StarLight28 Posted February 23, 2023 Posted February 23, 2023 Ukraine-Krieg: Was bezweckt China mit seinem Friedensplan WWW.FAZ.NET Zum Jahrestag der Invasion inszeniert sich China als Friedensstifter. Amerika dagegen wirft Peking vor, Waffenlieferungen zu erwägen. Wie passt das zusammen? Wir beantworten die wichtigsten Fragen.
TBG 150 Posted February 23, 2023 Posted February 23, 2023 Look! Putin and Xi, are the same people. Same shirt, same tie, same suit, even the same little button on the lapel. Note it's on the left side. They both have the same goals, to run the entire world. Xi has youth, population, dictatorship and balls that Putin doesn't have.
StarLight28 Posted February 23, 2023 Posted February 23, 2023 46 minutes ago, TBG 150 said: Look! Putin and Xi, are the same people. Same shirt, same tie, same suit, even the same little button on the lapel. Note it's on the left side. They both have the same goals, to run the entire world. Xi has youth, population, dictatorship and balls that Putin doesn't have. TOP, du hast das gut beobachtet. USA und Europa sind da nur Stör-Faktoren. "Trottel-Trump" als dümmster US-Präsidenten-Golf-Spieler hat das alles nicht erkannt und USA international isoliert. "Amerika first" Programm eines Vollidioten. und Millionen rennen diesem Idioten "mit NAZI-Denken" heute noch hinterher - eine US-Tragödie. Putin denkt, er wäre klug. Putin ist ein Dummkopf, er merkt nicht das er weltweit isoliert ist und nur Spielball von China ist.
StarLight28 Posted February 25, 2023 Posted February 25, 2023 Ukraine-News: US-Präsident Biden gegen Lieferung von Kampfflugzeuge | MDR.DE WWW.MDR.DE US-Präsident Joe Biden hat sich gegen die Lieferung von F-16-Kampfflugzeugen an die Ukraine ausgesprochen. Zugleich kritisierte er Chinas Friedensplan als einzig vorteilhaft für Russland.
TBG 150 Posted February 25, 2023 Posted February 25, 2023 Here we go. A waste of personnel and equipment into a war in which we have no business funding. China is playing their hand perfectly. Get the NATO countries to completely use up all of their resources and then they can move in unopposed. This is the one place I backed Trump. Make the United States, #1. Self-sufficient, beholding to no one. There is NOTHING that we cannot build, design, mine, produce, that we need any other country on the planet for. When we stop importing all the garbage that is made in China, Japan, Taiwan, etc... just maybe business in the US will begin again. But the mush-heads living in mommies basement are going to get a sad wake-up call. Many are so stupid they can't pump gas, change a tire, even make change of a dollar. The elitists have collapsed this country's economy to the point where a return is going to be difficult. To return to where we once were, the immediate stop of money going to other countries needs to stop. No more billions and trillions of aid going anywhere but here. I'm going to wit and see just how many of these countries that the US has sent aid to EVER offer any back in any way. I don't ever recall anyone helping the US through a natural disaster such as a hurricane, tornado, earthquake, wildfires, etc... We piss away more money to help others while we slowly go down the sewer, thanks to the bleeding hearts. Our multiple trillions of national debt is all money pissed away to other countries and into our own governments pockets, only the mush-heads are still too stupid to see it. They just continue on their social media playing armchair CEO and complaining in the streets. If they had to go to work to support themselves, they would have time for any of that nonsense.
StarLight28 Posted February 25, 2023 Posted February 25, 2023 24 minutes ago, TBG 150 said: Here we go. A waste of personnel and equipment into a war in which we have no business funding. China is playing their hand perfectly. Get the NATO countries to completely use up all of their resources and then they can move in unopposed. This is the one place I backed Trump. Make the United States, #1. Self-sufficient, beholding to no one. There is NOTHING that we cannot build, design, mine, produce, that we need any other country on the planet for. When we stop importing all the garbage that is made in China, Japan, Taiwan, etc... just maybe business in the US will begin again. But the mush-heads living in mommies basement are going to get a sad wake-up call. Many are so stupid they can't pump gas, change a tire, even make change of a dollar. The elitists have collapsed this country's economy to the point where a return is going to be difficult. To return to where we once were, the immediate stop of money going to other countries needs to stop. No more billions and trillions of aid going anywhere but here. I'm going to wit and see just how many of these countries that the US has sent aid to EVER offer any back in any way. I don't ever recall anyone helping the US through a natural disaster such as a hurricane, tornado, earthquake, wildfires, etc... We piss away more money to help others while we slowly go down the sewer, thanks to the bleeding hearts. Our multiple trillions of national debt is all money pissed away to other countries and into our own governments pockets, only the mush-heads are still too stupid to see it. They just continue on their social media playing armchair CEO and complaining in the streets. If they had to go to work to support themselves, they would have time for any of that nonsense. Die Sicht ist etwas einseitig, wenn auch nicht total falsch. Der Versuch von Trump sich von der Welt und Weltwirtschaft abzuschotten muß erfolglos bleiben. Kein Land der Erde ist in summa autark. Handel und Wandel stärkt zu letzt alle Volkswirtschaften - und es gibt Dinge welche ein Land alleine bewältigen kann, sieh Schutz der Umwelt oder auch Frieden. Jedes Land sollte sich da nach seinen Möglichkeiten beteiligen und Verantwortung mit tragen. Das sich herausstehlen von Trump bei internationalen Organisationen war eine negative Idee. Biden ist da viel klüger. Von Einseitigkeit kann unter dem Strich keine Rede sein. Allein nach 1945 hat USA sich weltweit in zahlreiche Konflikte gestürzt und mehrere Länder überfallen. (Putin hat sich ein Beispiel genommen das dieses ungestraft möglich ist) In den Kriegen und Konflikten hat diese USA in Waffen investiert, ihre Rüstungsindustrie kräftig angekurbelt und Länder wirtschaftlich ausgebeutet. Am Golfkrieg zwischen Kuweit und Irak hat Deutschland nicht teilgenommen, hat aber an USA über 90 Mrd. (Billionen) USD bezahlt, mehr als der Angriff gekostet hat. Deutschland ist nun mit Sicherheit nicht undankbar, haben innerhalb der EU ähnliche Probleme wie USA . Fast alle Last der von den USA initiierten Flüchtlinge Flüchtlinge aus Afghanistan, Irak, Syrien mussten wir fast alleine aufnehmen, Frankreich, Polen, Ungarn, Italien ...... weigerten sich uns Flüchtlinge abzunehmen. Hinzu kommen noch viele viele Flüchtlinge aus Afrika. Deutschland als Haupt-Netto-Zahler steht in der EU ziemlich alleine mit allen Lasten da. Außer große Sprüche kommt von den "Partnern" nicht viel. Deutschland finanziert in D gut 12 US-Stützpunkte - ohne welche diese Angriffskriege gegen Irak und Afghanistan und auch bewaffnete Drohneneinsätze nicht möglich gewesen werden. Dazu haben deutsche Autofirmen in den USA Autofabriken gebaut und damit tausenden von US-Menschen einen Arbeitsplatz gegeben. AUDI hat aktuell vor eine E-Autofabrik in den USA zu bauen. Das ist nun wirklich keine Einbahnstraße.
TBG 150 Posted February 25, 2023 Posted February 25, 2023 Look, Starlight, your love for your country is admirable, unlike the idiots we put up with burning our flag and decimating our country. People that live in the US should be proud, yet many are not. They don't care. They are given everything they need either by the government or mommy and daddy, if they know who is the mommy and daddy. If they haven't been given it, they feel it's okay to go out and steal it with no repercussions. The law protects the criminal in the US. I don't want to be like you and live in fear. If some scumbag were to break down your front door, come in and rob you, rape your wife and daughters, and destroy your home, there isn't a damned thing you can do about it. All you can do is sit in a corner in fear. Like some of us here, including me, you're too damned old to fight. On the flip side, you come into my house through either a window or a door, they will be carrying you out in a body bag. I'll be in the corner just like you, but I'll have a Winchester 12 round pump shotgun to do my fighting for me. Never again will you have the chance to terrorize anyone else. There is no trial, no lawyers, no jury and no money spent but the paper the report is written on and a few dollars worth of gas to incinerate you. You say your beloved country took on ALL the burden of the refugees. Why? Because you are a country of bleeding hearts. Because your government allowed these parasites into your country, here is what you live with on a daily basis, but will never post about it. These savages have robbed your people, raped your women, sucked off of the government just like the parasites they are and have attributed to extreme acts of violence. THAT is why those other countries that you refer didn't want any part of them. They want to keep their populous clean. Look what the sand niggers have done to Great Britain. They now own the once great City of London. They even have a sand nigger for a mayor that is trying his best to bring in Sharia law. The only way things like this are possible is by having NO BORDER PROTECTION. Just like the USA. No Border Protection. We even invite them in with promises of free housing, medical care, food, a cell phone that is paid for, clothing, even a car if they need it. We even transport them to the city of their choice on luxury buses and jets. Stay in your own fucked up country and fight for it. Why bring in your 3rd world ways into a 1st world country and try and turn it into a shithole like the one you ran away from? I can't go riot in the streets or attend protests, I have to go to work to feed myself. No one is giving it to me, because I'm White. The thought is, I'm supposed to give all my money to them because they are not White. This whole mentality is what brings me to hate others and be a racist. They all think they are better than me. Not so. I could go on and on about what Mexicans, blacks, Hispanics, and all other nationalities that come to this country have done to corrupt it. The worst offenders being the pharmaceutical drug companies. The government has paid them trillions to make sure the population is well doped up and will require dependence for the rest of their lives on drugs and putting them out on the street en masse to poison the population and turn on each other to rob and kill to support that dependence. Okay, I'm done for now. I have things to do outside where the sun is shining and the birds are still singing.....for now!
StarLight28 Posted February 25, 2023 Posted February 25, 2023 22 minutes ago, TBG 150 said: Look, Starlight, your love for your country is admirable, unlike the idiots we put up with burning our flag and decimating our country. People that live in the US should be proud, yet many are not. They don't care. They are given everything they need either by the government or mommy and daddy, if they know who is the mommy and daddy. If they haven't been given it, they feel it's okay to go out and steal it with no repercussions. The law protects the criminal in the US. I don't want to be like you and live in fear. If some scumbag were to break down your front door, come in and rob you, rape your wife and daughters, and destroy your home, there isn't a damned thing you can do about it. All you can do is sit in a corner in fear. Like some of us here, including me, you're too damned old to fight. On the flip side, you come into my house through either a window or a door, they will be carrying you out in a body bag. I'll be in the corner just like you, but I'll have a Winchester 12 round pump shotgun to do my fighting for me. Never again will you have the chance to terrorize anyone else. There is no trial, no lawyers, no jury and no money spent but the paper the report is written on and a few dollars worth of gas to incinerate you. You say your beloved country took on ALL the burden of the refugees. Why? Because you are a country of bleeding hearts. Because your government allowed these parasites into your country, here is what you live with on a daily basis, but will never post about it. These savages have robbed your people, raped your women, sucked off of the government just like the parasites they are and have attributed to extreme acts of violence. THAT is why those other countries that you refer didn't want any part of them. They want to keep their populous clean. Look what the sand niggers have done to Great Britain. They now own the once great City of London. They even have a sand nigger for a mayor that is trying his best to bring in Sharia law. The only way things like this are possible is by having NO BORDER PROTECTION. Just like the USA. No Border Protection. We even invite them in with promises of free housing, medical care, food, a cell phone that is paid for, clothing, even a car if they need it. We even transport them to the city of their choice on luxury buses and jets. Stay in your own fucked up country and fight for it. Why bring in your 3rd world ways into a 1st world country and try and turn it into a shithole like the one you ran away from? I can't go riot in the streets or attend protests, I have to go to work to feed myself. No one is giving it to me, because I'm White. The thought is, I'm supposed to give all my money to them because they are not White. This whole mentality is what brings me to hate others and be a racist. They all think they are better than me. Not so. I could go on and on about what Mexicans, blacks, Hispanics, and all other nationalities that come to this country have done to corrupt it. The worst offenders being the pharmaceutical drug companies. The government has paid them trillions to make sure the population is well doped up and will require dependence for the rest of their lives on drugs and putting them out on the street en masse to poison the population and turn on each other to rob and kill to support that dependence. Okay, I'm done for now. I have things to do outside where the sun is shining and the birds are still singing.....for now! Danke, ich habe Deinen Beitrag aufmerksam mit Interesse gelesen. Ich verstehe vieles davon. Deutschland hat auch Defizite, keine Frage. Wenn auch potentielle Asylanten oder Flüchtlinge welche in Europa ein neues Leben beginnen wollen "alle" nach Deutschland wollen, andere EU-Staaten sind nicht interessant. Deutschland gilt im Ausland offenbar als Eldorado, das "Paradies in dem Mich und Honig fließt". Durch diese Pandemie wurde der Zustrom von Flüchtlingen deutlich geringer - nun durch den Krieg in der Ukraine haben wir bereits über 1 Million Menschen aufgenommen , und es werden täglich mehr. Es ist nicht so das es hier keine Kriminalität gibt, Überfälle, Einbrüche, Körperverletzung ....... Gibt es alles und seit 2015 nach Millionen Flüchtlinge auch mehr als früher, aber dennoch sitze ich nicht in der Ecke und habe Angst. Ich fühle mich in meinem Land durchaus sicher und sehe keinen Grund mir eine Feuerwaffe zuzulegen. Ich akzeptiere, Deutschland ist dichter besiedelt und Polizeiposten sind flächendeckend gut erreichbar - und unsere Polizei ist Freund und Helfer und höflich und nicht mein Feind vor dem ich Angst haben muß. Gut, in Großstädten mit Rotlichtbereich ist es gefährlicher als hier in einer Kleinstadt. Ich kann angstfrei und glücklich leben in einem freien Land in dem noch viele in Ordnung ist - nicht ideal, das habe ich nie behauptet. Viel Spaß bei Sonne im Garten und Vögeln - ich will dann auch noch denn Garten-Vögel Futter geben.
SPYING 1 Posted February 25, 2023 Author Posted February 25, 2023 China Steps in to Try and End War In Ukraine | UAF Report UAFREPORT.COM Of all the things that could happen with this war between Ukraine and Russia, I never... 1
StarLight28 Posted February 25, 2023 Posted February 25, 2023 EU: EU beschließt neues Sanktionspaket gegen Russland WWW.WIWO.DE Mit großer Mühe steht das neue EU-Sanktionspaket zum Jahrestag der russischen Invasion in die Ukraine. Wird es für die Kriegswirtschaft von Putin nun noch schwerer, sich Bauteile zu beschaffen?
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