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B7 - General Topic 2022 #13 (November / December)

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1 minute ago, kris66 said:

Excuses dude! The guy is a two-timing asshole and I hope she finds out and he gets what he deserves. There's NO excuses for cheating! It's the lowest of lowest and YES we should complain IF we have any empathy in our souls!

Your knowledge as just a spectator can be very limited. As I said, it could be that Tani has no problem with this event and is fine with it. Then it wouldn't even be cheating and the only ones who would be morally wrong would be those who insult a resident here. Again, we do not know for sure what the relatenship status is and there is no reason to complain especially because it is not your life.


2 minutes ago, isidore57 said:

So you answer us by making assumptions ( they had an agreement between them, she also cheats on him ) and finally it's us ! we are too sanctimonious .

But if you don't have anything serious to say, stop your accusing sentences and leave us alone. 


No, I am not saying that. Rather, I'm saying that we don't know what the understanding is between Tani and him. To conclude just from seeing a limited part of thier life, that Tani and he have agreed on exclusivity would also be an assumption.  I avoid making assumptions.  

Also, even if he cheated on her, that's no reason for people here on the forum to get insulting. No law was broken and it is not our life. 🙂The only thing we could have been upset about is if they had hidden this event from the camera. Something that makes this exaggerated moral whining here more likely, by the way. 

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il y a 2 minutes, Alladino a dit :

Vos connaissances en tant que simple spectateur peuvent être très limitées. Comme je l'ai dit, il se pourrait que Tani n'ait aucun problème avec cet événement et qu'il soit d'accord. Alors ce ne serait même pas de la triche et les seuls qui auraient tort moralement seraient ceux qui insultent un habitant ici. Encore une fois, nous ne savons pas avec certitude quel est le statut de la relation et il n'y a aucune raison de se plaindre, surtout parce que ce n'est pas votre vie.



Non, je ne dis pas ça. Je dis plutôt que nous ne savons pas quelle est la compréhension entre Tani et lui. Conclure juste en voyant une partie limitée de leur vie, que Tani et lui se sont mis d'accord sur l'exclusivité serait également une hypothèse. J'évite de faire des suppositions.  

De plus, même s'il l'a trompée, ce n'est pas une raison pour que les gens ici sur le forum se fassent insulter. Aucune loi n'a été enfreinte et ce n'est pas notre vie. 🙂 La seule chose qui aurait pu nous contrarier, c'est s'ils avaient caché cet événement à la caméra. Quelque chose qui rend plus probable cette plainte morale exagérée ici, soit dit en passant. 

+Alladino , arrête de faire des hypothèses et des suppositions , tu t'enfonces ,      de plus qui s'est fait insulter sur CC autre que nous qui sommes les moralisateurs ..

De toutes les façons , ce gars fait ce qu'il veut et tant mieux pour lui, moi je vis ma vie et je vomis sur ce genre de personnage ( TIM ).

Bonne soirée ou bonne nuit .

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9 minutes ago, Alladino said:

Your knowledge as just a spectator can be very limited. As I said, it could be that Tani has no problem with this event and is fine with it. Then it wouldn't even be cheating and the only ones who would be morally wrong would be those who insult a resident here. Again, we do not know for sure what the relatenship status is and there is no reason to complain especially because it is not your life.

Oh do fuck off!

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21 minutes ago, isidore57 said:

+Alladino, stop making assumptions and suppositions, you are sinking, moreover who was insulted on CC other than us who are the sanctimonious.

Anyway, this guy does what he wants and good for him, I live my life and I vomit on this kind of character (TIM).

Good evening or good night.

18 minutes ago, kris66 said:

Oh do fuck off!


People, don't get so upset. 🙂This BJ is not the end of the world. 😁 Life goes on and absolutely none of this event affects you. It is not your life. As I said, maybe Tani is totally fine with this event. Maybe not. It is her decision and not yours. 

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