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US General Domestic Politics (2022) #7 Begins 05/10/22.

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4 hours ago, SPYING 1 said:

Fuck you you piece of shit Nazi War Criminals from a long line of inbred subpar Neanderthal disgrace of the human race 


Du kleiner primitiver dummer Hurensohn reisst immer Deine US-NAZI-Fresse auf und wirfst mit Steinen. Du egozentrischer Schwanz von Trump hast von nichts Ahnung und postest und postest und postest nur Scheisse die kein Mensch interessiert. Du bist das dümmste Schwein bei CC !!



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2 hours ago, SPYING 1 said:


The Buffalo shooter is a left wing demon 😈 crats that hates Republicans 


Woher weißt DU Großmaul das ? Der Junge ist Rassist und hat überwiegend Schwarze erschossen, welche meist Demokraten wählen. Erst denken, dann posten. Du hast nur braune Trump-Scheisse im Kopf - anstatt Gehirn.


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12 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


Everyone lies - not only in the US state. The fact is that nobody needs handguns. The monopoly on violence belongs to the police and the state. US children still haven't realized that the "wild west" has been over for 150 years. representative who still propagate guns for "free" citizens are just complete idiots and scum of free society. ALL guns for private individuals must be banned. "Sport shooters" must have their weapons locked centrally. Without restrictive regulations banning private weapons, the state of the USA remains a criminal state. Biden, finally get active!!!


"The monopoly on violence belongs to the police and the state"?  Sounds like you agree with Hitler, Stalin, Xi, Kim, and all other dictators. The right to bear arms was specifically added to the U.S. Constitution so that U.S. citizens could defend themselves from an oppressive dictatorial government.  

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6 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


How do YOU bigmouth know that? The boy is a racist and shot mostly black people, who mostly vote for Democrats. Think first, then post. You only have brown Trump shit in your head - instead of brain.


Try reading the shooter's 180 page manifesto, dumb ass.  Or will the so called fair and unbiased German news media not allow you to see it?

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On 5/16/2022 at 10:27 PM, StnCld316 said:

I never voted for Trudeau.  I just kind of got stuck with him because too many stupid fucking Canadians are brainwashed by Liberal Policies. 

So why do you support far left liberal politicians in the U.S.?  

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30 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

"The monopoly on violence belongs to the police and the state"?  Sounds like you agree with Hitler, Stalin, Xi, Kim, and all other dictators. The right to bear arms was specifically added to the U.S. Constitution so that U.S. citizens could defend themselves from an oppressive dictatorial government.  

Ich sprach nicht von Diktaturen, sondern von Rechtsstaat. Ihre USA hält sich doch dafür, oder nicht ?

Diese Verfassung ist über 100 Jahre alt. Damals mag dieses "Recht" vertretbar gewesen sein, heute schon lange nicht mehr, wie man an sehr häufigen Amok-Excessen in den USA sieht. Der Zugang zu Waffen ist weitgehend viel zu leicht. Wir haben es deutlich mit einer "reformunfähigen USA" zu tun - das ist das Problem.

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