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US General Domestic Politics (2022) #7 Begins 05/10/22.

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12 minutes ago, SPYING 1 said:

So your reasoning is since the baby needs it's mother she has total decisions on the babies life, using your opinion than since welfare recipients needs the American taxpayers under your assumption than we can eliminate the welfare recipients 


Junge, lese Deinen konfusen Bullshit noch einmal. Was willst Du sagen ?? Unsinn ohne Ende. Sortiere Deine Gedanken und versuche einen sinnvollen Beitrag zu posten. Das fällt Dir schwer - ich weiß, DU bist König von Unsinn posten. Ich kotze !!


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Vor 25 Minuten sagte SPYING 1:

😁Es war Ihre Familie, die im Zweiten Weltkrieg Millionen von Menschen getötet hat, also wer ist die widerliche Schande für die Menschheit? 


Meine Familie hat mit Nazis nichts zu tun. DU bist dreckiger US-NAZI-Hund und dummer US-Wichtigtuer - ich schäme mich für Dich. Du bist kein redlicher US-Bürger - ein Dummkopf und total unintelligent. Immer nur Scheisse posten - sonst nichts. 😁


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2 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


Now the little asshole from Spying 1 has managed to be the topic leader of this threat again -@Merry was too slow to fend off this chronic busybody. 😁

Now it is no longer possible to reply to "old" posts. This is totally bad.

I wrote that a person's “ independent ” life only begins after the umbilical cord has been cut.@Ridgerunner"asked" whether born children whose umbilical cord has not yet been severed may be "aborted" ??

This statement or question is pure stupidity. 

Of course, there are 2 lives in 1 body during pregnancy. If the mother dies as a result of an accident or an acute serious illness, 99% of the time her second life dies as well. The fetus is not viable on its own. Saving an older fetus in a dying mother is possible only in 1% of cases by caesarean section.

The subject of "abortion" is not about the murder of children - as Ridge suggests - but about serious individual cases to protect the mother. It is unacceptable for a woman to carry a species to term after rape or hereditary defects. This would mean that a woman would be a "giving machine" with no right to self-determination over her own body.

A woman alone should not decide that. In Germany, a "pregnancy interruption" = "abortion" is only possible by law in the first 3 months after psychological advice from specialists - and morally justifiable.

A general ban on "abortion" is inhumane and criminal. An important reason why today's enlightened women didn't vote for Trump's conservative asshole as the guy from the day before yesterday and why Trump clearly lost the last election.

No one needs stupid wankers with ideas from yesterday. Biden's an old man, fine, but he thinks more modern than conservative rep wankers.


Overturning Roe v Wade does not ban abortion. It gives the people the right to vote on the issue through their state legislatures.

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33 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

Overturning Roe v Wade does not ban abortion. It gives the people the right to vote on the issue through their state legislatures.


Was soll der Unsinn ??  "Abtreibung" ist kein Scherz, sondern der letzte Weg einer Frau in großer Not. Und Idioten von dummen Männern wollen das staatlich verbieten ?? Das ist Mittelalter - von einem Scheiss-Staat USA. USA ist damit unmenschlich und genau so Scheiße wie Russland. Haleluja !

Welcher Idioten-Staat ist für Deutschland besser ?? Das ist seit vielen Jahren die große Frage. Russland ist gut - Putin ein Verbrecher - wie G.W.Bush auch.



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1 hour ago, StarLight28 said:


What is the nonsense? "Abortion" is not a joke, but the last resort of a woman in great need. And idiots of stupid men want to ban the state ?? That's the Middle Ages - from a shitty state USA. USA is so inhuman and just as shit as Russia. Halelujah!

Which idiot state is better for Germany? This has been the big question for many years. Russia is good - Putin is a criminal - as is GWBush.



Even though I'm against abortion, knowing you proves abortion in needed but to bad you weren't aborted the world would've been a better place

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19 minutes ago, SPYING 1 said:

Even though I'm against abortion, knowing you proves abortion in needed but to bad you weren't aborted the world would've been a better place


Deine Mutter ist eine Schlampe, keiner weiß wer seinen Samen in sie gespritzt hat aus dem DU widerlicher Bastard entstanden bist.  Abtreibung von ein Stück Scheisse wäre notwendig gewesen um dieses Forum vor einem Bastard-Idioten zu schützen.

Und was wolltest Du zur Sache sagen ?? Natürlich nichts - wie immer ! Nur dummes Zeug und Wichtigtuerei. Vergeudetes Leben !!

Präsident Joe Biden ist ein kluger Mann, der für ein Recht auf Abtreibung in Notfällen ist. Du bist als Vollidiot ein absoluter Notfall und als US-NAZI Gefahr für die US-Allgemeinheit. Scheiss in die Hose Baby und verpiss Dich.


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