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US General Domestic Politics (2022) #9 Begins 7/7/22

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10 minutes ago, SPYING 1 said:

Debt lawsuits — a byproduct of America's medical debt crisis — can ensnare not only patients...


Nursing Homes basically have no documentation to support their claims it would never hold up in a court of law.  It's just an intimidation process of trying to get money from the most vulnerable.

Collection Agencies work in the same manner.  Example; One has accumulated debt of $1,500 on their Wal-Mart Charge Card then refuses to pay off the debt. Wal-Mart will make 2 or 3 attempts on trying to get the collect the debt or make some arrangements for payments to be made. If the one owing the debt still refuses to pay then Wal-Mart is out $1,500 + any interest.  Since the matter is only a piddly amount, it would cost Wal-Mart more to pursue it than what it's worth. The Debt now gets sold off to a Collection Agency for half the amount.  Wal-Mart was out $1,500 but they managed to recoup $750 by selling it to Collections. Now the Collection Agency is on the hook for the debt.  They will constantly phone the debtor trying to intimidate them into paying the debt of $1,500 + any accrued interest. They figure one will get tired of them and eventually pay them off just to stop the intimidation tactics.  If they still do not collect the debt then the Collection Agency is out the $750 they paid Wal-Mart for the debt.  A Collection Agency can not take the debtor to court and sue them as the only one that could sue was Wal-Mart and they chose not to. Wal-Mart is out $750 and the Collection Agency is out $750.  The person that held the debt had gotten $1,500 of product for free. 

I myself personally have been in Collections 40+ years for thousands in debt and still to this day they have never ever collected one thin dime.  Every time they phone I just see the name & number on the call display and then I answer what do you fucking cocksuckers want, they immediately hang up without ever saying a word. :biggrin:

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2 hours ago, Freddie57 said:

You make it sound like inflation is the end of the world. Everyone has been down the inflation path before.   It's nothing new. One just has to pay a bit more for their luxuries.

So when Donald J Trump was in the White House diesel was under $1.80 a gallon, diesel went up to $5.89 a gallon in Florida & higher in California !!! you don't think there's a problem with the biden administration 

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1 hour ago, StnCld316 said:

Veterans erupted in anger after Senate Republicans tanked a widely supported measure that would expand medical coverage for millions...



Biden Orders US Dollar Replaced with Trackable “Spyware” Version


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2 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

That's much better than being far left like the Democrats and your beloved Justin Trudeau. :tongue:


House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy blasted Democrats and the Biden administration for...


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