concour10 Posted March 1, 2023 Posted March 1, 2023 39 minutes ago, StarLight28 said: YES! when any illegal gun possession is subject to heavy penalties. Not capital punishment or mutilation, but corporal punishment with 50 spanks to the bare ass works more than a fine or 5 star prison. And word gets around quickly. Do you really believe corporal punishment is a deterrent in preventing further criminal behavior. What is a heavy penalty? The majority of crimes in the US are done by a certain group. They are very ruthless and due to their upbringing and environment have no compassion for their fellow man. I state this based on the details of the crimes committed. They need to be imprisoned and removed from society based upon the heinous level of their crime. 2
Nicholas Posted March 2, 2023 Posted March 2, 2023 4 hours ago, StarLight28 said: Fuck that Rep-majorized US Prime Court. Trump wanker totally disrupted US judiciary by installing judge jerks of his color. Just as this disgusting criminal bastard of Netanyahu now wants to introduce a "legal reform" in Israel in which Parliament can overrule Supreme Court decisions by a simple majority. When will USA finally become rule of law? And not stupid inferior banana Rambo Republic with vigilante justice and freedom of arms ??? I don't give a fuck. In the 21st century still Wild West in USA !! Pooh devil. In addition, burger food from McDonalds, Burger-King and beef steaks which consume over 15,000 liters of water for 1 kg of meat and generate vast amounts of methane. A country as a role model ??? No definitely not. Aside from the fact that the U.S. rebuilt much of the country where you are from after having to destroy much of it because of people's ideologies and mindsets quite similar to yours, it's been noticed how you actually despise and cannot stand much about the U.S. and even more so in regards to Isreal. Such an obviously and poorly educated but actually indoctrinated excuse of humanity you evidently are from the country you are from. You despise the fact that the country where you are from was destroyed because of peoples ideologies quite similar to yours who believed in the false b.s. of hitler. He was also a b.s. ter who caused the deaths of millions of innocent people including Jews. If you despise the U.S. so much because your country got destroyed then, perhaps you would care to explain why over 6 million innocent people were imprisoned in concentration camps and murdered you sorry ass. Best advice for someone like you, would be to research some actual history rather than b.s. history and start paying attention to some actual history and news that is actually more honest and truthful than the b.s. propaganda your obviously brainwashed mind has been being subjected to asshole.
StarLight28 Posted March 2, 2023 Posted March 2, 2023 1 hour ago, concour10 said: Do you really believe corporal punishment is a deterrent in preventing further criminal behavior. What is a heavy penalty? The majority of crimes in the US are done by a certain group. They are very ruthless and due to their upbringing and environment have no compassion for their fellow man. I state this based on the details of the crimes committed. They need to be imprisoned and removed from society based upon the heinous level of their crime. Wie viel % der gewaltbereiten US-Gesellschaft welche Waffen_Narren sind wollen Sie einsperren und aus dem Verkehr ziehen ?? Ich bin durchaus für "Resozialisierung" doch viele Menschen sind uneinsichtig und reagieren auf wohlwollende Resozialisierung nicht und verhöhnen ihre Gesellschaft und werden immer wieder straffällig. Da hilft nur "Gewalt muß mit Gewalt gebrochen werden", also körperliche Schmerzen erleiden welche sie anderen Menschen zufügen - alles andere sehen solche kaputten Menschen als Schwäche an. Genau wie Krieg manche Länder erst begreifen wenn dieser in ihrem eigenen Land stattfindet und nicht irgendwo weit weg durch ihre Soldaten.
SPYING 1 Posted March 2, 2023 Author Posted March 2, 2023 1 minute ago, StarLight28 said: Wie viel % der gewaltbereiten US-Gesellschaft welche Waffen_Narren sind wollen Sie einsperren und aus dem Verkehr ziehen ?? Ich bin durchaus für "Resozialisierung" doch viele Menschen sind uneinsichtig und reagieren auf wohlwollende Resozialisierung nicht und verhöhnen ihre Gesellschaft und werden immer wieder straffällig. Da hilft nur "Gewalt muß mit Gewalt gebrochen werden", also körperliche Schmerzen erleiden welche sie anderen Menschen zufügen - alles andere sehen solche kaputten Menschen als Schwäche an. Genau wie Krieg manche Länder erst begreifen wenn dieser in ihrem eigenen Land stattfindet und nicht irgendwo weit weg durch ihre Soldaten. The youth has the StarLight28 hitler mentality
StarLight28 Posted March 2, 2023 Posted March 2, 2023 12 minutes ago, Nicholas said: Aside from the fact that the U.S. rebuilt much of the country where you are from after having to destroy much of it because of people's ideologies and mindsets quite similar to yours, it's been noticed how you actually cannot stand much about the U.S. and even less about Isreal. Such a poorly educated but actually indoctrinated excuse of humanity you are from the country you are from. You despise the fact that the country where you are from was destroyed because of peoples ideologies quite similar to yours who believed in the false b.s. of hitler. He was also a b.s. ter who caused the deaths of millions of innocent people including Jews. If you despise the U.S. so much because your country got destroyed then, perhaps you would care to explain why over 6 million innocent people were imprisoned in concentration camps and murdered you sorry ass. Best advice for someone like you, would be to research some actual history rather than b.s. history and start paying attention to news that is actually more honest and truthful than the b.s. your obviously brainwashed mind has been being subjected to asshole. Ich habe Dir schon einmal den Rat gegeben auf meine Zeilen nicht mit indoktrinären Haß- Unsinn zu antworten. Höre auf Deine USA als Land der Ausrottung von 100.000.000 Indianern zu glorifizieren und mit Finger auf andere Länder zu blicken. Ihr erinnert Euch an Eure widerlichen Schandtaten nur nicht mehr. Deutschland ist wohl das einzige Land das zu seiner Vergangenheit steht und nichts unter den Teppich kehrt. )0% der Deutschen Bürger hat damit übrigens nichts zu tun und Straftaten werden von deutschen Gerichten heute noch verfolgt - mit deutscher Gründlichkeit. Täter sind oft schon über 90 Jahre alt. und wie sieht das mit Reue und Aufarbeitung von Verbrechen in USA, GB, Spanien ................ aus ??? Fehlanzeige ! Schämt Euch !!
Nicholas Posted March 2, 2023 Posted March 2, 2023 25 minutes ago, StarLight28 said: I have already given you the advice not to reply to my lines with indoctrinating hate nonsense . Stop glorifying your USA as the land of the extermination of 100,000,000 Indians and pointing fingers at other countries. You just don't remember your disgusting crimes anymore. Germany is probably the only country that stands by its past and doesn't sweep anything under the carpet. Incidentally, )0% of German citizens have nothing to do with it and criminal offenses are still prosecuted by German courts today - with German thoroughness. Perpetrators are often over 90 years old. and what about remorse and processing of crimes in the USA, GB, Spain ................??? None! Shame on you !! The history you referred to actually occurred before the turn of the 20th century when many countries populations of the world were not as civilized as they eventually became. The history I referred to regarding the country where you are from, occured since most countries of the world had become more civilized. You have been obviously indoctrinated rather than actually educated. That's why people from both the U.S. and Isreal have been having to search for individuals who were officers in the nazi party to try them for war crimes who were responsible for the deaths of millions of innocent people right. Because that country was so forthcoming. You are about as full of shit as they come.
StarLight28 Posted March 2, 2023 Posted March 2, 2023 Vor 38 Minuten sagte SPYING 1: Die Jugend hat die StarLight28-Hitlermentalität Wer redet mit Dir Du kleines dreckiges Trump-US-NAZI-Arschloch ?? Wie viele NAZI-Hitler-Bilder hast Du schon in Deinem Kinderzimmer aufgehängt vor denen Du täglich onanierst ?? Du bist doch geisteskrank, das sieht man doch an über 80.000 dummen einfältigen Plagiat-Beiträgen von Dir, meistens am Thema vorbei. Geh in Deine Höhle, Stinktier. 😁 DU symbolisierst die US-Jugend mit Hitler-Mentalität - nicht ich.
StarLight28 Posted March 2, 2023 Posted March 2, 2023 Vor 15 Minuten sagte Nicholas: Aus diesem Grund mussten Menschen sowohl aus den USA als auch aus Israel nach Personen suchen, die Offiziere der Nazi-Partei waren, um sie wegen Kriegsverbrechen vor Gericht zu stellen. Weil dieses Land so entgegenkommend war. Du bist ungefähr so voller Scheiße wie sie kommen. Und Deine US-Kriegsverbrecher ????? Verdammter Heucher. Schalte Dein Gehirn ein, Lügner.
Nicholas Posted March 2, 2023 Posted March 2, 2023 10 minutes ago, StarLight28 said: And your US war criminals ????? Damn hypocrite. Turn on your brain, liar. Go back and read the rest of the post asshole, not that it would make any difference to an indoctrinated, uneducated asshole such as yourself. Albert Einstein would be ashamed knowing there are those from that country with such ignorance and mindsets in this day and time.
StarLight28 Posted March 2, 2023 Posted March 2, 2023 9 minutes ago, Nicholas said: Go back and read the rest of the post asshole, not that it would make any difference to an indoctrinated, uneducated asshole such as yourself. DU bist so ein dummer Idiot. Du hast noch nicht bemerkt das bei Antworten nur ein Teil des Artikels angezeigt wird. Ich habe Deinen Schwachsinn durchaus komplett gelesen, wenn es auch schwer erträglich ist. Das Arschloch gebe ich Dir gerne zurück, US-NAZI.
maxfactor Posted March 2, 2023 Posted March 2, 2023 22 minutes ago, StarLight28 said: Ich habe Dir schon einmal den Rat gegeben auf meine Zeilen nicht mit indoktrinären Haß- Unsinn zu antworten. Höre auf Deine USA als Land der Ausrottung von 100.000.000 Indianern zu glorifizieren und mit Finger auf andere Länder zu blicken. Ihr erinnert Euch an Eure widerlichen Schandtaten nur nicht mehr. Deutschland ist wohl das einzige Land das zu seiner Vergangenheit steht und nichts unter den Teppich kehrt. )0% der Deutschen Bürger hat damit übrigens nichts zu tun und Straftaten werden von deutschen Gerichten heute noch verfolgt - mit deutscher Gründlichkeit. Täter sind oft schon über 90 Jahre alt. und wie sieht das mit Reue und Aufarbeitung von Verbrechen in USA, GB, Spanien ................ aus ??? Fehlanzeige ! Schämt Euch !! Horseshit you fucking lunatic lier. Every time I go to DAS FADERLANDE and bring up the's das fucking Nazis who did das bad shit. NOBODY TAKES RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE SHIT GERMANS...EVERY FUCKING ONE OF THEM DID... IN TWO WARS. BERLIN...zee NAZIS, Dachau deathcamp...zee Nazis did it. Fuck you and your pontificating about "American Indians" fucking psyco who has never even been to the US doesnt even know that Indians live in India. American native peoples were killing each other long before europeans ever got there. Fucking squarehead cunt. 1
StarLight28 Posted March 2, 2023 Posted March 2, 2023 6 minutes ago, maxfactor said: Horseshit you fucking lunatic lier. Every time I go to DAS FADERLANDE and bring up the's das fucking Nazis who did das bad shit. NOBODY TAKES RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE SHIT GERMANS...EVERY FUCKING ONE OF THEM DID... IN TWO WARS. BERLIN...zee NAZIS, Dachau deathcamp...zee Nazis did it. Fuck you and your pontificating about "American Indians" fucking psyco who has never even been to the US doesnt even know that Indians live in India. American native peoples were killing each other long before europeans ever got there. Fucking squarehead cunt. Dein Scheiß über Deutschland ist bekannt. Wir haben Verantwortung übernommen, IHR Lumpen für Eure Schandtaten nicht. DAS ist eine Schande. Schämst DU Dich nicht Amerikaner zu sein ?? Bei der Geschichte voller Blut ???
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