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US General Domestic Politics (2022) #11 Begins 08/13/22

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3 hours ago, SPYING 1 said:



Laura Grasso, a resident of the Upper East Side, was scammed out of $1,000 after helping two...


Next time don't give your phone to anyone and you wont get scammed.     


Another for the Hall of Fame to be Rubber Stamped.                       u1m8.png

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On 8/22/2022 at 7:42 PM, Ridgerunner said:

They are now coming from all over the world at the invitation of the Biden Administration. The word is out to the whole world that our southern border is wide open.


Diese USA braucht viele Terroristen aus aller Welt damit verfeindete "Republikaner" und "Demokraten" wieder lernen das sie gemeinsam Verantwortung für 1 Staat haben. Dieser nichtpolitische Quereinsteiger von Trump hat als Präsidenten-Hampelmann diese USA an den Abgrund geführt - eine Gefahr für den Weltfrieden.


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3 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:


This USA needs many terrorists from all over the world so that enemy "Republicans" and "Democrats" learn again that they have common responsibility for 1 state. This non-political career changer from Trump , as president - jumping jack led this USA to the abyss - a danger to world peace.


Your ignorance and stupidity is unending. More rantings and ravings of an insane German, a member of the master race.:tongue:

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On 23.8.2022 at 08:05, pulo filipe said:
 🤣 🤣 🤣 was meint ihr...


Der alte Biden weiß nicht, was er tut 


 Biden weiß genau was er tut, der von Trump infizierte Supreme Court weiß nicht was er tut, und ist auf dem besten Weg demokratische Ordnung in den USA zu zerstören.


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7 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

Your ignorance and stupidity is unending. More rantings and ravings of an insane German, a member of the master race.:tongue:


DU hast keine Ahnung, Du kleiner rechtsradikaler kläffender Wadenbeißer. Du denkst immer noch mit dem Arsch von Trump und erkennst nicht das dieser Kriminelle ein Volksschädling der USA ist.


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3 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:


 Biden knows exactly what he's doing, the Trump-infected Supreme Court doesn't know what he's doing, and is well on its way to destroying democratic order in the US.


You the mean the Supreme Court that actually believes in making rulings based upon the U.S. Constitution, and the Joe Biden who doesn't even know where he is half the time and who tries to shake hands with phantom people?

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4 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:


YOU have no idea, you little right-wing extremist yelping calf biter. You still think with Trump's ass and don't realize that this criminal is a people pest of the USA.


No, you are the fool who does not understand who the real political criminals are in the U.S., so please keep you ignorant German nose out of something that is none of your damn business and something that you are too dumb to understand.

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12 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

Nicht nutzlos für Biden und Demokraten. Sie geben Steuergelder aus, um Stimmen für die Wahlen 2022 und 2024 zu kaufen.


Und der Frontmann der Republikaner hat als Präsidenten-Hampelmann den Supreme Court "gekauft" um Reps langfristig den politischen Einfluss zu sichern. Ist das besser ??


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8 hours ago, StnCld316 said:

Like the Ukrainian War.  Billions have gone there and things are no better off today than it was 4 or 5 months ago.


Das war einzige Chance den Terroristen von Putin und seinen Terrortruppen zu bremsen - in einem Stellvertreter-Krieg, der die Freiheit der westlichen Welt bedroht. Ohne Hilfe der Welt wäre Ukraine unter gegangen. So gesehen ist es heute besser als vor 5 Monaten.


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