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The Sharing Culture...

Guest observer1

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Guest observer1

So, according to you Parasite, people such as TBG, and Foamy Squirrel, shouldn't be allowed to post their own opinions or view points.  Isn't that a form of censorship, or discrimination on your part?

Are you talking about  my post.  If so I do not understand please explain to me as I love are little squirrel, TBG and all our old dudes (DOB 1955)

Old dudes?  I started this - what about me, how old am I?

Clue: I was born on the day the last King of England died - some say he took one look at me and realised he couldn't carry on.

BTW, My friends call me a grumpy old git ruined by good intentions - how right they are, but with friends like that, who needs enemies.

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The last king of the United Kingdom (which includes England) died in 1952. He was George VI, father of the present queen.

Whoo-Hoo, you are a miserable old bastard ain'tchya.

Long live grumpy old farts like us.

Now on to Parasite...Gentleman, read the name. Over and over, read the name. Need anything else be said?

Yeah, Parasite. On what illegals ass hair did you ride into town/swim across the border/sold by your own kind on. Go away noob. You know not of which you speak. You armed yourself with 0 facts about any of us. So just keep watching from the shadows and keep your ill-informed trap shut.

The Rodent has more intelligence in his little finger than your entire family tree. As for me. I love all people, except for blacks, Jamaicans, Haitian, Indians Phillies, Chinks, Japs, Ruskies, what have you. Those all have at least one or two good people within their population.

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Are you people for real? Shall we go back and reread this thread and analyze it from the start? I'm called a Liberal. That's more insulting than you using the 'N'word tbg.

Is it me?

This "sharing" culture seems to have got so into many people's heads that they feel they must share everything in the day to day minutiae of their sad, worthless little lives. 

Its the oxygen on which fucking Twitter and Facebook breathe, its the source for most of the worthless media "stories" we read (whatever happened to good journalism - now all they need to become a newspaper reporter is a Twitter account)  and worst of all it feeds the culture that thinks if they haven't got what they want then someone will provide it (usually via the internet but it applies to social security parasites too) for free.

Oh yes, and its the culture on forums like this that says others shall pay (RLC in this case) and provide them with videos and pictures so that they can spend every minute of their long days in front of the computer (....no, Paul not you, sit down and gaze lovingly at that bitching prick-tease Leora) exercising their right hands.  Most of you don't share that bit of your little lives do you?

Fuck the freeloaders, that what I say!

I'm agreeing with observer1 here. Social Media is the crutch of the idiotic, unsociable crowd. They can't talk to each other. They don't know how.

Next, I only blasted tbg and foamy t squirrel for the use of 1) a derogatory name and 2) a really foul word that not everyone wants to read.

Then you have Nij, that comes in either making a statement or a comment. Which is it?

Now in comes Aubrey. Falling over he's leaning so far to the right.

Now we have this Dth character. I wonder about him with his past posts. Liking to be pissed on, wanting to share himself with another man, a self proclaimed bi-sexual. Well, okay, whatever, but I still think pink. As in pussy pink.

Now we ice the cake with woodworker. Really man. Are you all there? Where did you come up with this nonsense? Is a request of a moderator suddenly a demand to silence and ban or expel a certain individual in your mind? You just fell over Aubrey.

Now Aubrey comes back lashing at woodworker. What's with you guys? Do you base your writings on how much booze intake you've had?

Now you twist it all into bashing old people. At 69, I of all of you should be 'offended' by this inane remark.

Do any of you think before you write? There is a blazing possibility that some of you may be related to Obama. You have no productive brain matter.

Now, finally, to my dear new friend, tbg150. What can I say. So much of what you post is hard to disagree with. But you have to be thee most hateful person on the planet. Are you Muslim? If they aren't white, they aren't right. Be a person that thinks along the lines of center.

Parasite is a play on names. I'm 8th generation American. Probably more so than yourself.

A Liberal. Damn that's a low blow. 

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You must be a great hit at parties brother, you've really got that whole winning friends and influencing people thing nailed.

Yet another person in the same thread that hasn't actually understood what I've written. Woodworker was actually closer to the mark than you.  I've been accused of being too subtle here before but c'mon???  :o

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Your an absolute idiot.  The comment of being offended by the word 'Old' was a satire on how ridiculous, and even childish, you self-righteous hypocrites are when given a chance to ride on a white charger, or grand stand over certain words such as that which Squirrel or TBG had said. 

Leave it to someone like you Parasite, who is so devoid of any real intelligence to not be able to realize that.

And if certain words on an adult forum should offend you so readily or easily, then why not just admit that you are a child, and that you can't handle real life conversations taking place amongst adults.   


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All that's needed now is for Pirate/Oziozioziwtf to wade in and turn this thread into yet another place where he can indulge himself by talking about his army man fetish and the stage will be set...

*grabs popcorn...

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Parasite after reading your post I thought of Mae West " Why don't you come up sometime and see me? I'm home every evening. Come up. I'll tell your fortune. Ah, you can be had."  just in case you need prof.  I was razed in the 60's to make love not war and I do not decrepitate.

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And to think that Parasite thought he could fool us into believing that Aubrey wasn't a liberal?

Yet you only have to see how Aubrey pokes fun at Ozi for standing up for the military, to realize that just like with everything else with these liberals, it's all just a deceit.  They pretend to be what they aren't.

And only a child go's running to the moderator over little spats here and there on this forum.  But some of you hypocrites are a long ways away from being anything close to a real man. 

"Mommy,.. The big bad conservatives just said a naughty word here."    "Whaaaaaah"  :'(

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Always watching in the shadows.


Mate, maybe I got this place all wrong.

See to me this forum is like turning up at a mates bbq with a few beers and a bottle of scotch, oh yeah and some wine for the ladies. People just come and go, some you know and some you don't. Some are total fuckwits (the f word again, my bad) but who gives a shit (is shit ok?) you just ignore them.

And as normally happens when a few blokes get together and have a few beers, you talk a lot, mostly shit, about cars, sport, more cars, women, even more cars, generally in that order. And yes there's always one that wants to talk about bikes. Every now and then some dickhead (what about dick, is that ok?) will mention religion or politics, and the shit hits the fan and things get all serious, a few punches might even get thrown. Anyway, after the women come over and settle things down, everything gets back to normal and the whole thing eventually starts all over again.

Yep, sometimes some topics do get serious and heat up real quick, but that's the nature of the beast. And like everyone else, I have my pet loves and hates and will fight to the end to defend them.

No one really takes it seriously and generally by Monday morning, most people have forgotten all about it, you are too interested in working out who is having the next barbie to care.

And who holds the best barbies? Well on this forum, the likes of tbg, Woody, Pepe, Squirrel  and a few others who I apologise to for leaving you out, you know who you are.

Some people don't get invited, but turn up anyway, like Nick, but that prick (oops) will always let you know he's there and it doesn't take much to shut him up. Others will just sneak in and hang around in the shadows, hoping to connect with someone or something. I'm sure that's why my dog always appears traumatised when the barbies have been at my place.

Anyway, that's my spin on the place. If your looking for intelligent, sophisticated and cultured discussions, and social intercourse, mate I think you are on the wrong fucking planet.

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The plain and simple truth of it is that they are liars and hypocrites.  The proof of this lies in the fact that if you were to visit that part of the forum or site where they would comment on Paul and Leora, or Diana and Efim, you will see these hypersensitive liars both reading and talking about how much they wish Paul would (FUCK) Leora more often, or did you catch Efim (FUCKING) Diana on the couch the other day.

All of that type of excited bullshit, and yet they pretend to be offended by the word when the Squirrel uses it!  Who the fuck do they think they're kidding?  Do you think they went to complain about the dozens of people using that word when talking about the different couples in the various couples forum?  Of course not, because with these liars it's all about the politics and hating the conservatives. 

Hate all you want, but at least fight like a man, if you have the intellect for it.  But don't go whining like some little sissy boy to the moderator, in trying to have certain people around here removed from this site by using the lie and the excuse that somehow, all of the sudden, the word FUCK somehow offends you. 


I see these grand standing, pompous asses for what they truly are.  And I don't really care to just sit around here all day just swatting these flies.  Fun as it may be at times.

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