Foamy T. Squirrel Posted July 28, 2014 Posted July 28, 2014 This thread is where we should discuss ways to overcome language differences. It can be a problem at times, but CamCaps has many great posters from many different cultures, and we need to understand one another as best we can. Ce fil est là où nous devrions discuter des moyens de surmonter les différences linguistiques. Il peut être un problème à certains moments, mais CamCaps a beaucoup de grandes affiches de différentes cultures, et nous avons besoin de comprendre les uns les autres mieux que nous pouvons. Este hilo es donde debemos discutir la manera de superar las diferencias de idioma. Puede ser un problema a veces, pero CamCaps tiene muchos grandes carteles de muchas culturas diferentes, y tenemos que entender unos a otros lo mejor que podamos. Dieser Thread ist, wo wir Möglichkeiten, um Sprachunterschiede zu überwinden, zu diskutieren. Es kann ein Problem manchmal sein, aber CamCaps hat viele große Plakate aus vielen verschiedenen Kulturen, und wir müssen einander so gut wie möglich zu verstehen. Biz dil farklılıkları aşmanın yollarını tartışmak nereye Bu konu olduğunu. O zaman bir sorun olabilir, ancak CamCaps birçok farklı kültürlerden birçok büyük posterleri vardır, ve biz en iyi biz birbirimizi anlamamız gerekir.
albacore Posted August 3, 2014 Posted August 3, 2014 I am not sure how well this will be received but ...... I would not go onto a board in another country (lets say France) which requests posts in a certain language (lets say French) and post in English. This board requests people, if possible, to post in English. Now if I were to post on that French board I would use a translator before posting so that my post would be displayed in French. Mainly as a courtesy to those others on the board so they could read what is being said. I know translators do not do a very good job sometimes but at least the attempt would be made to communicate as the rules suggested. Seems like common courtesy to me.
stash Posted August 4, 2014 Posted August 4, 2014 What's really annoying is an off-topic post in a language you are not familiar with: so you take time to translate it with Google just to realize it has nothing to do with the subject and it is something you don't give a shit.
Unsichtbarer Posted August 5, 2014 Posted August 5, 2014 Ich stimme voll und ganz Korrekt heißt es: "Ich stimme voll und ganz zu". ;) Zum Thema. Die Sprachbarriere ist ein alltägliches Problem, nicht nur hier im Forum. Ich gebe Dir recht, Foamy, man kann viel von fremden Kulturen lernen aber um etwas von fremden Kulturen zu lernen, ist es notwendig, die anderen Kulturen auch zu verstehen. Das ist nicht immer einfach. Wir haben hier in Deutschland - ähnlich wie in den USA - eine so große Vielfalt an fremden Kulturen. Wenn ich mit dem Bus- oder der Bahn fahre, höre ich unzählige fremde Sprachen. Die Betonung liegt auf "hören". Ich höre die Sprachen zwar aber ich verstehe sie nicht. Ludwik Lejzer Zamenhof, ein polnischer Philologe, hatte einst die Idee eine neutrale, leicht zu erlernende Sprache zu entwickeln: Esperanto. Die Grundidee ist lobenswert aber um diese Sprache zu dem zu machen, was die englische Sprache heute ist, müsste Esperanto fest in die Bildung der einzelnen Nationen integriert werden, was leider nicht der Fall ist. Der Ansatz war gut aber es scheiterte letzten Endes an der Umsetzung und Integration. In vielen Ländern, das schließt Deutschland mit ein, ist Englisch Teil der Bildung. Leider ist dies nicht überall der Fall. Das Hauptproblem ist auch, daß man zwar Englisch lernt, es später aber im alltäglichen Gebrauch kaum mehr nutzt. Die Sprache "verkommt" dann. Was unser Forum angeht, bleibt wohl nur der Griff zum Übersetzer. Aber, wie ich an Deinem Eröffnungspost erkennen kann, die Übersetzer arbeiten mehr schlecht, als recht. Ein Beispiel: Das englische Wort "posters" meint all die Leute, die hier im Forum Beiträge verfassen. Im Deutschen ist "Poster" ein Synonym für "Plakat", es meint also nichts anderes als ein großformatiges Bild. Der Übersetzer übersetzt Wort für Wort, folglich ersetzt er das Wort "posters" durch "Plakate", wodurch der Satz letzten Endes keinen Sinn ergibt. Ich persönlich würde es großartig finden, wenn die Leute hier im Forum sich zumindest an die Regeln halten würden und ihre Beiträge in englischer Sprache verfassen würden. Leider macht das so gut wie niemand. Die Moderatoren müssten in diesem Punkt definitiv härter durchgreifen, denn es würde die Kommunikation um einiges erleichtern.
Foamy T. Squirrel Posted August 7, 2014 Author Posted August 7, 2014 Danke Unsichtbarer. Ich verstehe Sie und Ihr Kommentar ist lehrreich für uns alle..
Unsichtbarer Posted August 7, 2014 Posted August 7, 2014 Danke Unsichtbarer. Ich verstehe Sie und Ihr Kommentar ist lehrreich für uns alle.. Haha, a good one. I love your intelligent sense of humor :) Let me explain. First, I talk about the language barrier. In Germany it's pretty much the same like in the US, we have so many people from so many different countrys here (most of them are turkeys). When I sitting in the train or the bus, I can hear a lot of voices but I don't understand a single word. Personally, I don't like that. Next I talk about Ludwik Lejzer Zamenhof, I'm sure you know more about him like me, so there's no need to explain. Next I talk about the education systems in different nations. English is part of many education systems, including Germany but the big problem is that people don't need it in there everyday life. The result is a totaly lack of english. Next I talk about the translators and how they work. Translators translate word by word which is why they fail. In your first post, you translate your english text into German. "posters" means all the people who writing messages here on CC. In Germany, "Poster" is a synonyme for "Plakat" and that means a verry big picture. The translator translate "posters" in "Plakate". So let me translate it back: "...but CamCaps has many great big pictures from many different cultures...". As you can see, it is verry hard to understand. Translators are far, far away from making a great job. Last I just said the communication would be much more easier if people would write in english. So there it is. Please keep in mind that I don't use translators and I know my english is not perfect but I always do my verry best ;)
Foamy T. Squirrel Posted August 7, 2014 Author Posted August 7, 2014 Your English is excellent. My German is terrible. Perhaps I should "post" a link to Beethoven's 9th (again), or maybe a video of the most powerful and successful engine ever made. Germans were instrumental in creating both. I'm bored tonight, so I'll post this, in honor of a machine that had a 100% perfect track record: Further reading: and, on this day in space history,
Guest ww_watcher Posted August 8, 2014 Posted August 8, 2014 One of the things about Google Translate I have learned is that if you copy and paste your first translation into the original window and read the translation back in english you have a chance to adjust your grammar and word usage until the translation comes back understandable. It isn't perfect, but closer than the original translation.
Unsichtbarer Posted August 8, 2014 Posted August 8, 2014 Your English is excellent. My German is terrible. Perhaps I should "post" a link to Beethoven's 9th (again), or maybe a video of the most powerful and successful engine ever made. Germans were instrumental in creating both. I'm bored tonight, so I'll post this, in honor of a machine that had a 100% perfect track record: Further reading: and, on this day in space history, I know Wernher von Braun and I know what he did. Sure he was a great engineer but the fact that he helps the nazis is a no go for me. But the second link is verry interesting, thank you. Your knowledge about pretty much everything is awesome. Did you hear about the last ESA mission? They send a probe to a rendezvous with a comet ten years ago. And now, the probe is ready to land on it. It's really impressive, if you ask me. Go here for more details:
Foamy T. Squirrel Posted August 9, 2014 Author Posted August 9, 2014 My reply is simple: 1) Von Braun was a German citizen, and all German citizens needed to do what the government said. Or they'd be arrested. Van Braun was arrested. I'll give the man some slack because he sought refuge with the Western powers, avoided going to work for Stalin, and was probably the best catch Operation Paperclip produced. 2) I understand Germans are very sensitive about the entire Nazi era. 3) Since I was a little boy, my brother and I would watch Atlas rocket launches from Cape Canaveral on our black-and-white television. Then came the Gemini Program, and my father finally bought a color TV. Most of these were "live" broadcasts. The Saturn V launches blew the TV's speaker. If you were old enough, and not in China or the USSR, perhaps you were lucky to see Apollo 11 land. Live. In color. Kinda sorta. Some of our distant ancestors' dreams were fulfilled that day. I'm very sorry that the current US administration (freely elected just as Hitler was) has relegated NASA to becoming a Muslim outreach program. 4) I'm an American. I don't care about this game which call football. I don't even care about American football. I've got a sick nation on my hands, and it's bleeding me and the rest of the middle class dry. If you Euros can keep up these successes with ESA and CERN, I'm a cheerleader. I support you. I love this science stuff, even though my current ruling party hates it. Washington is populated by fucking idiots. (I expect an IRS audit after I post this.) 5) It would be easier to meet Leora than it would be to meet a comet. Tell the ESA to keep up the fine work. Space travel is a dirty job but somebody needs to do it. ESA and CERN absolutely rock.
Ozi Posted August 14, 2014 Posted August 14, 2014 In the short time I've been around I am having difficulty with the various languages. Actually, it's probably difficulty with translation of various languages, and it's not really my problem, it's yours. Australians are one of the few, very few nationalities, that can roam the world in reasonable safety, unlike the rest of you members of the coalition of the free world, and you muslims, jews, and Asians. Even African nations are fucked now they have the ebola virus back again. So it's about time that you woke up to the fact that neither French or German is the world language, its Australian. Not English, not American, not Canadian, or New Zealand, AUSTRALIAN. I have already had to repeat 2 or 3 of my posts because people couldn't understand them, not good. I have already written to Google to demand our rights and include Australian in their translator. How such an omission could have occurred in this age of technology is beyond me. I have written this in plain English, as best I can, to avoid confusion. In the meantime, while we wait for Google and the like to get their act together, here is a site you can access if you want to learn some of the more common words used in the universal language. Or as a reference point if I accidentally revert to it if I'm pissed off, or just pissed. WARNING: Don't fuck with it, because it will just fuck with your head. It was never intended to be used by the well educated. I got slapped once when an American girl (18+) said she'd been naughty and I could smack her on the fanny. How was I to know she meant her bum, fanny in Australian is pussy!
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