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US General Domestic Politics (2023) #9 (Starts 3/19/23)

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'Character counts': Republican author shreds 'shameful' GOP for electing 'criminal' Donald Trump

Veteran Republican political consultant, author, and Lincoln Project senior advisor Stuart Stephens says..."the GOP deserves to bear the scars of former President Donald Trump's legal predicaments."

"I think the Republican Party is shameful and not standing up for the rule of law, which is what this is. The reason there's a former president being indicted is because the Republican party nominated and elected a criminal. No more complicated than that."

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5 minutes ago, letsdothis said:

'Character counts': Republican author shreds 'shameful' GOP for electing 'criminal' Donald Trump

Veteran Republican political consultant, author, and Lincoln Project senior advisor Stuart Stephens says..."the GOP deserves to bear the scars of former President Donald Trump's legal predicaments."

"I think the Republican Party is shameful and not standing up for the rule of law, which is what this is. The reason there's a former president being indicted is because the Republican party nominated and elected a criminal. No more complicated than that."

bill clinton politics GIFBill Clinton Hug GIF by FX Networks

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2 minutes ago, letsdothis said:

'Character counts': Republican author shreds 'shameful' GOP for electing 'criminal' Donald Trump

Veteran Republican political consultant, author, and Lincoln Project senior advisor Stuart Stephens says..."the GOP deserves to bear the scars of former President Donald Trump's legal predicaments."

"I think the Republican Party is shameful and not standing up for the rule of law, which is what this is. The reason there's a former president being indicted is because the Republican party nominated and elected a criminal. No more complicated than that."

The Lincoln Project members are a bunch of establishment Washington, D.C. swamp dwellers, so any criticism by a member of that organization should be welcomed by any true patriot of America. Stuart Stephens represents the corrupt ruling elite of America who oppose the will of the American people. Members of the Lincoln Project are the true criminals and threats to American democracy.

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Vor 3 Stunden sagte Ridgerunner:

Deutschland investiert Milliarden in Waffen? Der Rest Europas muss Angst haben. :Zunge:


NEIN. Es geht darum, ein terroristisch angegriffenes Land von Trump-Freund-Putin zu helfen und vom Terror zu befreien. Atomwaffen hat diese USA und hat diese als einziger Staat der Welt gegen zivile Menschen eingesetzt. Holocaust der USA. Wo ist Demut und Entschuldigung. Menschen als Versuchskaninchen, Pfui.

 Deutschland ist geografisch in schlechter Position - rings um von "Feinden" umzingelt. ALLE wollen nur unser Bestes - Geld, Geld, Geld ...



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17 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

Die Mitglieder des Lincoln-Projekts sind eine Gruppe etablierter Sumpfbewohner in Washington, DC, daher sollte jede Kritik von einem Mitglied dieser Organisation von jedem wahren Patrioten Amerikas begrüßt werden. Stuart Stephens repräsentiert die korrupte herrschende Elite Amerikas, die sich dem Willen des amerikanischen Volkes widersetzt. Mitglieder des Lincoln-Projekts sind die wahren Verbrecher und Bedrohungen für die amerikanische Demokratie.


Mein Gott, wie peinlich. Wie tief hast Du Dein Gehirn immer noch im braunen NAZI-Arsch von Trump ???


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1 hour ago, happyone said:

Has Gavin Newsom Ruined California? He’s a popular governor, at least for people who decide to live in California. Gavin Newsom’s approval rating stands at 58 percent. However, others who have migrated from...


And he plans on being President of the United States.:cry:

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2 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


My god, how embarrassing. How deep do you still have your brain in Trump's brown NAZI ass???


Embarrassed? Everything I said is the truth about the Lincoln Project. The organization is a disgrace to the memory and name of Abraham Lincoln.

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2 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


NO. It's about helping a country attacked by terrorism by Trump-friend-Putin and freeing it from terror. The United States has nuclear weapons and is the only country in the world that has used them against civilians. Holocaust of the USA. Where is humility and apology. Humans as guinea pigs, Ugh.



Who is the mentally ill person who posted a laughing emogi to this photo? 

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