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US General Domestic Politics (2022) #7 Begins 05/10/22.

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The USA is changing for the better-at least in 2022 elections--as Americans are getting tired of being woke up to the left ruining our country.


The Democratic Party is imploding. Every poll suggests the 2022 midterm elections will repudiate the party and what they have done to our nation. The majority of Democrats, who are patriots, are not in...

The irony is that in their attempts to destroy America, leftists are actually restoring the American dream. They didn’t intend to, they certainly don’t want to, but that is what they are doing.

and at the ballot box in November, we the people are reaffirming the American dream of liberty, personal responsibility, and unlimited opportunity by repudiating leftist authoritarian collectivism.

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31 minutes ago, SPYING 1 said:

The stock market selloff hit pause Friday, but the Dow Jones Industrial Average couldn't...


I don't think a bit of good news is going to turn the stock mkt or the world economy around.  With inflation were having to make tough decisions on where we'll be spending $$$ in the near future or longer. I was going to get a car this summer, and we had 2 vacations planned. That's all on hold. Here's my economic forecast explained in simple-minded terms of mine. With this inflation, people will be buying less, which means less has to be produced, which means layoffs. Which means people buying less etc. With the housing bubble we have, people are buying homes with mortgages that leave no $$$ to spare. With inflation, the foreclosures are right behind. Also the coming layoffs will lead to further foreclosures, killing the housing bubble. We will wake up one morning to hear a major bank will go insolvent without a govt bailout. Our govt to achieve this the govt will print more money ,leading to further inflation, followed by another bank somewhere in the world failing, and the bottom falls out of everything. This will lead to a world wide crime wave that will threaten civilization as we know it. Depressing huh? Now back to a question I posed earlier, can we have a poll to vote on who currently on rlc gives the best and sexiest blowjob? Or is that too crass and beneath the dignity of the ladies doing the sucking and swallowing.


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9 hours ago, SPYING 1 said:

Olivia Ortz, 26, was taken into custody Monday and hit with two counts of sexual activity with a...


Hi SPYING. In this case it sucks that the law says the student at 17 is a minor, leading to these charges. If she was a few months older and 18, there would be no laws broken. If three was a way to prove they were in love no charges should be filed at all. But how do they do that? I'll tell you, if it was a 26 year old guy and a 17 year old girl, he would be an old man before he saw the light of day again.

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