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US General Domestic Politics (2023) #8 (Starts 3/07/23)

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4 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


@StnCld316Es gibt so US-Arschlöcher wie Nikolaus, welche nicht begreifen das kein Mensch mit ihnen reden will - und dennoch spielen solche Idioten immer und immer wieder ihre gleiche Haß-Platte gegen ein Premium-Mitglied ab. Und Moderatoren schauen tatenlos zu. Ist das alles ? Ich bin enttäuscht. Freie Wortwahl ok. - doch dumme Beleidigung ohne Ende ist zu viel.

Put the member on ignore.  I don't think you'll hurt his feelings any.  

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9 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


All videos from the same camera? So what ?? The displayed date and time can be easily exchanged. YOU are simply naive and believe everything criminals tell you. Keep sleeping naive Trump fool. 😁


Again, I'm sorry you can not handle the truth. You are the one who is lost. 

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17 hours ago, SPYING 1 said:

Millennials in their 30s are accumulating debt at an alarming rate. It's just one way the...


That's no problem, they'll just vote politicians into office who will forgive their debts. :biggrin:

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8 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


@StnCld316There are US assholes like Nikolaus who don't understand that nobody wants to talk to them - and yet such idiots play the same hate record against a premium member over and over again. And moderators look on passively. That's all ? I'm disappointed. Free choice of words ok. - but stupid insult without end is too much.

So says the authoritarian German who relentlessly attacks Americans and America in this forum. Now he runs to daddy( a moderator) complaining that he is being mistreated by these evil Americans. Sorry, little German snowflake, if you can't handle the heat than get out of the forum.   

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8 hours ago, StarLight28 said:



The US President presents his plans for the budget - and wants to make the country's rich more financially responsible. Does the project have a chance in Congress?


Good man. Rich freeloaders must no longer increase their illegal wealth.

That must also apply in Europe. This helps the "working class" as Ridge always says. He supports a wrong wrong party - billionaire Trump should be his enemy, enemy of the "working class" - but unfortunately he understands NOTHING !!


So says the German fool who thinks Cuba is a great place to live. Bidens's budget "helps the 'working class'?" Biden's economic and tax policies will help to make the working class poorer.  "Rich freeloaders", that sounds like another name for career politicians and career government bureaucrats who contribute nothing to the economy and live off the wealth created by hard working Americans. .

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