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It Has Begun: Russia Invades Ukraine #5 Begins 12/15/22

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Tag 376 seit Kriegsbeginn: Großbritannien wertet Russlands internen Streit um die Kreml-Truppen als Zeichen des steigenden Drucks. Kiew spricht von von zahlreichen abgewehrten Angriffen im Osten. Alle...


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On 3/1/2023 at 5:12 PM, StarLight28 said:


That's YOU little asshole, YOU Trump-US-NAZI rat. Don't you recognize yourself anymore??? Senile US pig. "To kill you," said happy. I agree with him !



      On the contrary, that is actually a piece of dung propagandist kraut such as yourself as was insinuated. Too bad there were so many such as yourself that had to be put in their place and many whose lives even ended during and after both world wars asshole. Another thing, educated my ass, you have obviously been eductated alright, an education that obviously involved no more than an indoctrination on leftist ideologies of bullshit such as is when it comes to socialism or marxism or even communism asshole. Too bad for assholes such as yourself that the country most responsible for kicking the country where you are from's asses, is still around and doing much better than the b.s. country where you are from, and stands ready to give your country another good ass kicking at anytime. Get a fucking life other than being a fucked up kraut propagandist of bullshit just like so many others were when it occurred before your apparent mentor adolf hitler rose to become a so called leader or was it fuhrer of your fucked up country. 

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