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Well when you think about it thats all south california and i live in lovely San fran which is northish  :P although its pretty crazy the climate is wonderful and the moderate drive to disneyland / in & out burger makes up for our suckiness in other things. not to mention i wont get harassed for my sexuality like some states

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Don't forget my dad was born in San Francisco and they may be come a new state.  I think I herd that they might split it up 6 ways.  I love the bay area  but hate where my sisters live in the southern end.

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I heard about that ! but i doubt it,it would be honestly stupid to split it up into 6 smaller states,politicians just having nothing to do other then have sex with prostitutes so they make stupid bills instead of fixing stuff.

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Personally, I wouldn't mind if the state government was dissolved entirely, with the necessary services transferred back to the counties. They pay for it anyway. They could coordinate regional and state-wide emergency services through the Internet when necessary, and it would save a whole lot of money.

Yeah -- the public employee union leaders will bitch -- but the time is coming soon when the union members won't get their pensions anyway. Maybe then they'll wise up and quit being led by a bunch of rich Marxist bastards.

Plus it would clean up my town, and instead of sending all their village idiots to Sacramento, the counties could just house them in a local zoo as a source of entertainment. Plus, I could keep my water, and wouldn't have to cough up the money to build a train nobody will ride.

And yes, I remember when San Francisco was clean and you didn't have to watch where you stepped.

http://usdebtclock.org/state-debt-clocks/state-of-california-debt-clock.html Add this one to this one -- Spain, here we come! -- http://usdebtclock.org/index.html

Thank god I'm only an hour away from Nevada, but too bad all my good customers moved operations out of California.

(Sorry, my squirrelly wrath gets evoked when think about how CA and our economic liberty have been destroyed.)

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:p why squirrel do you live in california? i didnt know that you knew so many things going on here.personally id love if theres going to cough be a train,it would lead straight to disneyland so i wouldnt have to get a sunburn on half of me driving down there for 6 hours ( a sun burn on your boobs is not fun trust me)

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:p why squirrel do you live in california? i didnt know that you knew so many things going on here.personally id love if theres going to cough be a train,it would lead straight to disneyland so i wouldnt have to get a sunburn on half of me driving down there for 6 hours ( a sun burn on your boobs is not fun trust me)

Problems here:

1) Show up one hour ahead of time so you can get through TSA screening at the $68 billion station.

2) Enjoy every stop along the way: the towns that supported this will get a brief train stop as political payback.

3) Debark. Get luggage if needed.

4) Rent a car.

If I drive a car it's 8 hours and cheaper. Not fun, but cheaper; plus I don't need to rent a car when I get there. And LA absolutely requires cars. You can't just walk that metropolis. It's geographically big.

If I can't afford the time, I'll just fly Southwest, Jet Blue, or Alaska. They're all better, cheaper, and more economically viable than a government high-speed train will ever be.

Nothing is better than driving down the Pacific Coast Highway in a convertible sports car with your honey. Just take sun-screen, a sleeping bag for the overnight stop at Big Sur, a decent camera and motor on, and maybe bring along an engagement ring if you're the dude.

That's California. The REAL one.

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Hop on I-5 and floor it.

I know how that road works, and I know every square inch of it, really fucking well. If you don't floor it, a semi-diesel will roll right over your ass at 90 mph. Been there. Done that. 4,000 times.

Just be sure to roll up the windows and turn off the AC when you pass by the dog food factory...

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