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FUNNY Part #4


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A man goes to the doctor worried because he's so overweight, his doctor put him on a diet "I want you to eat normally for 2 days, then skip a day, and repeat this procedure for 2 weeks. The next time I see you, you should have lost 2.5kg". When the man returned, he shocked the doctor by having lost 10kg. "That's amazing. You did this just by following my instructions?" The man nodded. "I'll tell you though, I thought I was going to drop dead on the 3rd day." The doctor asked: "From hunger, you mean?" "No, from all that skipping!"


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The Story of the Old Bull and the Young Bull…
One day on farmer Brown‘s farm, the young bull came running up to the old bull, and breathlessly gasped, “Farmer Brown has left the gate open, why don’t we run down to where the cows are, and we could have our way with a couple of them?”
The old bull looked up from chewing his cud, and calmly replied “Why don’t we walk down there, and we can have our way with all of them?”

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For the most part, I don't agree with Bill Maher, but lately, he's starting to be realistic. If you can't figure out if you have to sit or stand to pee, there is no hope at all for you.

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