van the man Posted July 29, 2014 Posted July 29, 2014 She is not narcissistic she just loves herself! If I was a girl with such a beautiful ass and tits I would spend all day at home playing with both!!! I would soon get tired of being dry humped by a man who when given the chance to get inside me can't last more than 3 minutes and has never discovered the whereabouts of my clit! I agree she must be entertaining herself online. The way she plays with her hair and smiles when online certainly makes me think she has found someone interesting. Having said that she does appear to love Paul. You are a brave man taking on the legion of Leora fans! Those who did the same with Nora fans got wiped out very quickly!!!!
Foamy T. Squirrel Posted July 29, 2014 Posted July 29, 2014 You will not incur my squirrelly wrath by bringing up this topic. However, I believe her to be not only a physically beautiful woman, but an extremely complex person psychologically. Fundamentally, I don't think she's a narcissist, but I think she has a few insecurities that Pepe or I could easily ameliorate. 8)
Chiller.Aquarium Posted July 29, 2014 Posted July 29, 2014 Now what all curing charms would I Squirrel and his sick kick Skunk have that would be able to cure a Goddess such as Leora of her self indulgences? As for Horndog1234 well now I think you should just go outside and raise the gun to your head and pull the trigger as i feel that there is a whole lot of hurt on its way to you! Please tell me that you didn’t use any of your personal details when you signed up here as this too could lead to a fast amount of hate mail clogging up your mail box! Brave I tell you, very very brave.
Foamy T. Squirrel Posted July 29, 2014 Posted July 29, 2014 If I were Leora, I'd make love to myself 24/7.
Linked Posted July 29, 2014 Posted July 29, 2014 I have noticed that women who are insecure with themselves are often making sure they look well at all times. I have known good friends who were constantly told while they were growing up they were ugly (even though they weren't), so they spend time making sure they are always looking their best.
Guest BurakYilmaz Posted July 29, 2014 Posted July 29, 2014 Of course she is in love with herself but not much more than your average girl who takes care of her body
LezVoyeur Posted July 30, 2014 Posted July 30, 2014 Of course she is in love with herself but not much more than your average girl who takes care of her body I like watchinh her love herself... ;)
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