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I just tried to look in on RLC at 1830 PDT and got 403 Forbidden Access was denied to this resource. anyone else? If they are redoing the webpage and took the site down would we get this message?

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I've got the same message happening for me and it's really pissing me off as I am a paying member and since they put up the copyright stuff I haven't posted anything anywhere, Why is this happening, perhaps an IP block, hopefully not mac, if its IP, just gotta wait till your external IP cycles if its dynamic, but still, WTF RLC???

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I got it too, but that was two days ago.  It took me three attempts to finally get the page to display.

Change your settings not to accept cookies.

RLC will run without a cookie.

Me like cookies!!!


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Are girl scout cookies made from real girl scouts?


I got kicked out of Cub Scouts for eating a Brownie. ;D

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