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B1 - General Topic 2022 #41 (November)

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13 minutes ago, rzkjr1 said:

I don't know if what's in the topic is really true, a far as what I can see. That's why I was asking in case someone else really understands what is going on, because I don't. To me, just like myself most of the time, it's only speculations. I'll just stay away from this site too so I won't cause any further issues here as well. I read a lot here and try not to say anything because I'm still not used to this.  I'm finally done with this now.  Enjoy.

Every time that she comes back from a night out she comes back with something new, Beats Headphones and an iPhone, also last Saturday Esmi took Mathilda and Marlene to a skydiving place so that Marlene could jump. Esmi took them with a car, she showed them the key and looked like a BMW. Is very obvious that she has a BF. 

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il y a 2 minutes, menouscope2015 a dit :

Le BF de Zaba me rappelle Bruno ou Cesar, ou quel que soit son nom... 

Tout ce qu'il voulait, c'était manger, dormir et baiser... Point final ! 

Je ne peux pas... 

Et surtout être libre d'entrer et de sortir quand il le voulait et avec qui il voulait ...

Pas de compte à rendre à quiconque et surtout pas à GINA..

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