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US General Domestic Politics (2023) # 10 (starts 03/27/23)

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9 hours ago, StarLight28 said:



Beijing's peace initiative in the Middle East will permanently change the power structures in the region. China will not replace the US — but Beijing is now an alternative.


That's what happens when the U.S. has a weak president.:sad:

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23 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

Go to hell ,you sorry self righteous son of a bitch.  I'm tired of you telling us how terrible and evil the U.S. is, when your fucking country tried to wipe the Jewish people from the face of the earth. If Japan didn't want two A-bombs dropped on them maybe they should not have invaded China, Korea, the Philippines, and bombed Pearl Harbor.  Your talk about Japan being ready to surrender is another false rewrite of history by liberal progressive propagandists. Anyone who saw how Japanese soldiers fought to the death to defend Iwo Jima knows they would have fought even more fiercely to defend the mainland of Japan. 


Es ist bekannt das Japan im Windschatten des Krieges in Europa Pearl Harbor angegriffen hat um eigene Interessen im Pazifik-Raum durchzusetzen und damit den Europäischen Krieg zum Weltkrieg machten. Deutschland und Japan hatten einen Vertrag zur Unterstützung geschlossen. Nach der Kapitulation von Deutschland waren Japanische Militärs bereit ebenfalls "in Ehren" zu kapitulieren - nur der Tenno weigerte sich noch dies zu tun. Fakt ist jedoch das der Einsatz von Atombomben gegen Menschen durch Deine USA ein Kriegsverbrechen ohne Beispiel ist..


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21 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:


Liar. USA are traveling all over the world to create discord and to spread their system of violence. Everywhere in the world the USA has military bases - in Germany alone 14, from where acts of war, such as murderous drone attacks, are controlled. YOU and your foot troops, you are dreamers!

The USA needs conflicts abroad to distract from massive internal problems , which after Trump and the country's political divisions are even harder to solve. Trump is America's gravedigger . Soon even YOU will realize that, dreamer.



, Bill Clinton, the Bushes, and Biden got us involved in wars around the world, not Trump. So Clinton, the Bushes and Biden are the people you need to be angry with.

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11 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

This posting just shows how mean and evil you actually are, in spite of you protesting that you hate no one. A picture sometimes is worth a thousand words.


Wenn der Kopf nicht denken kann, muß der Arsch leiden. Das war schon früher so. Das hat mit "Hass" nichts zu tun - eher Mitleid. 😁


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2 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

Looks very much like hateful, violent behavior to me.


Falsch. "Sanfte Schläge" auf den Hinterkopf fördern das Denkvermögen" -war ein Spruch eines meiner Lehrer. Anstatt viele Jahre Gefängnis bei Vollpension wären 30 mal je 10 Schläge auf den nackten Arsch viel wirkungsvoller. Dazwischen Zeit seine Wunden zu kühlen. 😁


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