's just a guess because I do not know what not to top )
  19. je pense que les filles savent parfaitement ce que certains abonnés, attendent d'elles, et elles sont en train d'en rigoler et de faire monter la pression!!! elles en font même trop mais s'amusent beaucoup à nos dépends!!!! I think the girls know exactly what some subscribers expect from them, and they are in the process of laugh and turn up the heat !!! They even make fun but too much to our expense !!!! ;D ;D Je suis meme pas sure qu'elle fassent attention aux cameras et aux abonnés ... c'est juste une soirée normale entre filles , et les filles parlent autant de sexe que nous quand elles sont entre elles je ne pense pas que dans des soirées normales entre copines, les amies se caressent de cette manière!!! personnellement, et au risque d'être en opposition avec beaucoup d'abonnés, qui attendent du sexe, quel qu'il soit, je ne suis pas du tout excité par 2 filles qui ne touchent devant les autres, comme si cela était normal!!! je trouve qu'il y a de plus en plus de couples lesbiens sur rlc, et de promotion de l'homosexualité!!!! désolé pour tout ceux qui adore voir les filles ensemble, mais je préférerai que kamila ai un petit copain, au lieu de toucher sans cesse une fille!!! I do not think that under normal evening with girlfriends, girlfriends caress this way !!! personally, and the risk of being in conflict with many subscribers who expect sex, whatever it is, I'm not at all excited by two girls who touch in front of others, as if this was normal! !! I find that there are more and more couples lesbians on rlc, and promotion of homosexuality !!!! sorry for all those who love to see the girls together, but I would prefer that kamila have a boyfriend, instead of touching a girl ever !!! :-\ :-\ Je parlais juste du fait qu'elles parlent et mime des positions sexuels, je suis d'accord avec toi concernant les caresses cela est tres ambigue ... quant àux relation homo c'est dans l'air du temps, et je pense que RLC s'en sert pour faire le buzz !! car malgré qu'ils bannissent a tout va ils sont bien content que des photos et videos fuites, cela leurs ramene des nouveaux membres I was just talking as they talk and mimic sexual positions, I agree with you regarding caresses this is very ambiguous ... As for lesbians relationship that is in tune with the times, and I think RLC is used to the buzz !! because despite everything they will banish they are glad as photos and videos leaks, it brings back their new members
  20. je pense que les filles savent parfaitement ce que certains abonnés, attendent d'elles, et elles sont en train d'en rigoler et de faire monter la pression!!! elles en font même trop mais s'amusent beaucoup à nos dépends!!!! I think the girls know exactly what some subscribers expect from them, and they are in the process of laugh and turn up the heat !!! They even make fun but too much to our expense !!!! ;D ;D Je suis meme pas sure qu'elle fassent attention aux cameras et aux abonnés ... c'est juste une soirée normale entre filles , et les filles parlent autant de sexe que nous quand elles sont entre elles
  21. (The Image associated with this comment is no longer accessible and has been removed).
  22. apres peut etre sont elles seulement tactiles et se font des caresses sans aucunes arriere pensée ... ( meme si j'y crois pas vraiment ) a mon avis on sera fixé dans quelques jours ... car vu comment ca chauffe ca ne peut pas se terminé ainsi ... wait and see je ne suis pas membre premium , comment cela s'est il terminé en haut ? i'm not a premium member , what happen upstair now ?
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