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B4 - General Topic 2022 #58 (September / October)

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This fake shows are retarded, fake clothes fake show "erotic" parties. It would be better that they hang out with normal clothes, drink little booze somebody may hook up, normal human relationship, that what RLS should be about. This shit show is more fake than nelly`s boobs.

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RLC is not what it used to be parties in the villa was epic with lovely naked dancing girls before they were men that could come and go as they please.

One was Jasmine loved to dance she would dance on the kitchen table, most of the time nude on her bed, in the tub, and she was always sexy like someone else I know.

But them days are gone for now.

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il y a 32 minutes, johnny0692 a dit :

Kristy essayant d'attraper la chatte de Lavi


Regardez vos caméras préférées en enregistrement 24h/24


Samson a kidnappé Zabava , il va lui faire une démonstration de sa spéciale " bouche ouverte " quand il baise ..

Il lui a déjà roulé pas mal de pelles dans le jardin il y a quelques minutes 

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C'est bizarre , on n'entends pas les grands défenseurs d'Esmi et de Zabava,  amoureuse de son soi disant petit gars gentil de vendredi et

ce soir elle fait la pute avec Samson, fume des joints et meme du crack car Samson a une pipe à crack, se roule des pelles avec l'australopithèque

et cela va finir là où cela doit se terminer  

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3 minutes ago, isidore57 said:

It's weird, we don't hear the great defenders of Esmi and Zabava, in love with her so-called nice little guy from Friday and

tonight she's hooking up with Samson, smoking joints and even crack because Samson has a crack pipe, snogging with the Australopithecus

and it will end where it must end  

it's all about Money she didn't earn anything from Friday now look at her 🤷‍♂️

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6 minutes ago, isidore57 said:

It's weird, we don't hear the great defenders of Esmi and Zabava, in love with her so-called nice little guy from Friday and

tonight she's hooking up with Samson, smoking joints and even crack because Samson has a crack pipe, snogging with the Australopithecus

and it will end where it must end  

Esmi is not there!

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