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1 hour ago, StarLight28 said:

Well spoken - but a lie. The conflict after 1939 was purely European. England, as in 1805 against Napoleon and from 1914 also in 1941, was unable to win a war in Europe. The English are failures and could only invade and plunder countries. From 1914 onwards, the British were also failures and asked the USA for military support. WW 1 with U.S. help from the almost dead English.

Even in the war from 1939 onwards, the English were only LOSERS. If this idiot of Hitler had closed the bag at Dunkirk and beaten the English crushingly, then "England" or "GB" would no longer exist today. As early as 1939, Americans illegally supported the half-dead state with weapons. This idiot of Hitler failed to destroy dead England and attacked Russia-Stalin.

One mistake - Hitler is the same idiot as this fucker of Trump - (Trump his NAZI darling)

The United States secretly supported these dead Britons with weapons - and then Hitler declared war on the perfidious United States. And only after that Japan, as a friend of Germany, attacked Pearl Harbor,

Just learn "history", American shit is always just a LIE.


And so, you admit that the conflict was purely European, which started with German invasions of surrounding countries.  That means that Germany, not the USA as you initially claimed in your previous post, created and started WWII.  

That was the whole point in my previous and this comment.   You must admit your initial statement was wrong

59 minutes ago, happyone said:

And so, you admit that the conflict was purely European, which started with German invasions of surrounding countries.  That means that Germany, not the USA as you initially claimed in your previous post, created and started WWII.  

That was the whole point in my previous and this comment.   You must admit your initial statement was wrong


Was wollen Sie ??  Der europäische Krieg ab 1939 wurde von Polen provoziert und von Deutschland dann als Angriff benutzt. Polen waren in der Geschichte der Menschheit schon immer Querulanten und Stinktiere - bis heute in der EU. Zwischen Russland und Deutschland wurde 1938  ein Vertrag geschlossen Polen aufzulösen und aufzuteilen. England und Frankreich wollten das nicht akzeptieren und haben Deutschland den Krieg erklärt. Ein europäischer Konflikt. Bis 1941 waren Frankreich und England von Deutschland defacto besiegt. Anstatt England nach dem Desaster von Dünkirchen den "Todesstoß" zu verpassen hat dieses dumme Arschloch von Hitler seinen Vertragspartner Russland-Stalinangegriffen. Hitler, ein Idiot wie dieser TRUMP.

Nach dem Rückzug aus Dünkirchen haben tote Engländer militärische Hilfe der USA angefordert und sich wieder aufgerüstet. Diese Einmischung der USA war der Beginn von WK 2. Der Angriff auf Pearl Harbor durch Japan - verbündet mit Deutschland - war nur Konsequenz.

USA sind verantwortlich am Entstehen von WK 2 und auch an WK 1.  Wer das nicht erkennt ist ein Idiot.


8 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:


What do you want ?? The European war from 1939 was provoked by Poland and then used as an attack by Germany. Throughout human history, Poles have always been troublemakers and skunks - until today in the EU. In 1938, a treaty was signed between Russia and Germany to dissolve and partition Poland. England and France did not want to accept this and declared war on Germany. A European conflict. By 1941 France and England were de facto defeated by Germany. Instead of giving England the "death blow" after the Dunkirk disaster, that stupid asshole of Hitler attacked his Russia-Stalin contractor. Hitler, an idiot like that TRUMP.

After the retreat from Dunkirk, dead Englishmen requested US military aid and rearmed. This interference by the USA was the beginning of WW2. The attack on Pearl Harbor by Japan - allied with Germany - was only a consequence.

USA are responsible for the emergence of WW 2 and also of WW 1. Anyone who does not recognize this is an idiot.


     Once again, you prove that you are nothing more than a lying assed, dishonest, disgruntled indoctrinated kraut. Germany invaded Poland under  orders from the mentally disturbed and deranged leader hitler that your kind obviously supported you lying assed dishonest marxist, communist leftist piece of shit kraut propagandist.

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28 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:


What do you want?? The European war from 1939 was provoked by Poland and then used by Germany as an attack. Poles have always been troublemakers and skunks in the history of mankind - until today in the EU. A treaty was concluded between Russia and Germany in 1938 to dissolve and divide Poland. England and France did not want to accept this and declared war on Germany. A European conflict. By 1941, France and England had been de facto defeated by Germany. Instead of giving England the "death blow" after the Dunkirk disaster, this stupid asshole of Hitler attacked his contractor Russia-Stalin. Hitler, an idiot like this TRUMP.

After the retreat from Dunkirk, dead Englishmen requested military aid from the United States and rearmed. This U.S. interference was the beginning of WW2. The attack on Pearl Harbor by Japan - allied with Germany - was only a consequence.

The U.S. is responsible for the creation of WW2 and WW1. Anyone who doesn't realize this is an idiot.


You are the idiot, thinking that we will believe your version of history, which is false.  The US did not start WWII, Germany (along with Japan) did.  You cannot blame Poland for Germany invading them.  

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14 hours ago, Nicholas said:

     Wieder einmal beweisen Sie, dass Sie nichts weiter als ein verlogener, unehrlicher, verärgerter, indoktrinierter Kraut sind. Deutschland überfiel Polen auf Befehl des geistesgestörten und geistesgestörten Führers Hitler, dass Ihre Art Sie offensichtlich unterstützt hat, ein verlogener, unehrlicher Marxist, ein kommunistisches, linkes Stück Scheißkraut-Propagandisten.


DU kleines dummes US-Arschloch hast von Geschichte keine Ahnung und kannst nur beleidigen. "Was denn nun" ??? Marxist ?  Kommunist ? Nazi ??? DU bist zusammen mit Deinem Ficker von SPYING 1 ein widerliches Stück Scheisse.   :biggrin:


13 minutes ago, happyone said:

Sie sind der Idiot, der denkt, wir würden Ihre Version der Geschichte glauben, die falsch ist. Nicht die USA haben den Zweiten Weltkrieg begonnen, sondern Deutschland (zusammen mit Japan). Man kann Polen nicht die Schuld dafür geben, dass Deutschland dort einmarschiert ist.  


Ich habe SIE einmal für intelligent gehalten. Sorry, das war einmal. Polen war in der langen Geschichte schon immer ein "Lumpen-Staat", bis heute mit Kackschinski und Piss-Partei als EU-Geld-Schmarotzer. Heute würden diese Verbrecher nicht mehr EU-Mitglied werden.

Meine Frau kommt aus Litauen, ich habe mich mit der Geschichte vom Polen-Litauen-Doppelreich gut beschäftigt. Das Doppel-Reich ginng um 1535  bis an das Schwarze Meer - also inclusive Ukraine von heute. Danach folgten mehrfach Teilungen von Polen, weil Polen einfach arrogante Arschlöcher sind - und Auto-Diebe. Keiner mag diese Polen - auch heute nicht.

Überfall auf dieses ekelhafte Polen war ein europäischer Konflikt.. Erst diese Waffenhilfe der USA an das desolate England hat diesen Konflikt zum Weltkrieg gemacht. Wenn Sie das nicht erkennen, dann sind SIE einfach nur dumm - wie dieser widerliche "Nicholas-Ficker".

Ich erkenne keinen Grund hier im Forum "US-Politik" Geschichte zu Weltkriegen zu diskutieren. Es geht hier um diesen Verbrecher von Trump der kurz vor dem Gefängnis steht. Lass uns über den US-NAZI von Trump sprechen. DAS bewegt Deine USA - und nicht viele der alten Verbrechen der USA..




Here are the facts that StarLight28 refuses to accept.  In fact, he still believes in the Nazi propaganda that Hitler used as an excuse to invade Poland (see his comment about this in above posts) and start WWII.


The German invasion of Poland in the fall of 1939 triggered WWII. Learn more about key dates and events, causes, and related Holocaust history.

On September 1, 1939, Germany invaded Poland. To justify the action, Nazi propagandists accused Poland of persecuting ethnic Germans living in Poland. They also falsely claimed that Poland was planning, with its allies Great Britain and France, to encircle and dismember Germany. The SS, in collusion with the German military, staged a phony attack on a German radio station. The Germans falsely accused the Poles of this attack. Hitler then used the action to launch a "retaliatory" campaign against Poland.


Looking back at Nazi Germany's invasion of Poland on September 1, 1939, which marked the start of World War II.

And I don't care if you think I am intelligent or not.  Most German's are a proud people,, but your arrogance and outright lies to twist the narrative is obscene.  It must be that German historians have twisted history to deflect from the truth, and the propaganda has been continuously handed down to generations, who like you still believe it is true, when volumes of evidence point to the fact that it is not. 

Further, your statement "This idiot of Hitler failed to destroy dead England and attacked Russia-Stalin." indicates that you blamed Hitler for bumbling the war, whereby causing Germany to lose, and not become the world Nazi regime for which you obviously wished for. 

Now go get a bowl of German potato salad and reflect about what you try to convey.  :biggrin:

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22 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


YOU little stupid US asshole have no idea about history and can only insult. "What now?" Marxist ? communist ? Nazi ??? YOU and your fucker from SPYING 1 are a disgusting piece of shit.   :biggrin:


      As the old saying goes, the actual truth hurts doesn't it you obvuously leftist marxist/communist indoctrinated rather than acutualy educated kraut. That is exactly why you post the emoji smile. Make no mistake about it, the next time we have to come for your kinds psychotic mental lacking, it will be for good.

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