thinga69 Posted September 23, 2022 Posted September 23, 2022 1 minute ago, joebirch said: That is not a date, it’s an obligation…wish she was as devoted to us as she is to that person 😂 She was very happy for that obligation then. 🤣
thinga69 Posted September 23, 2022 Posted September 23, 2022 And yes, with that guy around we will get even less of Esmi. I hope that this relationship works so she can leave the project and open a spot for someone better. 2
JoeBitch Posted September 23, 2022 Posted September 23, 2022 1 minute ago, thinga69 said: She was very happy for that obligation then. 🤣 I bet she was, of you more of those and she is out of RLC 😂😂
tatakos Posted September 23, 2022 Posted September 23, 2022 12 minutes ago, thinga69 said: And yes, with that guy around we will get even less of Esmi. I hope that this relationship works so she can leave the project and open a spot for someone better. ^^ BF or sugar daddy, she chose to have a second offcam life. She doesn't have place in RLC anymore and must leave asap. 3
JoeBitch Posted September 23, 2022 Posted September 23, 2022 14 minutes ago, thinga69 said: And yes, with that guy around we will get even less of Esmi. I hope that this relationship works so she can leave the project and open a spot for someone better. That’s questionable, friends with benefits usually don’t stick around for long
JoeBitch Posted September 23, 2022 Posted September 23, 2022 3 minutes ago, tatakos said: ^^ BF or sugar daddy, she chose to have a second offcam life. She doesn't have place in RLC anymore and must leave asap. She is not dumb and plays her cards very good,,,now with that person off cam it makes sense why when she is at the apartment she gives us views she didn’t before. I like that and if she plays her cards smart she will stick around for awhile
Brokk! Posted September 23, 2022 Posted September 23, 2022 4 hours ago, ddhm said: Without wanting to excuse Esmi’s on and off cameras actions , it has been noticed since 2-3 weeks that she seems to have met someone , late night messages and in English , what hasn’t happened so far was that she slept away from her apartment , except a day that she was with Loraine when Loraine had officially departed RLC. Now , concerning any of the girls doing whatever outside and hiding and i don’t know what else can be blamed for , let’s not forget that for 1,5 years and more than 3 years since the relocation , the person who is “ characterized “ as “ Goddess “ and “ Queen “ , for nearly 1 year or so (more or less ) , she used to leave the apartment for 2 days per week to sleep away from the apartment and in my humble opinion , the only reason that any people who complain for the Barcelona girls doing the same every now and then , it is the fact that she would either make the most fake and ridiculous massage shows with her roomate at the time or of course provide masturbations 2 to 3 times per week as a compensation for hiding her private life .. The funny thing is that NOBODY has been complaining for her and a woman being 9 years in this job but we blame ( rightfully I agree for anyone hiding their private lives except the people involved don’t want to appear on cameras .. ) continuously and always the girls who come to stay permanent .. To go further with the thoughts , RLC is paying the price of allowing its tenants to run two way lives , it was called “ the private life of other people 24/7 “ but since a long time , many tenants have taken this to another level by having the financial benefits that RLC provides and at the same time hiding completely most of their private life since their employer doesn’t give a shit … I named it once “ Leora’s virus “ because it was inevitable to spread . The big question is why the Barcelona girls should consider showing their private lives on cameras when , A ) boyfriends or ONS are called / characterized as drug dealers B ) If the girls bring guys , they are whores , sluts and i don’t know what else C ) AND MOST IMPORTANT , why should be the foolish ones , stupid ones and provide content when some thousand kilometers away there’s a woman hiding completely any part of her social life and she’s making the same , equal or most probably much more money than them who try and want to live an as much as possible normal life with friends , lovers , boyfriends on cameras ? RLC’s policy has hit them back , nothing to be surprised of . For all the saints in heaven, you are just obsessed with Leora blaming her even when it has nothing to do with it. Touch a little grass please. 2
ddhm Posted September 23, 2022 Posted September 23, 2022 33 minutes ago, thinga69 said: And yes, with that guy around we will get even less of Esmi. I hope that this relationship works so she can leave the project and open a spot for someone better. Excellent said 😇👏
ddhm Posted September 23, 2022 Posted September 23, 2022 4 minutes ago, Brokk! said: For all the saints in heaven, you are just obsessed with Leora blaming her even when it has nothing to do with it. Touch a little grass please. I have said my opinion about Leora dozens and dozens of times , what I wrote I have posted it again and again at Leora’s topic ..Obsessed are the people that they see ALL positive and they have NO BALLS to speak also the negatives we are seeing from Leora over the years and especially since she moved in Prague , where she has done so many mistakes with her stay and for us paying as viewers .. Obsession is to name all her masturbations and fucks “ very nice and amazing “ and post 40-50 posts per day repeating her routine . It is always an opinion in a forum and I have said multiple times her many positives and praised her and uncounted times mentioned the dozen negatives , according to the way i see her life .. you call it obsession , I call it criticism on a person which affects very much the way the RLC business is working .. Think a bit what I wrote … I ask you , if you have a colleague in your work that works in another country and you know that makes half of the things you are doing and getting paid more , would you be willing doing the same or you would be questioning your duties ? As a last thought , please again wonder why NOT EVEN 10% of the people that post across the site Camcaps and have an opinion about most of the apartments they don’t post or avoid take part in discussions there.. and then ask again who the obsessed people are concerning Leora .. There isn’t a better satisfaction for me knowing that my posts are monitored and recorded whenever the name Leora appears on my posts and criticizing her in different topics from people who don’t “ step foot “ on any other topic here at Camcaps and their only job is to defend , protect and NOT criticize Leora … or accuse , blame and bury people that they don’t approve being in her life 😂😁 These are the obsessed people . 1
Friese60 Posted September 23, 2022 Posted September 23, 2022 17 minutes ago, ddhm said: Hervorragend gesagt 😇 👏 Verstehe deinen Kommentar nicht ganz. Vor ein paar Tagen war Esmi noch dein Traum u. das beste, nach Mascha natürlich, was es je bei RLC gegeben hat. 😁😁 2
Friese60 Posted September 23, 2022 Posted September 23, 2022 1 minute ago, ddhm said: Ich habe meine Meinung über Leora Dutzende und Aberdutzende Male gesagt, was ich geschrieben habe, habe ich immer wieder zu Leoras Thema gepostet von Leora im Laufe der Jahre und vor allem seit sie nach Prag gezogen ist, wo sie so viele Fehler mit ihrem Aufenthalt gemacht hat und dafür, dass wir als Zuschauer bezahlen. Obsession ist es, alle ihre Masturbationen und Ficks „sehr schön und erstaunlich“ zu nennen und 40-50 Posts pro Tag zu posten, um ihre Routine zu wiederholen. Es ist immer eine Meinung in einem Forum, und ich habe ihr viele Male Positives gesagt und sie gelobt und unzählige Male das Dutzend Negative erwähnt, je nachdem, wie ich ihr Leben sehe. Sie nennen es Besessenheit, ich nenne es Kritik an einer Person was sich sehr auf die Arbeitsweise des RLC-Geschäfts auswirkt. Denken Sie ein wenig darüber nach, was ich geschrieben habe … Ich frage Sie, wenn Sie einen Kollegen in Ihrer Arbeit haben, der in einem anderen Land arbeitet und Sie wissen, dass er die Hälfte der Dinge, die Sie tun, verdient und mehr bezahlt, wären Sie bereit, das Gleiche zu tun oder Sie würde Ihre Pflichten in Frage stellen? Als letzten Gedanken fragen Sie sich bitte noch einmal, warum NICHT EINMAL 10 % der Leute, die auf der Website Camcaps posten und eine Meinung zu den meisten Wohnungen haben, die sie nicht posten oder vermeiden, dort an Diskussionen teilnehmen.. und fragen Sie dann noch einmal, wer Die besessenen Leute sind in Bezug auf Leora .. Es gibt keine bessere Befriedigung für mich zu wissen, dass meine Posts überwacht und aufgezeichnet werden, wann immer der Name Leora in meinen Posts erscheint und sie in verschiedenen Themen von Leuten kritisiert wird, die hier bei Camcaps und ihren auf kein anderes Thema „einen Fuß setzen“. Die einzige Aufgabe besteht darin, Leora zu verteidigen, zu schützen und NICHT zu kritisieren … oder Menschen zu beschuldigen, zu beschuldigen und zu begraben, die es nicht gutheißen, in ihrem Leben zu sein 😂 😁 Das sind die besessenen Menschen. Ich frage mich immer, woher du weißt, was die einzelnen Mädels verdienen, wer mehr oder weniger bekommt?
thinga69 Posted September 23, 2022 Posted September 23, 2022 14 minutes ago, ddhm said: I have said my opinion about Leora dozens and dozens of times , what I wrote I have posted it again and again at Leora’s topic ..Obsessed are the people that they see ALL positive and they have NO BALLS to speak also the negatives we are seeing from Leora over the years and especially since she moved in Prague , where she has done so many mistakes with her stay and for us paying as viewers .. Obsession is to name all her masturbations and fucks “ very nice and amazing “ and post 40-50 posts per day repeating her routine . It is always an opinion in a forum and I have said multiple times her many positives and praised her and uncounted times mentioned the dozen negatives , according to the way i see her life .. you call it obsession , I call it criticism on a person which affects very much the way the RLC business is working .. Think a bit what I wrote … I ask you , if you have a colleague in your work that works in another country and you know that makes half of the things you are doing and getting paid more , would you be willing doing the same or you would be questioning your duties ? As a last thought , please again wonder why NOT EVEN 10% of the people that post across the site Camcaps and have an opinion about most of the apartments they don’t post or avoid take part in discussions there.. and then ask again who the obsessed people are concerning Leora .. There isn’t a better satisfaction for me knowing that my posts are monitored and recorded whenever the name Leora appears on my posts and criticizing her in different topics from people who don’t “ step foot “ on any other topic here at Camcaps and their only job is to defend , protect and NOT criticize Leora … or accuse , blame and bury people that they don’t approve being in her life 😂😁 These are the obsessed people . Please buddy don't pollute other topics with your beef about Leora. 6
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