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What's with her outfits lately?

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Squirrel recognizes Scooter, Qualude, Meerkat, and the girl in the red dress. However, I also saw Leora and Paul as they left, and tbg150 could easily be confused. I didn't recognize her with black hair either.

Until she fussed with it in front of the mirror. Then I knew it was Leora.

Oddly, she makes for a better blonde, and Maya makes for a better brunette. But as you know, women are too stupid to accept the wisdom of squirrels.

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:o Just saw her again with Paul. My goodness. I am now totally confused. I actually thought that was Leora, but she's so different hair-wise and hip-wise.  ???

I think I'll try to relax and see if tbg can spare me a shot of his decent vodka... 8)

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We don't want a confused squirrel.

When she first showed up at RLC, she was a blonde. Then she went to brown. Now it's black hair. Every time she does this, I get confused, because of all the RLC women, her hair color defines her.

Hell, I shaved off my mustache for the first time in twenty years and I don't recognize myself in the mirror, and even my kids are looking at me like "Who the fuck is this guy?"

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I shaved mine off for fun about 2 years ago, only because while I was shaving, some dickhead lit off one of those ear splitting fireworks that rocks the whole house across the street, and I ended up with 1/4 of it missing. So I shaved off the rest.

I'm still not used to the look or the bare lip. But my wife said I took off 20 years, because the damned thing was almost all gray.

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Gee, I liked her as a blonde. Did she really dye it black now? We need to get an insider here to have her grow the carpet back for a while, so that we can see what the real color is supposed to be.

I swear the black hair makes her look like she gained 10 pounds.  ::)

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