Nicholas Posted March 21, 2023 Posted March 21, 2023 6 minutes ago, StarLight28 said: Day of "arrest" is approaching: Trump rumbles against prosecutors - "Woker tyrant" WWW.MERKUR.DE Donald Trump no longer believes in his arrest. Nevertheless, his supporters are already planning armed resistance. Trump publicity stunt. Trump is a liar and always will be a liar. A dishonest creature . The socialist/marxist communist influenced kraut who goes by StarLight28 on this site is obviously a dishonest lying propagandist and will always be since it is in ideologic natures of propagandists to be such lying dishonest worthless excuses of humanity.
happyone Posted March 21, 2023 Posted March 21, 2023 StnCld should rename these forums as "The Uncivil Worldwide Political Discussions" 1
StarLight28 Posted March 21, 2023 Posted March 21, 2023 Wenn sie Trump wegen Porno-Star anklagen, bekommen US-Behörden mehrere Probleme WWW.FOCUS.DE Landet Donald Trump wegen Porno-Star Stormy Daniels in Haft? Sicherheitsbehörden beraten aktuell über Trumps mögliche Verhaftung. Laut der New Yorker Staatsanwaltschaft gilt eine Anklage Trumps als... Sicher wurde heimlich ein Pornofilm von den beiden aufgenommen. Wie viel USD bezahlt Trump dafür ??? Wer will seinen schlappen Schwanz sehen ??? Ich nicht - keine USD 5 wert. 😁
SPYING 1 Posted March 21, 2023 Author Posted March 21, 2023 New New York rent-control bill would drive out small landlords, help... NYPOST.COM The erroneously named Good Cause Eviction Bill, now in the New York Legislature, would...
StarLight28 Posted March 21, 2023 Posted March 21, 2023 Trump und DeSantis stellen Ukraine-Hilfe der USA in Frage WWW.NDR.DE Umfragen in den USA stellen eine wachsende Kriegsmüdigkeit fest. Bei vielen trifft Trumps Kritik an der Ukraine-Politik von Joe Biden auf Gegenliebe. Verräter. Trump will seinem Gönner bei der Wahl 2016 treu sein. Ich muß kotzen !! Diese Marionette und sein Zögling sind keinen Schuß Pulver wert.
Nicholas Posted March 21, 2023 Posted March 21, 2023 1 hour ago, happyone said: StnCld should rename these forums as "The Uncivil Worldwide Political Discussions" Or perhaps the threads could be renamed as political forums of those who have some common sense and those who obvoously do not have much of any.
StarLight28 Posted March 21, 2023 Posted March 21, 2023 New York wappnet sich vor wahrscheinlicher Trump-Anklage WWW.AUGSBURGER-ALLGEMEINE.DE Die Bilder des 6. Januar 2021 haben sich in den Köpfen vieler Amerikaner festgebrannt. Vor der wahrscheinlichen Anklage gegen Ex-Präsident Donald Trump scheinen nun erneut... Gegen den aufgehetzten dreckigen Gewalt verbreitenden Rep-Trampel-Mob
Ridgerunner Posted March 21, 2023 Posted March 21, 2023 8 hours ago, StarLight28 said: What do you mean here specifically - don't just cackle, lay an egg. This porn actress isn't the only one troubling Trump with his perverse sex drive. Another whore burdens your saviour, but also - and probably many other women. Trump is simply unsuitable as US President because of his perverse sexual inclinations - and not only because of that. Trump is mentally ill and needs medical treatment. Trump is dangerous to the public health of the United States. Let's wait. Together with his whore problem and incitement to violence on 01/06/21 plus violation of many individual legal regulations, Trump will be sentenced to prison with preventive detention for life even with a very slow US judiciary - Dem or Rep or not. You will only be able to see your ex-president monkey in a cage . Find a smarter new IDOL. 😁 You are talking out your asshole again. Bragg is trying to charge Trump for a misdemeanor offense that happened 7 years ago and the statute of limitations for that violation is 2 years. That's justice?
Ridgerunner Posted March 21, 2023 Posted March 21, 2023 9 hours ago, StarLight28 said: "Beauty" is not everything, who knows how Melania is in bed, kitchen and otherwise ??? "Variety" is sometimes good - and according to reports, Donald is never faithful, neither in business, nor privately, nor politically. As a "political" career changer, Trump is unpredictable, unreliable and a self-centered braggart. Trump is ill, every facial expression of him reveals this - you don't have to have studied psychology. 25 years of experience with people in sales with field service are very helpful. USA is an important partner for the EU and Germany, 4 years of Trump were 4 years too many. The experiment with career changers failed miserably. 😁 Biden isn't ideal, ok, but it's 1,000 times better than that golf-playing US Presidential twat of Trump. Go home make your Melania happy - if you can. 😁 YOU don't deserve this good looking woman - look in the mirror ! You keep saying "according to reports" when smearing Trump. Yeah," according to reports" by people who hate Trump and are willing to say anything to discredit him. Previous to Trump, U.S. presidents kissed Germany and Europes' asses. I can see why you hate Trump. He put the interests of the American people ahead of the desires of European leaders and government bureaucrats.
Ridgerunner Posted March 21, 2023 Posted March 21, 2023 4 hours ago, StarLight28 said: US President: Biden signs law releasing secret documents on the corona pandemic WWW.SPIEGEL.DE US President Biden has announced that his government will release “as much information as possible” on the origin of Covid-19. It is also about possible connections to the Institute of Virology in... "As much information as possible" means that they will release only information that makes the Biden administration and Dr.Fauci look good and protects the Chinese government from blame for Covid while at the same time making Trump and his administration look bad. Just as the Jan.6 Committee edited the surveillance video of the Capitol Building to support their version of what happened on Jan.6.
Ridgerunner Posted March 21, 2023 Posted March 21, 2023 6 hours ago, StarLight28 said: USA: Donald Trump's Shame - The Storming of the Capitol | Politics | East Thuringian newspaper WWW.OTZ.DE January 6, 2021 was a black day for the USA. Not only did a mob storm the Capitol, President Trump let him. Why is US justice so hesitant ???? This world is waiting for action. Is this USA really the rule of law ????? In addition: Why doesn't Rambo-USA recognize the "International Court of Human Rights"??? Both problems go together. "Normal criminals" are executed - how does that fit together??? (or shot directly by cops in the street) NYC prosecutor Alan Bragg doesn't even prosecute violent "normal criminals" in NYC, but he has assigned 10 attorneys to prosecute Trump for paying hush money to a porn star seven years ago. That's your idea of what U.S. justice should be?
Ridgerunner Posted March 21, 2023 Posted March 21, 2023 3 hours ago, StarLight28 said: Day of "arrest" is approaching: Trump rumbles against prosecutors - "Woker tyrant" WWW.MERKUR.DE Donald Trump no longer believes in his arrest. Nevertheless, his supporters are already planning armed resistance. Trump publicity stunt. Trump is a liar and always will be a liar. A dishonest creature . German news media is a joke and bunch of fucking liars. I've heard nothing over here about anyone planing armed resistance. No wonder your mind is so fucked up if that his the type garbage you read, listen to and watch from your news media.
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