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programm for recording screen?

Guest ermis

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I wonder why they would hide this? You would think they would promote the Spyware version as hard as they could by letting you know all of it's deep dark secrets.

It wouldn't surprise me if it has the built in camera on without the telltale light on so MS could see everything that you're doing. I keep a piece of tape over mine anyway.

I forgot, that goes along with my tin foil hat and my lead lined room and reflector material on my roof.  ::) 

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I don't believe that MS is watching. It would be end of Windows and win for ubuntu and Apple. NSA is different thing.

I believe this recorder is "hidden" 'cause it is meant to use as in game recording or it is beta or something.

I wonder why they would hide this? You would think they would promote the Spyware version as hard as they could by letting you know all of it's deep dark secrets.

It wouldn't surprise me if it has the built in camera on without the telltale light on so MS could see everything that you're doing. I keep a piece of tape over mine anyway.

I forgot, that goes along with my tin foil hat and my lead lined room and reflector material on my roof.  ::)

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I wonder why they would hide this? You would think they would promote the Spyware version as hard as they could by letting you know all of it's deep dark secrets.

It wouldn't surprise me if it has the built in camera on without the telltale light on so MS could see everything that you're doing. I keep a piece of tape over mine anyway.

I forgot, that goes along with my tin foil hat and my lead lined room and reflector material on my roof.  ::)

I don't think it's hidden. You just have to go to the Accessories Folder in the Start Menu to make a shortcut to the desktop.
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Apart from Windows 3.1 there has always been a screen recorder, I never thought it was hidden, you just had to know the commands or keys to activate it.

I do not think there is any spying intended on MS's behalf, unlike RLC.

Windows 3.1  LOL  The day of the stick men.
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Windows 3.1  LOL  The day of the stick men.

Yea, and you could only watch Porn by downloading files from a BBS's - no streaming. The days of The Bulletin Board Services (BBS) of which I ran one called The Grail, Jeez, that bring back a lot of memories. Some good, some not.

Now we have Windows 10, Apple, yes Linux is still there, and our freedom has gone as companies such as RLC monitor our every transgression.

How things have changed.

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Yea, and you could only watch Porn by downloading files from a BBS's - no streaming. The days of The Bulletin Board Services (BBS) of which I ran one called The Grail, Jeez, that bring back a lot of memories. Some good, some not.

Now we have Windows 10, Apple, yes Linux is still there, and our freedom has gone as companies such as RLC monitor our every transgression.

How things have changed.

Things crawled like a snail and everyone was happy with their 756kb of memory and a 3 gig Hard Drive. 56kbps dial up modem sometimes take 5 minutes to load a web page or nothing at all. 

I would never give up my high speed now for anything.

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