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Alina & Anton will be on vacation for few days, RLC say. It can't be very different as he took his computer with him to keep playing I presume. At least they have their cat with them, as he is not at home.

They probably should have cleaned the house a bit, at least clear the kitchen from food and cat food on the floor  ;D

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Alina & Anton will be on vacation for few days, RLC say. It can't be very different as he took his computer with him to keep playing I presume. At least they have their cat with them, as he is not at home.

They probably should have cleaned the house a bit, at least clear the kitchen from food and cat food on the floor  ;D

he should have left the frigging computer at home.you can tell what kind of vacation alina is going to have.if i was her i would take a vacation from him (a long one)she evidently don't care so it's her problem.

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Out of all the couples I've seen on the rare occasions I can be bothered watching RLC, plus the posts I read on this site, I'm amazed at the negative comments since they've gone on holiday. They are only going for a few days, the house isn't exactly a disaster, what looks like dry cat food to me. As for taking the computer fucking up Alina's holiday? I always take mine when I go away, even for just a few days, which isn't much of a holiday anyway, and my wife never complains. We use it for all sorts of things, like checking plane bookings, checking out hotels, restaurants, none of the things I normally do with it at home.

And they do seem to have a fairly active and satisfying sex life, so can't see what the problem is.

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I take mine to post and read my emails.  The weather sites are nice to keep up with what is going on at home if I drove some place.  But I'm only on my laptop about 1/2 an hour early in the morning.

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Hola. alguien me puede decir que beben esta gente todos los dias en grandes cantidades

Creo que la botella blanca que sacan cada dos por tres del frigorífico es vodka que mezclan con un zumo rojo (¿zumo de arándanos quizás?).

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