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US General Domestic Politics (2023) #4 Begins 1/31/23

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7 hours ago, StarLight28 said:

EVERYTHING you don't understand and goes against your personal opinion is a lie. Of course, Trump is a professional who has shown great diplomatic skill in his political life. In complete contrast to Trump with his weak "Rambo policy" with tariffs on everything, gagging and angering partners, withdrawal from international organizations and international isolation of the USA.

President had first to begin to clean up these many fragments of Trump's fairytale policy.


I understand why you like Biden and hate Trump. Biden has returned the U.S. to it's pre-Trump international policy of selling out American workers to Europe and the rest of the world. President Trump looked out for the well being of the American middle class. Joe Biden is more concerned about the well being of the elitist assholes who recently congregated in Davos.

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il y a 7 minutes, Ridgerunner a dit :

If we had supplied Ukraine with the fighter jets, air defense systems, tanks, and artillery before the invasion, Putin's army could have been decimated on the highway from Belarus to Kiev at the very start of the war.

No, that would have forced Putin to use much more destructive weapons, and would have plunged the world, and especially Europe, into World War III!!!!
at present, 500,000 russian soldiers are mobilized, which will make 1 million russian soldiers in ukraine, against 200,000 ukrainians!!!! 1000 Ukrainian tanks against 11,000 Russian tanks!!!! the big russian offensive is planned for the end of february and in the spring, if biden and zelensky still refuse negotiations, then ukraine will disappear with millions of dead!!!!

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6 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


Typical Trump nonsense that no one should take seriously. Just hot air from a revenge-seeker and bitter old man who still hasn't learned he's the loser in the election.


No, the real losers in the 2020 election were the American citizens as Joe Biden and his America hating liberal progressive socialist/Marxist Democratic Party systematically and intentionally destroy America from within.

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6 minutes ago, corboblanc said:

No, that would have forced Putin to use much more destructive weapons, and would have plunged the world, and especially Europe, into World War III!!!!
at present, 500,000 russian soldiers are mobilized, which will make 1 million russian soldiers in ukraine, against 200,000 ukrainians!!!! 1000 Ukrainian tanks against 11,000 Russian tanks!!!! the big russian offensive is planned for the end of february and in the spring, if biden and zelensky still refuse negotiations, then ukraine will disappear with millions of dead!!!!

Wrong, had the West supplied Ukraine with those weapons when Russia was massing troops on Ukraine's border the cowardly dictator Putin would probably have not invaded. Russian soldiers are only good at killing defenseless women and children. When it comes to fighting against a real army they are cowards.  A bullet to Putin's brain would solve this problem very fast for both Russia and the world. 

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12 minutes ago, corboblanc said:

No, that would have forced Putin to use much more destructive weapons, and would have plunged the world, and especially Europe, into World War III!!!!
at present, 500,000 russian soldiers are mobilized, which will make 1 million russian soldiers in ukraine, against 200,000 ukrainians!!!! 1000 Ukrainian tanks against 11,000 Russian tanks!!!! the big russian offensive is planned for the end of february and in the spring, if biden and zelensky still refuse negotiations, then ukraine will disappear with millions of dead!!!!

All of your numbers are wrong.  Russia, for instance, cannot and has not mobilized 11,000 tanks.  Nor do they have 500k troops.  The one's that they have put on tbe front are very poorly equiped.  Ukraine has far more than 200k soldiers available.  Russia is losing over 1000 troops per day. 

Stop promoting Russia propoganda.

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19 minutes ago, corboblanc said:

No, that would have forced Putin to use much more destructive weapons, and would have plunged the world, and especially Europe, into World War III!!!!
at present, 500,000 russian soldiers are mobilized, which will make 1 million russian soldiers in ukraine, against 200,000 ukrainians!!!! 1000 Ukrainian tanks against 11,000 Russian tanks!!!! the big russian offensive is planned for the end of february and in the spring, if biden and zelensky still refuse negotiations, then ukraine will disappear with millions of dead!!!!

If not for nuclear weapons Russia would be a third rate military power. It's army is poorly equipped and poorly trained. The one thing Russian soldiers are well trained for is raping women.

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2 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

Biden gave very little military assistance to Ukraine until after Putin had invaded. Also, before the invasion Biden had indicated that if Putin 'made a minor incursion' into Ukraine that it would be nothing to be concerned about. Numerous times Biden refused to give Ukraine the military equipment they requested for fear of provoking Putin. Biden and the incompetent fools he has running the Pentagon and U.S. State Department expected and were willing to allow Ukraine to fall to Russia within a few weeks of the start of the invasion. If we had supplied Ukraine with the fighter jets, air defense systems, tanks, and artillery before the invasion, Putin's army could have been decimated on the highway from Belarus to Kiev at the very start of the war. I still clearly remember that long convoy of Russian troops and military equipment sitting for days and weeks completely out in the open on that highway. Unfortunately for the Ukrainians, they had neither the fighter jets, long range artillery, nor tanks they needed to destroy the convoy because Biden feared supplying those weapons would provoke Putin and start WW III.


Leider nur zum Teil Wahrheiten, ein möglicher Überfall war unklar. Manöver war theoretisch möglich. Der Westen mit der USA an der Spitze wollten natürlich nicht offensiv Aggressor gegen Russland sein. Biden hat alles getan um Ukraine verteidigungsfähig zu machen.

Was hat Dein Weich-Ei von Trump getan um der Ukraine vorsorglich zu helfen ??? NICHTS, NICHTS. Trump, Golf spielender Versager. Wahl-Verlierer zu Recht. Mit Looser Trump an der US-Spitze wäre Ukraine untergegangen wie eine Blei-Ente. Trump gegen Amigo Putin agiert ???? Zum totlachen. Dieser zahnlose Gummipanther von Trump mit Eigeninteressen mit Sohn bei Freund, Amigo Putin hätte Putin abgeschreckt ???? Putin hat diesen kleinen unbedeutenden Trump als Strohpuppe ins Amt des US-Präsidenten befördert um in seinen Aggressionen freie Hand zu haben. Das Biden als US-Präsident gewählt wurde war Mega-Unfall für den Verbrecher Putin.

Träume weiter von dem Versager NAZI-Trump - und seinen großartigen Taten für USA - Trump war und ist elender VERSAGER !!! Ein Golf spielender Nobody, NO Präsident, aber Schaumschläger und Wichtigtuer vor der Insolvenz.


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2 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

I understand why you like Biden and hate Trump. Biden has returned the U.S. to it's pre-Trump international policy of selling out American workers to Europe and the rest of the world. President Trump looked out for the well being of the American middle class. Joe Biden is more concerned about the well being of the elitist assholes who recently congregated in Davos.


Völliger Unsinn. Du hast keine Ahnung von Politik. Das kleine Arschloch von Trump hat USA total isoliert Biden hat amerikanischen Arbeitern wieder wieder eine Chance gegeben US-Waren an andere Staaten verkaufen zu können und hat in den USA Arbeitsplätze gesichert. Ich habe zum Glück Volkswirtschaft und Betriebswirtschaft studiert um Zusammenhänge zu überschauen. Dein Wissen stammt wohl aus einer Kneipe mit Stammtisch und Theorien von Dummen. Denke weiter - wenn Du kannst.

Aber langweile nicht länger dieses Forum mit dummen albernen Verschwörungstheorien !



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3 hours ago, corboblanc said:

No, that would have forced Putin to use much more destructive weapons, and would have plunged the world, and especially Europe, into World War III!!!!
at present, 500,000 russian soldiers are mobilized, which will make 1 million russian soldiers in ukraine, against 200,000 ukrainians!!!! 1000 Ukrainian tanks against 11,000 Russian tanks!!!! the big russian offensive is planned for the end of february and in the spring, if biden and zelensky still refuse negotiations, then ukraine will disappear with millions of dead!!!!


500.000 schlecht ausgebildete russische Soldaten, welche den Krieg gegen das Bruder-Volk hassen und im Zweifel dissertieren. Warum sonst erzielt diese Ukraine-Armee so große Erfolge gegen russische Feiglinge ????


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Il y a 3 heures, maxfactor a dit :

All of your numbers are wrong.  Russia, for instance, cannot and has not mobilized 11,000 tanks.  Nor do they have 500k troops.  The one's that they have put on tbe front are very poorly equiped.  Ukraine has far more than 200k soldiers available.  Russia is losing over 1000 troops per day. 

Stop promoting Russia propoganda.

as you wish, we will see if your analyzes are of a good level in a few weeks....

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Vor 5 Stunden sagte Ridgerunner:

Nein, die wahren Verlierer bei den Wahlen 2020 waren die amerikanischen Bürger, da Joe Biden und seine Amerika hassende liberale fortschrittliche sozialistische/marxistische Demokratische Partei systematisch und absichtlich Amerika von innen heraus zerstören.


 Höre endlich auf Pausenlos diesen Unsinn hier zu erzählen. Das Amerikanische Volk hat Biden mit großer Mehrheit gewählt und in Summa gewonnen. Polit-Versager Trump ist gescheitert und Looser der Wahl und überhaupt. Trump stammt aus Deutschland - ich schäme mich für diesen kranken Menschen. USA hat besseres verdient.


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